10) attack on the empire

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Warnings: this story is rated M for mature as it will have strong language, nudity, violence, and lemon/lime action and sexual content either by boy on boy or girl on boy contact. This story is a sequel to my first story "Moonlight Siren".

Special keys which some will be used together: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - weapons talking, italic - sirens speech, CAPS – ATTACKS, [other various speech]

Allen: wow scrlet you got to this chapter pretty quick.

scrlet: that's because I had half written it back when I had completed chapter ten as all I had to do is complete it.

Kanda (grumpily): still you have a long way to go.

scrlet: yes I know Kanda.

Lavi: I hope that everyone makes it safely through this chapter.

scrlet: don't worry Lavi, I am pretty sure that I wrote this best fitting the way that I picture Ryou in my mind.

Allen: scrletfyre claim no rights or don't claim own any thing from this series such as it characters and such...

scrlet: thanks pokerpair for the well wishes as I hope that you continue reading on!

10) attack on the empire

Daisya Berry lead Cloud Nyne and Ryou to a small in ground pond which was filled with several Koi fish that was with inside an indoor botantical garden in the adjacent green house. Cloud was to wait at the pavilion until Daisya came to get her. Ryou stripped off all of his clothing as he folded them into a small pile as he slipped into the water. His long slender Caucasian legs transformed into a light grey fish tail. Once the transformation was finished Daisya went to get Cloud. When Cloud approached the Koi pond seeing Ryou in his true form, she was almost drooling. He looked more breath taking, almost mystical. A small amount of blood dripped from Cloud's nose.

"Are you all right?" asked Daisya.

"I am fine. I will come back later on that way we can talk." stated Cloud as she took out a face cloth wiping her nose as she left quickly. Ryou looked at Daisya in confusion as the guard just shrugged his shoulders. Suddenly a small golden fairy came flying in.

[Finally I have found you both. You are a hard man to track Daisya Barry.] stated Timcanpy.

"But why would a fairy be looking for me? Who are you any way?" asked Daisya.

[I always forget to do that. My name is Timcanpy. Fo asked me to come and find you.] stated Timcanpy. Timcanpy could see Daisya's modified weapon hanging off of his side. Daisya's weapon consisted of two balls attacked to a long chain-like whip. One at each end of the chain. This raised a questioning look from Daisya. Timcanpy flew landing on a lillypad as Ryou remained perfectly still in the pond allowing Timcanpy to speak. [The gods have sensed something dark and evil is on the move as it threatens the sirens and their mates. We have been asked by the gods to go and ask those who were given power the last time to help Kanda rescue Allen to help protect the young sirens and their mates.] replied Timcanpy.

"Speaking of our potential mates... Timcanpy are they human women?" asked Ryou. Timcanpy turned his head nodding it yes.

[These woman may also possess an unusual and unique ability that they may not be aware of.] replied Timcanpy. Ryou and Daisya said nothing as Daisya lightly touched his weapon.

"Well that would explain why they have been active lately. Don't worry, you have my word that I will protect Ryou with my life." replied Daisya. Timcanpy just nodded his head as he opened up his wings leaping into the air.

[I am certain that I will see you again soo but for now my original mission has been completed. Good luck young siren.] stated Timcanpy before he flew off.

The following day Cloud came back armed with a note book and a whole bunch of questions to ask the siren. Daisya was on full alert especially with what not only Timcanpy had told him but what Emperor Alistar Kory had said. Ryou was also to figure out if Cloud could be his future mate. There were small tell tale signs but nothing definatent. Ryou admitted that there was something about Cloud Nyne that drew him to her as even Kaze could sense it.

"So Ryou, is it true that your kind can only mate with males?" asked Cloud distrubing Ryou's train of thought.

"In the past I was told that is how it was done but now... it seems that things have changed. According to my father it shouldn't matter whether they be human or not, male or female. The only thing that matters is what we feel in our hearts. Granted the six of us are all brothers and related by blood. I have heard how humans feel about sexual feelings and relations to that of your own sibilings but because we are only half human, some laws pay no rule to us." replied Ryou. Cloud listened to what Ryou was saying as she took down notes.

"So your body is specially suited to have children if you mate with a man?" Cloud asked.

"Yes my mother, the Moonlight Siren, Allen birthed us after being implanted by my father's Yuu Kanda's seed. It is almost the same way that a human female concieves her young. Once a month they come upon a cycle making them fertale. Once they become pregnant, we can carry our young for at least five months before we have to return to the ocean to birth our young. After we return back to the water we lay as many as a dozen eggs. It is up to nature to say how many of those eggs survive. As we birth the young like fish for the remainder of the time." stated Ryou. "Enough talk about you." Cloud began to blush a bright shade of pink.

"What about me? I am single, hold many doctorates in a number of different fields." replied Cloud. Ryou could hear Kaze laughing in the back of his mind. Ryou shook his head which raised a questioning look from Cloud.

"Obiviously you don't spend a lot of time socializing or with your own kind, do you?" Cloud simply shook her head no. "Why...?" asked Ryou in confusion. He couldn't understand why Cloud shut herself away from others of her own kind. Cloud let out a long sigh not sure where to begin.

"Its because people have a hard time understanding and getting to know the real me. I know so much about a lot of things but people are harder to fully understand compaired to logic." explianed Cloud. Finally Ryou understood a bit better. Humans thought that since Cloud was so smart, they thought of her to be snobbish and better than anyone else.

"Cloud... I would like to get to know you better as I am rather attracted to you." Ryou stated bashfully as Cloud blushed a bright shade of pink.

Just as things were beginning to look good for Ryou and Cloud, that's when the impossible happened. Humans began attacking the castle. They were in rage with over the siren being in their providence.

"Find the siren. Kill the siren and any who stand in our way!" yelled out a random villager.

"What's the meaning of this? What has all gotten into you?" asked Kory angerily as his guards moved in to protect the Emperor.

"Keep out of this. This is for the best for everyone. The siren must die!" shouted out another villager. Suddenly a large gust of wind blew the villagers back as Ryou stood next to Kory as his left arm looked different. His arm was completely black as it looked like a claw ith razor blade for fingers (crowned clown 2nd form).

"That's enough. I won't stand by and watch you hurt innocent people just to get to me. Wake up and realize that you are being used!" stated Ryou as he commanded the wind to keep the smell of the mermaid scales and blood from him.

"We won't listen to the likes of you!" stated a random villager. That's when Cloud stepped before Ryou.

"Listen to me all of you... an evil force is forcing you to act like this. The sirens are not our enemies or have you all forgotten what they have done for us in the past. Since then all the sirens have done is protect us. If this is how we behave towards them... we might as well let evil win." shouted out Cloud. Cloud's words seemed to touch them forcing them to drop their weapons. Ryou controlled the winds to pick up the weapons and to throw them out to sea. There was no doubt in Ryou's mind that Cloud was indeed his intended mate as he could sense the woman's power first hand.

NEXT CHAPTER...reunion

Kanda: how come Ryou didn't have a harder time with the smell of mermaid scales and blood like the others?

scrlet: its because of his power to control the winds. I figured that wind could move at his will and obey his commands keeping the scent from reaching him.

Allen: its makes sense to me.

Lavi: I wonder who is having the reunion?

scrlet: is it obvious if you think about it Lavi? Who is all left out of the young sirens to find or reunite with their mates?

Lavi (snaps his fingers): oh its... (scrlet covers his mouth)

scrlet (whispering): don't give it away you dolt!

Kanda (laughing): serves you right Lavi trying to give away too much information.

Allen: any way keep those reviews coming and telling us what you think!

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