The Rules

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Over the next couple of hours the other Alphas arrived with their females. Airini had been right, there were a few more like Zena.
Part of Zane was relieved, eight less to choose from. But he also worried about the reaction of his pack. He had held a meeting with his pack about this and it was agreed that the Omegas would have a pack member with them at all times.
Later that day the dinner was starting, even the females in punishment were there as it was mandatory.
The Omegas had outdone themselves, they had set the tables up into a T shape. The Alphas on one length and the other wolves sat either side of the other. It wasn't perfect but it worked for today.
Everyone sat chatting as the Omegas laid the food onto the table, Zale could already tell they had created an excellent feast for the guests. Once all the food was out the Omegas sat down and the table went quiet. Alpha Zane stood up to make his speech.
"Welcome to my pack, i hope you all enjoy your stay while here. I thank the Omegas for the wonderful food in front of us, you have done our pack proud for your efforts." He heard a few scoffs some female and Alpha alike.  "After our meal we will discuss why you are here and what is to happen. Please, enjoy your meal." With that he sat down and watched as everyone began to tuck in. Once satisfied that everyone was eating he reached out for his own food.
He watched as his pack began including the females into conversation and he couldn't have been prouder.
" Alpha Zane" His attention turned to the young Alpha sat two seats from him. A young man of twenty, with light brown hair and brown eyes. "Yes Alpha Liam?"
"I was wondering, you allow your Omegas to eat at your table. Why is that?" Zane frowned. "Do you have a mate Alpha Liam?" "I haven't met her yet" He asked confused "Can you cook?" Still confused he shook his head.
"Neither can i. The Omegas have prepared this food for us and keeps us healthy. Without them i would weaken, i would be unable to do my job in my weakened state. They are just as important as any other member. Therefore they sit at the pack table." Liam thought about it for a moment."I see what you're saying, i guess even though we don't look down on our Omegas, neither do we recognise their importance. Thank you for pointing out my fault."
Knowing that the young Alpha had only held his position for only two years he nodded. "Prehaps during the next month you would grant me an audience and we could discuss this further?" The request shocked Zane but instead of showing it he mearly nodded.
"On Come on, seriously?" Another Alpha pipped in. "It's their job to serve us." "And it is our job to protect them."
"Exactly, without us they wouldn't survive." Zane decided to refuse this Alphas females.
Thankfully the dinner soon finished, everyone stood up as his pack members cleared the tables. Once his pack left it was only him, Airini, the Alphas and the presenting females.
Standing up Zane began.  "As you are aware, you are all here because i am in need of a female to help produce an heir. I thank you for agreeing to be here, for some of you we have some mateless and widowed males. If you find a mate in these wolves i bless your luck. There are some rules for the presentation, which the Peacekeeper will now explain." With that he sat down.

Airini stood up and looked at the females in front of her.
Some, like Zena, would fail because of their superiority complex. And some, like Leoni, would fail because of their timid nature.
"You are all here for the position of replacement Luna. As females we look after our mate, care for our children. As Luna, you provide care for the pack and children. You protect them, help them in times of need.
It was decided that you all came here so that you could meet the pack and the pack could meet you."  She took a moment to look around at the females. "In saying this, it has been decided that all of you shall be treated as pack. You will be asked to prove yourselves with certain tasks at times, so we can assess your abilities.
There will be no abuse to any pack member, either verbal or physical. You and pack will respect each other.
You will be expected to join us for training, to assess your physical strength.
You will be expected to dress appropriately, as i assure you, unmated males are part of every pack and we do not wish to encourage them.
Also any ideas of seduction will be turned outof your minds now.
Any broken rule will mean instant dismissal of the candidate."
She finished before looking around. "Any questions?" Some women put their hands up. She turned to one with coppery, blonde hair. "What is that? Dress appropriately, no seduction? What kind of rule is that?" Zane smiled, knowing that the she wolf wouldn't like the answer.
"The Alpha is looking for a Luna, not a prostitute. No pack member would respect a female with loose morals"  Was Airini's reply as she eyed the very tight, short white dress the female was wearing. Gasps were heard around the table as well as couple of giggles. Zanes eyes widened, he had never heard Airini say a bad word to anyone, so to hear her speak so callously was a surprise.
"HOW DARE YOU."  The female screeched, standing up.
"If the rules are to difficult for you to follow, you are allowed to leave. As for the rest of you, we hope you enjoy being here at Alpha Zanes pack."  Airini dismissed the female, leaving her red faced from embarrassment.
It took all he had for Zane not to laugh out loud at the unfortunate female.
Once the females were dismissed, Alpha Zane invited the other Alphas to his quarters for a drink.
Just as they were leaving Airini stepped in front of them.
"Good afternoon Alphas."  She bowed her head at them all.
"Good afternoon Airini. Thank you for explaining the rules. Do you think dinner went well?"  Zane asked. Before Airini could reply another Alpha pushed in.
Alpha Logan, was quite short compared to the other Alphas. And obviously liked to over indulge.
"What was those rules about? Be treated like pack, their clothes and seduction?"  He asked arrogantly. Zane smiled at Airini, letting her know that she could answer him.
"Forgive me if you think what i say is out of turn, but truthfully you brought these females here to mate with the Alpha. If they decide to maltreat the pack, act like sluts and expect respect they do not deserve. Then truthfully, that is reflected on you. As i said, you brought these females, you chose them. In all who can respect an Alpha that made that choice? "
The Alpha went red at her words, enraged at the way she spoke to him.
"So what you're saying is no Alpha would respect another who made poor decisions?" Zane had to give it to Liam, he was quick minded.
"Exactly, though i would like to talk to you later Alpha Liam, if it is convenient."
Alpha Liam nodded his agreement. "Then if you gentlemen do not mind, i will take my leave." And with a bow, Airini left the Alphas.

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