She Wolves

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The room had been done for the purpose of entertaining other Alphas.
An office like feel with large chairs placed around a round table sat in the centre.
By the window was the Alphas desk, where he did his work. And to the side was a small sofa for Airini.
The Alphas were sat around the large table enjoying a whisky. Talking about their packs and problems with rogues.
Alpha Tony was talking about a rouge female with twin babies.
"Well i hope you threw them in the cells until you can sort it out." The rude Alpha from earlier spoke up.
"Of course not, the woman was weak and thin as well as having two babies. I had her placed in a room with constant guards." Alpha Tony said frowning.
"Did you hear any of her case before leaving?" Alpha Zane asked. "Yes, she is seeking refuge. She was mated to one of the Gammas brothers. He was an abusive male, her scars and bruises confirm this. He tried to kill the children while she was pregnant, he refused her medical treatment and she gave birth at home. When he tried to kill them again, her wolf took over and killed him. She felt that she had no choice but to run after that." 
One thing Zane hated was the abuse of pack members, his hand clenched around his glass.
" But rouges are dangerous, for all you know she could be passing information to the others out there. How could you put your pack at risk like that?"
This time Alpha Liam spoke up. "If i recall correctly Alpha Edmund. You have a daughter yourself, who has just found her mate in another pack." He spoke softly, yet the anger in his voice was evident. "Are you saying that if her mate abused your daughter and she ran away, that you would expect any pack she come across to throw her into a cell like a common criminal? Or like Alpha Tony, you would hope they would help comfort her?"
Zane smirked as Alpha Edmunds face fell, it was easy to see what his thoughts were.
Alpha Tony continued "The plan is to find out if she is a risk. If not i plan on moving her on, i have no doubt that she would want to be as far away from her old pack."
"Ask Airini, i am sure she would know what pack would be best for the she wolf." Zane offered.
Tony nodded his head in thanks just as a knock was heard on the door.
After telling the person to enter, Beta Chris enters. "Forgive the intrusion Alphas, but Alpha Zane there is something needing your attention." 
Getting up Alpha Zane follows his Beta and the other Alphas follow him.
"What is it?" He asked his Beta. "Sheila has decided to start on Airini again." Zane sighed as his wolf growled.
What the hell was she up to now?
Exiting the house he comes across Airini stood opposite Sheila and a few of her friends.
"I told you i was the better option for this pack. Yet you go round as if you were our Luna, telling me i won't be chosen. The pack want me, not some strange whore they don't know."  Sheila yelled as the pack stood around watching the slanging match.
"Are you sure?" Airini asked calmly. "What possible reason do they have for not choosing another. One they find would suit the position."  Sheila snarled "I am perfect for the position."  She screamed.
"Is that so?" Alpha Zane decided to intervene. Making his way towards the two women. "Let's find out if this is true."  He stopped and turned to his pack.
"This she wolf believes she would make the best replacement Luna. Her qualifications are, she is one of the lowest ranking in training, has no idea how to cook, acts as if she is better than others."  He listed  "Also she has a mate out there, waiting for her. And here she is trying to get a position of power. To take a mate that isn't hers. Now hands up if that is the sort of woman you want me to take as a mate."  He ordered.
Looking around, not one person put their hand up. Sheilas friends looked horrified. It was no secret that she had told people that she was mateless.
Turning back to the she wolf, Alpha Zane spoke again.
"You are dismissed from selection. I suggest you sort yourself out and find your mate. Did you honestly believe that i would interfere with the gift the Goddess gives us?"
He asked her.
Sheila stood there, red faced from embarrassment, not saying anything. Turning round Zane spoke "Now everyone dismiss, this is over." 
As everyone left Zane noticed Airini frowning at the ground. "Is everything alright?"  He asked her. Airini looked up at the Alpha. "Is the bond between mates really that strong?" She asked. "So much so that a true wolf would never dare to ruin it for others?"
Zane looked down at the she wolf and could see a hint of sadness in her eyes. "When you find yourself a mate, you will feel what it is like."  Airini nodded. "But i will never feel that awareness at first sight. Never have that feeling of finally finding them. Or.. or..."  Zane realized what she meant and gently placed his hand under her chin to lift her head slightly. "And i have never felt the slow burning of realization. To slowly find about the things that makes me fall in love with them. To realize that suddenly you become closer to them. My mate never felt pity for your kind, because you are blessed with romance. You will feel a love just as strong as ours."  He told her honestly.
Airini sighed." You are right."  She smiled. "I have been a peacekeeper for a while now. I guess it is only natural i feel a little jealous now and again."  Zane laughed and wrapped his arms around her as comfort.
Airini stiffened for a second before putting her arms around his waist and accepting his comfort.

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