9) the rescent human change

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Warnings: this story is rated M for mature as it will have strong language, nudity, violence, and lemon/lime action and sexual content either by boy on boy or girl on boy contact. This story is a sequel to my first story "Moonlight Siren".

Special keys which some will be used together: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - weapons talking, italic - sirens speech, CAPS – ATTACKS, [other various speech]

Lavi (cheers): yeah...  I entered and saved the day!

scrlet: now Lavi don't let it go to your head.

Kanda (sighs): too late. He's is in seventh heaven about now.

Allen: oh come on Kanda... let Lavi have his moment. Hey scrlet... what took you so long to write these chapters?

scrlet: sorry... was sick for a while and had this chapter done a head of time and started working on the next one. I am having a harder time writing this sequel compaired to others.

Kanda: then why did you do this sequel?

scrlet: it is because all of yours and Allen's fans asked for it. I decided to give it a shot even though I don't normally do sequels.

Kanda and Allen (in unison): oh...

Lavi: hey at least give her some credit to getting us to chapter ten!

Kanda (snarls): I wasn't sounding ungrateful you damn usagi!

scrlet (sighs): no boys no fighting!

Allen: scrletfyre claim no rights or don't claim own any thing from this series such as it characters and such...

9) the humans recent change

Meanwhile... Ryou the first born of the sirens was entering the capital city as he was asked to speak with the Emperor at the request of his fathers. Lately there has been a drastic change in some of the humans attitude towards the sirens has changed. Ryou was to ask the Emperor if he has noticed the same things happening in the capital. Ryou could also feel the wind's pull to the capital city as he felt that it was a good place to hopefully find his mate.

*Do you really think we will be able to find your mate in such a big and busy city?* asked the voice of his weapon, Kaze.

*To tell you the truth Kaze, I felt something the last time that we were there. I believe that my future mate will be there.* replied Ryou.

*For our sake, I hope so Ryou. I don't frankly like this feeling as it feels that something is directing the humans to attack us. Its the same premonition from the time when your fathers told you to find your mates.* stated Kaze. Ryou said nothing as he understood what his weapon was saying as he didn't reply to what his weapon said.

Elsewhere...  A young woman sat in the library with a large stack of books sitting in front of her.

"Excuse me Professor Cloud Nyne?" asked an attendant causing the woman to look up. The woman pushed back her long straight golden blond hair revealing her violet purple eyes as her bangs covered part of her face.

"Yes?" answered Cloud.

"Sorry to disturb you Professor Nyne but the library will be closing shortly." Cloud let out a long sign as she looked at the time. She didn't realize that it was so late.

"At least let me help you put these books away." replied Cloud as she gathered up her notes.

"I appreciate that Professor." replied the attendant. Both Cloud and the attendant worked quickly putting all of the books away. Ever since Cloud Nyne could remember she has been obsessed with knowledge. She could remember everything that she has ever read or heard. Her IQ was above that of a normal human being. Even though Cloud Nyne may look relatively young in age, she had graduated college and held many doctorates in many different fields. Lately Cloud has become obsessed with learning about the sirens and mermaids. Cloud has noticed lately that there has been a recent change in the humans as they begun to rapidly hate the sirens. Mermaids were all killed to become weapons to use against the sirens. It seemed that something was moving and effecting the humans causing them to behave this way. It seemed that whomever was behind this wanted the sirens out of the way.

'I don't like this as it doesn't feel right. Something is going on as I can feel it.' Cloud thought to herself as she left the library heading to the castle where the Emperor lived.

Meanwhile... Ryou was approaching the castle of the capital where the Emperor lived. The Emperor commanded and controlled all of the providence's which included the ones that both Lavi and Kanda ruled over. Once Ryou had entered the capital, he was greated by armed escorts which was there to guide Ryou safely.

"There is no need for you to go all out and protect me." stated Ryou modestly as he knew that he could defend himself using the wind and Kaze.

"Sorry Prince Ryou but its the Emperor's orders." replied the guard. Ryou brushed back his wavy above the neck length cotton white hair as part of it covered his large stormy gray eyes. Ryou let out a soft sigh as he had no choice but to take the guard. Ryou could feel Kaze lightly pulsing on his arm as they drew closer to the castle which caused Ryou to raise a questioning look.

*Kaze...what is it?* asked Ryou.

*Don't know something feels strange around here but vaguely familiar.* replied Kaze as Ryou could feel it as well.

Within the castle, Ryou approached the Emperor's thrown kneeling down and bowing his head in respect. The Emperor was a rather slender man with black hair as he had a white streak in his bangs as his jet black eyes were smiling.

"Please rise Ryou. There is no need for the formalities." stated the Emperor, Alistar Kory the third. Ryou rose to his feet smiling.

"It's nice to see you again Alistar. I assume that you know the reason to why I am here." stated Ryou. The Kory family line has been friends to Kanda before he learned the truth about what he was. Even though Alistar was the third one in his family line to take over as Emperor, he has still remained close friends with Kanda and all of the new sirens. Alistar brushed back his hair letting out a soft sigh.

"Of course I do Ryou. I have had one of my own people doing research on it. I may not fully understand what is going on here but you know that I always have your backs." replied Kory.

"And of course we are always grateful for that. But we can feel something evil is on the rise as it has been effecting humans. Now suddenly the humans hate our very existence." stated Ryou bluntly.

"We have noticed it as before your visit here, some of my own people began to protest having the siren here. This is why I have arranged for this escort." replied Kory as he snapped his fingers to have four guards approach Ryou. One of them Ryou knew as he looked shocked to see him here.

"Daisya Berry?" asked the young siren as the man looked older than he remembered but the one thing he could never forget was Daisya's weapon.

"Its nice to see you again my prince. Since I have worked with your fathers in the past and had seen what the sirens are capable of, I have been asked to be on this guard duty." replied Daisya.

"There is for someone else I want you to meet Ryou as she is one of my most promising professors. She has been doing a lot of research into your kind and the mermaids." stated Kory as he clapped his hands together as a young woman entered the room taking Ryou's breath away as he could feel Kaze pulsing even harder on his arm.

As Cloud Nyne entered the thrown room, she saw the siren for the first time in her life. He was breath taking. His soft wavy snow white hair fell down to above his neck in length, he had large stormy gray eyes, slightly pointed Caucasian ears, webbed hands as one of them was black in color, three long what looked to be gills could be seen.

"Prince Ryou may I introduce Professor Cloud Nyne. She may be young but her knowledge about things is unmatched." stated Kory. Cloud watched as Ryou grabbed a hold of his left black arm bowing his head to Cloud. Cloud bowed her head in return questioning what was wrong with his arm.

"It is nice to meet you Prince Ryou. I look forward to working with you to broaden our knowledge on the sirens."

"Please just call me Ryou... Cloud. I know that there is much humans do not know of my kind. Kory...  I wish to rest for a bit. Is there a small pool or pond that I can rest in?" asked Ryou.

"Of course Ryou. Daisya if you can please escort the prince to where he can rest." stated Kory as Daisya nodded his head.

"If you allow me to, I would like to accompany you as I wish to see your true form." stated Cloud. Ryou blushed bashfully.

"You may come but you must wait outside as Daisya will allow you to come in once I am done." replied Ryou as Daisya lead the way.

*Ryou... be careful. I am picking up strange vibes from this woman. It maybe possible that she is your potential mate.* stated Kaze.

*I know Kaze. I felt it too when I first laid eyes on her.* replied Ryou

Next chapter...attack on the empire

Kanda: wait a minute here... Kory is the emperor! I didn't see that one coming.

scrlet: since his name sounded the most regal he made the most logical choice.

Allen: I don't like the sounds of the next chapter.

Lavi: I don't think you are supposed to Allen. But I guess it plays an important part to what is going to happen.

scrlet: of course it does Lavi. I want to thank everyone whom has faved and reviewed this story so far. I will get the next chapter up as quickly as possible.

Kanda: you better scrlet or so help me... (reaches for Mugen)

Allen: bakada if you dare... I will never speak to you again (grabs a hold of scrlet)

Kanda: but Allen...

Lavi: face it Kanda... your out ruled here.

scrlet (blushing): please leave me your comments and reviews!

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