Night Exploration (Chapter 2)

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     Luna went outside of the house and glanced around at the night covered scenery, nighttime seemed scary to most but to Luna and some others saw the night as tranquil and mysterious. Moving forward she walked down their gravel driveway as she listened to the soft sounds of the dark forest that surrounded her. She first explored the small town before exploring deeper into the forest, there was the occasional person around but besides that Luna was by herself. She kept her hood up as she walked around, the people she saw were mainly one's working the night shift at some of the stores that stayed open all night. The gas station and a restaurant were ones that were still open. They saw her but didn't pay her much mind unless she came in. Which she didn't.

     There were a couple of houses around the town, but the majority of them were in a neighborhood that was on the opposite side of town from where her house was. Huh, it seems her house was isolated from the rest of town and the neighborhood. As to why, she didn't know. Her mother told her that her grandparents had built the house so maybe they built it away from everything so they could have their privacy? It was the only reason she could think of right now.

     Now done exploring town, she headed back to where her house was, and once at her house she went into the forest. Mentally taking note of where she was going but also taking her pocket knife and making a mark on the trees to make sure she wouldn't get lost. She also had her phone but she didn't always rely on that just in case anything happened where her phone didn't work she would have an idea of what to do.

     Continuing her way through the forest her foot got caught against a root that was poking out of the ground which made her trip and fall down a slight hill. Luna groaned as she sat up and checked herself if she got hurt. Luckily she was fine and the stuff she had on her person were fine as well. Getting up she wiped off the dirt and leaves that were on herself then she looked in front of herself and her eyes went wide as she stared at what she just stumbled across.

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