Rowlet and Litten help

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The next day, more trainers peeked into the lab window. They thought Litten looked adorable and Rowlet looked smart and tough looking. The two leaves on his neck reminded them of a tuxedo or a colledge professor, but as a Poke'mon. When, they looked at Popplio, he reminded them as a circus act and they laughed and made fun of him like the two trainers did yesterday. "Rowlet, beloved by all!" said a little girl trainer looking at Rowlett, while Popplio was being picked on. Rowlett loved the attention, but he didn't want his friend being picked on, while he was getting all the glory. He walked away and walked infront of Popplio and yelled, "Stop picking on my friend!!", knowing that no one would have heard him say it.Everyone stopped laughing and walked away, Popplio smiled and wiped the tears out of his eyes. Rowlet turned his head all the way around and smiled at Popplio and rotated it again. He watched all the trainers walk away.

Litten walked towards them and asked Popplio,"Are you okay!" he said. "Yeah!" Popplio replied. "Great!" he said. "Hey! I think I've got a wonderful idea" Rowlet said.

That day, Rowlet and Popplio were thinking of a plan to help Popplio get some attention and not like getting picked on kind of attention. He wanted Popplio to get all the glory. They thought of a great act to show off to everyone. As soon as more trainers arrived, the show started. Rowlet flew above Popplio and he made a bubble and Rowlet went inside. He jumped onto the bubble, jumped off and flipped. He landed on his tail and made a wonderful pose. Everyone watched the show. Rowlet became soaked and shook the water off it's feathers. "Boooo!" Everyone booed. "How dare you do that to Rowlet!" they yelled. Popplio started to cry. Rowlet looked at the crowd angrily and ran after his friend. "Thanks for trying, Rowlet" Popplio said, wiping his tears. Rowlet looked at his friend sadly. "Don't worry, Rowlet. Let me try" Litten said. 

Litten, walked towards Popplio and asked,"Do you want to battle me?" "But, your a fire type? You're going to get scorched if I battle you!" Popplio said sadly. "Can you at least try?" Litten replied. "Fine" Popplio finally said. Litten thought that a battle would show how strong you were. 

When more trainers appeared; they started their battle. Popplio started with water gun and soaked Litten. He was weakened, but he managed to get back up and used flamethrower and burned Popplio. Litten wanted Popplio to win the battle, to show it's toughness. Everyone watched the battle. Popplio used tackle, but Litten dodged and used ember and purposely missed him. Popplio used tackle and Litten was hit, and the battle ended. "Boo!" everyone booed again. They knew that water types had the advantage against fire types. Litten got back up and folded his ears down. He felt sad that the battle style did not work. "You try battling, Rowlet" Litten said walking passed Rowlet, but that didn't work either. There was no way Popplio was going to get any glory.


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