Unexpected Visitor

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It had been two days since the day at the lake. Zane stood watching the training grounds, pacifically the women.
He had identified eighteen candidates that were worth choosing for their fighting skills. The three woman who had been rejected were not among them thankfully.
His musing was cut short when training ended and Airini spoke up.
"Ladies, today we have a child amongst us who will receive his wolf tonight" Zane remembered the boy, it was his twelfth birthday. The boy was excited to receive his wolf. His late mate believed that the Alpha should spend time with the soon to be wolves to help explain what to expect, how to handle the shift and also create a bond between wolf and Alpha. Zane had to admit the bond was stronger with the younger wolves and that was why.
"So today the candidates will be doing the preparations, cooking food and helping set up for the feast."
He was happy that Airini convinced him to continue this tradition. As she pointed out, his pack still need him to continue these things, a sense of normality of what they know. Disruption would not benefit anyone.
A few of the candidates started complaining, some looked like they wanted to say something and a few actually looked excited.
This would be the first shift since his mate died and he felt his wolf stir. Fisting his hands, he tried to think about something else. "Alpha?" His attention turned to Airini who had noticed his eyes were darker. Smiling at him she spoke again. "I may not know why you are pushing forward, but i suggest a run" Zane nodded "Come?" His one worded question showing how close to the surface his wolf was. Airini smiled and nodded her head.
Walking away from the others they went behind the tree line before stripping down and shifting. Alphas eyes completely black, showing that his wolf was in charge. Airini's eyes darker, showing that both were out.
With a yip from Alpha they took off towards the lake dodging trees and tripping each other as they enjoyed the puppy like run.
Zanes wolf was enjoying this time with the curious she wolf. Forgetting everything and enjoying the freedom running gave him.
They once again found themselves at the lake and decided to rest for a while. After enjoying a drink they lay next to each other and rest up before heading back.
Zanes wolf let his mind wander, he missed his mate terribly still. But with the help of the peacekeeper, it no longer consumed him.
For the first time he found himself wondering if he would meet his heir, his pup.
He huffed and turned his head, resting it upon Airinis head. He felt her stiffen for a second before relaxing, accepting the gesture.
They lay like that for a while until a loud howl pierced the peace they were enjoying.
They took off towards the call knowing there was a trespasser on their lands.
As they got closer Zane noticed Airinis demeanour change, she changed direction and speed up. A sense of urgency in her movements. Zane decided to follow her despite the head start she had.
It didn't take long to track her scent, but instead he found a rouge male still in wolf form. Zane growled, preparing to attack.
"No" Airinis voice stopped him as she stepped out from behind a tree. Warily he watched as she approached between her and the male. She threw shorts at both men, indicating that she wanted them to shift back.
Doing as they were told Zane took note of the man.
He was quite tall yet lanky. Long dark hair ran down his face in knots and his eyes remained black. He was covered in dirt, almost healthy looking, yet Zane could sense something different about him.
"What are you doing here Griffen?" Zane stiffened, wondering how an innocent peacekeeper knew a rouge.
The man Griffin smiled, or attempted to. It looked more like a snarl. Airini sighed and cocked her head as if listening to something, then her eyes blew wide open. "Is that even possible?" She asked, clearly shocked. The male just nodded. "Four Lunas to change the world, each different, each strong. Their history has chosen them to save us all." Both males huffed. "Alright, I will do my best to help. But you know the belief of some packs." The man just shrugged and shifted back. He stepped towards Airini ignoring the rumble coming from the Alpha. Airini smiled and rubbed the wolfs head. "Send my best to your queen and my happy congratulations. She will be a fine wolf and is probably thrilled." A huff of laughter escaped the wolf before he nodded and took off.
Airini turned around looking worried "What was that about?" He demanded. The worried look never left Airinis face. "Tell me Alpha, what is your opinion on the Black Luna?"

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