Prologue Part 2 Shattered Mirror

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Aura's narration

It all started on October 31st, with it being my next birthday in this world.

The daytime felt mostly normal, with the exception that we had to fight Eggman.....again.

What was surprising at first was the fact that after we beat the doctor, the group quickly said their farewells to me and went off afterwards.

But before I could enjoy the silence of my home in the woods, Cream came and dragged me out to go somewhere.


Normal POV

Seaside Hill

Aura tries to balance himself as the young rabbit pulled on his arm and led him through the landscape, a clear destination in mind.

The blue wolf tells her after almost tripping on a rock. "Cream...could you slow down so I do not fall over onto you?"

Cream giggles bashfully after realizing what she was doing. "Sorry Mr Aura, but I can't wait to show you what I have for you."

Aura reluctantly agrees to keep letting Cream guide him. "It is fine, just be more careful. Whatever exciting sight you have for me must be big."

The pair eventually reached a large clearing with a table underneath a palm tree.

Upon getting close enough, he was greeted with a unified crowd of voices.


All of his friends were present at the place, with balloons, streamers and a banner that read "Happy Birthday Aura".

The party guests were Sonic, Tails, Amy, Sally, Rouge, Cream, Vanilla, Bunnie Rabbot, Antione De'Coolette, Rotor, Blaze and Espio.

Aura looks around at them. "All of this....for me?"

Sonic gives a thumbs up to him. "Of course, what else would we do to remember you as our friend for 3 years?"

Tails chuckles after this. "It was either this or we have Amy drag you with us for trick or treating."

Rouge winks at Aura. "I would've enjoyed helping her with that."

Amy smirks to Tails' suggestion. "I bet I could get him to come with us tonight with one hit."

Blaze smiles at Aura. "This is the best we can do for having such a good friend."

Espio pulls out a cake knife like he would a shuriken. "Let's begin with the food while I get the candles put onto the cake."

2 hours later...

Aura had finished eating his piece of cake and unwrapped all of his presents within the hours he was there.

Most of the gifts were beautiful, though the messages they wrote on the cards left some questions to be asked.

He was certain that Cream's card looked like it was about to write something with a capital D, but she tried to cover it.

Amy's card was normal, though there was the awkward moment when everyone found out she forgot to take out of picture of Sonic when she was writing it.

Sonic's card had a few food stains...and fang marks for some reason unknown.

Other than that, everyone else's cards were normal to the open eyes.

Cream and Amy had made a necklace that they gave him to wear...and had a picture for him to remember them.

From what he felt at the time, it was the best birthday he ever had, and the gang knew it.

He was about to leave, but Sonic and Amy had insisted that he stay.

Another few hours passed, but the team still felt they should keep the party going.

Aura felt that there was something off about them today, and he knew his ears and eyes weren't deceiving him.

Usually, they would've let him go by now, but the night was approaching and everyone was still here.

Bunnie, Rotor and Antione were the first to leave, obviously tired from the extended affair.

Espio left soon afterwards, muttering something about checking on Vector and Charmy, which were friends of his that Aura never met.

Rouge left because she had to "take care of something", though Aura did see her stumble a little before leaving.

Blaze said she was running late for a ceremony her people were having, so she was next to leave.

Vanilla took Cream with her for trick or treating, wishing us well.

All that remained was Sonic, Tails, Amy and Sally, which were all tired and passed out from the party.

Aura decided to stay around still, just in case Eggman or someone else had a plan for them.

It was the biggest mistake...ever.

Little did he know that they knew about his curse, and had something planned in order to see him out in that special phenomenon tonight.

Tonight on his birthday, the purple moon came out to play.

Aura looked up and saw it, always curious as to why it came out on certain years.

It was almost 11 pm when Aura decided it was time for him to go get some rest at home, but something happened before he could leave.

Aura heard the table get knocked over, prompting him to investigate what happened.

He heard Tails, who was originally sleeping under the table, groan in annoyance. "Why here of all places? This is embarrassing."

Upon looking over the other side, he was greeted to this.

Aura's eyes widened at the sight before him.

Tails and him looked awkwardly at each other, the silence only keeping Aura's shock and approaching fear alive.

Aura then dashed away before Tails could respond, leaving dusty cloud behind.

The wolf couldn't believe what he saw back there.

His friend was a Kitsune? An Asian embodiment of a demon?

He eventually reached Sally, who was near a cliff at the moment.

Aura tells her. "Sally, there's something wrong with Tails! He turned into a Kitsune! Do you think he's been kidnapped or possessed?"

Sally looks at him. "There's nothing wrong with him..."

Aura was shocked at her answer, as well as her her sentence trailing off like it was well as her sudden painful groans she started letting out.

Sally got to her knees as her body started changing before Aura's eyes.

Her nails grew into sharp claws on her hands and feet, paired with her fangs sharpening nightmarishly.

Her hair and fur grew longer and more untamed, a large mess that was unlike the princess.

Sally's short tail grew out to match a canine's tail, followed by her muzzle barely stretching out to match a cross between a chipmunk and a wolf like him.

She eventually stopped her groans of pain, which were replaced with her howling at the moon.

Aura backed up in surprise at Sally slowly being replaced by a werewolf and chipmunk hybrid, having no choice but to run back to the party to warn Sonic and Amy.

Unfortunately, they were the same groaning mess that Sally was in, though Amy seemed to have started her's early.

When Aura went to see what happened, this thing jumped to it's feet where Amy originally was and pulled out a massive hammer.

Aura jumps backwards to avoid a swing and lands on his feet a short distance away.

This....."Werehog" then suddenly realized what she did and put her hammer away sheepishly.

The blue wolf then got his attention adverted to Sonic, who was still on his knees in pain.

He could only watch what happened next with horror.

Sonic's gloves tore apart as his shoes became bigger and with spikes.

Dark blue fur and some white fur grew all over his body, his ears becoming more pointed and his quills getting longer.

Both fangs and claws grew to monstrously sharp design, paired with his now fluffy look.

He howls loudly to the moon as his transformation is finished, before staring at Aura upon smelling him.

Aura could not believe anything he was seeing, his world shaken,

Three of his friends had lycanthropy?! And one of his other friends was a Kitsune?!

Aura then realized that they were all attempting to approach him from all sides, which led him to do what he does best: be a ninja.

He threw a bunch of smoke bombs and disappeared into the night, leaving the Were creatures to pick up a fake scent that he left behind at the scene.

Later at the woods.....

(11: 10 PM)

Aura reached his treehouse and got inside, locking the doors and windows before getting his bo staff.

Unfortunately, he doesn't recall ever getting silver, so there's no way he could fatally harm them.

All he had to do was survive until morning arrived, which was harder than he felt it would be.

He then felt Espio's presence and calls out. "You can come out now."

Espio turned visible to him and gave a quick bow. "Aura, I came to get you to safety."

Aura asked him. "I need to know what is going on. What just happened with them?"

Espio was confused at the question. "You never knew why people hide on nights like these?"

Aura shook his head, confirming that he was more lost than anyone on the planet.

Espio sighed and puts a hand on him. "At night....our world is run by monsters. Not just Were creatures.......but vampires, zombies and all other forms of the dark and undead."

Aura backs away and puts a hand to his head. "So are those 4 the only other monsters I knew?"

Espio could only answer with uncertainty. "I don't know....but there are worse things than Sonic's secret self out there that are hunting for you."

Aura asked, concerned that Cream or Blaze might become targets for the monsters. "Who are they? And what do they want with me?"

Espio was about to speak up, but a black and purple blur tackles him out of the house and onto the ground below.

Aura looked out and saw in horror as something bit into Espio's neck and started drinking his blood.

The chameleon could only let out one word before dying of blood loss.


Aura hesitantly followed his order and ran through the woods, jumping from branch to branch in an effort to distance himself from the mystery assailant.

He was almost home free in seconds, practically an arm's length from safety.

But then his path was blocked by this thing that dashed right in front of him.

The vampire hedgehog looked up and down at him, trying to analyze him.

Aura knew he had to be quick if he wanted to escape what might as well be the king of vampires.

He used a new combination of smoke bombs and firecrackers to give the power of his own flash grenades.

As the vampire was blinded, Aura dashed off into the night, desperate to find anyone who needed help.

At Cream's home...

(11:20 PM)

He arrived at their home and opened the door, worried a monster may have gotten inside.

But then he sees something that terrified him even more, if that was even possible tonight.

A dead crocodile, which he assumed was Espio's friend Vector, was on the floor, completely drained of blood like Espio.

A bee, likely Charmy, was in the same state, but it looked like it happened earlier.

And standing above Vector's body, was the two responsible for their deaths.

Aura's trust was shaken even more by the eyes and fangs that smiled back at him.

Cream and Vanilla looked happy to see him, despite the red eyes and the blood dripping from their fangs.

Vanilla smiles at him. "How nice of you to visit us after your birthday, Aura. We were just about to invite you over."

Aura looks at Cream in terror. "How could you do this Cream?! You are a child! Murder is not right!"

Cream walks towards him and kindly tells him. "But we're hungry, Mr Aura. Are you not starved after not having food for hours?"

The blue wolf could only slam the door on the vampire rabbits and run faster than possible.

At Rouge's home...

(11:30 PM)

Aura went inside without knocking, knowing Rouge was probably used to having him sneak inside.

Once inside, Aura could smell something strange coming from Rouge's basement.

At first it smelled like some kind soup or stew, but the closer he got, the more disgusting and horrible it smelled.

Aura feared what secret Rouge could be hiding, but he had to know if she was alright.

As he went down the stairs, the smell became stronger and stronger, bombarding his nose more with it.

Once he reached the bottom, he found the basement several jars filled with disgusting parts, dusty books, cobwebs and a large cauldron.

The cauldron was filled with a green bubbling liquid that was being stirred by someone.

To his surprise, immediately recognized the figure dressed in black in the room.

Rouge smirks at him. "You really need to learn to knock, hun. Don't you know it's rude to walk in on a lady while she's cooking?"

Aura just merely sprinted out of there as Rouge let out a cackle at his reaction.

Aura thinks to himself as he flees for his life. 'Is there anyone I know that is NOT a monster besides Espio?'

He then stopped to avoid crashing into a slow moving figure that was moaning loudly.

Aura wasn't exactly surprised by this next figure, but he was concerned on whether or not he should kill it before it harmed anyone.

The zombie looked like he was about to speak, but Aura wasn't having it this time.

He whacked it so hard, the zombie crashed into a garbage dumpster, knocking him out somewhat.

Aura made his way for the only friend he had left.

At Blaze's palace...

(11:40 PM)

Aura hurried inside, fearing whether Blaze was being targeted......or could possibly be a monster herself.

He pushed these thoughts from his mind as he hurried down the halls, searching every room for the princess.

Every single one was empty, even her own bedroom.

The only place he never tried was the catacombs below the castle, but he had a feeling that's where his biggest scare will be.

He grabs a torch and descends down the stairs and onto the cold and wet floor.

The place got more and more silent the deeper he walked into it.

He heard Blaze's voice calling out to him. "Aura? Is that you?"

Aura hurried his pace. "Yes. Where are you?"

Blaze answered back. "On the left at the end of the hall."

Aura sped up down the catacombs, determined to reach her and know the truth.

He could see her shadow on the wall at the end, probably coming from another torch there or her flame powers.

Aura then turned the corner to see her...

Aura was in total shock and jumped back at seeing her like this.

Blaze tries to calm Aura down. "'s not what it looks like."

Aura could only panic. "Not what it looks like?! My best friend.....was a mummy the whole time?! You kept this under wraps from me for my whole childhood!"

Blaze looks at him in worry. "Aura...please.....let me explain to you."

Aura yells at her. "No! I am done being hunted and being lied to! All of you betrayed me and have lost my trust.....permanently!"

Aura tries to make an escape, but Blaze grabs him with her wrappings, attempting to drag him over to her.

Suddenly, figure jumped in and cut the wrappings with sharp knuckles.

Aura looked in surprise at him. "Knuckles?! I thought you sided with Eggman?"

The echidna just looked at him. "Don't just stand there, run for your life and don't look back!"

Aura nods and throws his last bit of smoke bombs, fleeing with Knuckles out of the catacombs and away from Blaze's palace, with the mummified princess calling out to him in his mind.

Later at secret lair beneath a church...

(11:50 PM)

Knuckles had brought Aura to a secret organization of monster hunters called the "Dusk Guard".

They were led by an expert at hunting vampires, Fury Van Helsing.

Fury looks up and down at him. "So you're the one they're all after? I can see why you'd make perfect prey for them, your life force probably screams out how desirable it is."

Aura asks him. "Tell what is happening. Why did they choose now of all days."

Fury answered his cluelessness. "You're the Twilight Warrior.......the darkness's equivalent of the chosen one."

Knuckles adds with him. "One of the monsters who chased you casted a spell that chained you to their life force."

Aura asks. "What for? What purpose is it?"

Knuckles shrugged at this. "Don't why the guys would want you....unless they want you to be their slave or servant."

Fury crosses his arms. "If one of the ladies picked you, you're probably their soulmate."

Aura sighs in frustration. "How do we stop this?"

Fury answered with a determined and stern face. "Simple. You stay down here until we kill every last monster."

Aura felt somewhat saddened that he had to decide between letting the monsters get him or let the hunters get his friends.

Fury puts a hand on his shoulder. "Hey...I know it's tough. I lost my little sister years ago. I had to kill her to prevent her from becoming a slave to Shadow."

Aura looks at him. "How do I deal with this?"

Fury tells him. "Somewhere inside your friends.......they're begging to be freed from their curse. The only thing we can do for them is end their suffering before they go even more mad."

Just before Aura could register this new advice, a huge section of stone walls was torn off, with the vampire king Shadow standing there.

Shadow glares at Aura and Fury. "I've come for my prize."

Fury pulls out two pistols and aims at Shadow. "Hands off the civilian, demon."

Knuckles tells Aura. "We got this. Just run to anywhere safe. Steal a boat, plane or shuttle if you have to."

Fury adds with more advice. "At all costs, don't get bitten or hexed."

Aura runs away from the scene, jumping over the rubble of the church as the fight began.

He could hear gun shots behind him as Fury and Knuckles engaged the vampire in combat.

Only one thing repeated in Aura's mind over and over and over........and over.......and over.

"I need to escape..."


Reminder: None of the images I use are mine.

I only own images of my OC, like Aura and Fury.

See you in the next chapter!

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