11) reunion

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Warnings: this story is rated M for mature as it will have strong language, nudity, violence, and lemon/lime action and sexual content either by boy on boy or girl on boy contact. This story is a sequel to my first story "Moonlight Siren".

Special keys which some will be used together: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - weapons talking, italic - sirens speech, CAPS – ATTACKS, [other various speech]

Allen: wow scrlet... your on a role another chapter so quickly.

scrlet (blushes): oh Allen stop flattering me. It was because this chapter was realitively easy to write as I was a bit borded at work.

Kanda: I have to admit that I am impressed scrlet.

scrlet (turns red): oh god Kanda is saying good things to me... I have to be dreaming. (Lavi hits scrlet. yells) what was that for?

Lavi: sorry impulse!

Allen and Kanda (in unision): Lavi that was just rude!

Lavi: what...!

scrlet: you ruined a perfectly good moment too!

Lavi: I said I was sorry.

Allen (sighs): Lavi sometimes you can be so dim... scrletfyre claim no rights or don't claim own any thing from this series such as it characters and such...

11) reunion

Meanwhile... Hayate was on his way to see Sakura Utsugi. His mind drifted to the very first time he had laid eyes on the girl. It was back to when he was still living in the waters with his parents. Hayate was out swimming by himself when he felt something enter the water. Looking up he could see some rubble along with a small figure and blood. Fearing the worst, Hayate flicked his fins to get a closer look. When he got close enough he could see a young girl close to his own age drowning as the blood was coming from her side. Hayate reacted quickly using his powers over the water to stop the girl forming a protctive bubble around her. Once he had the girl sacure in his arms he swam her back to the surface. Hayate brought the girl as close to the shor as possible as he had yet to master how to take on human form. He used his power to will the water from out of her lungs causing her to cough as he then tended to her gastly wound at her side. By the time he had finished healing the girl he could hear voices heading in his direction. Hayate dived back into the ocean waters never knowing if the girl was all right.

It was several years later before he was reunited with Sakura as he was several years older. Hayate could feel and sense someone watching him from the shore. He was playing in the ocean water with his brothers and Yuki Bookman. Hayate could feel like the pressence was very familiar to him. Diving underwater he disappeared to find a sacluded place to change form as he didn't bother with clothing. He walked up behind Sakura surprising the girl as he promised not to hurt her if she promised not to scream and to turn around. He had learned when his father approached that the girl lived close by and that it was Sakura that he had saved so long ago from drowning. Hayate worked with Sakura to help her conqure her fear of water because of her near drowning incident. Ever since that day his weapon, his other half Mizu awoke.

Now years later Hayate was on his way to find Sakura to tell her how he felt for her. Sakura was destined to be his mate. He had still strong feelings for the girll. A part of Hayate hoped that she still lived in the same place where he had often walked her home when she came to join the young sirens when they played in the water.

"Prince Hayate... wait up one second!" called out a familiar voice. Hayate stopped his horse to see General Cross Marian approaching on horseback which raised a questioning look to the young siren.

"General...?" asked Hayate as the man approached.

"Your fathers sent me to accompany you. There was more told to them after you all had left. According to Fo, the humans that you are destined to mate with are humans born with special powers. But they maybe unaware of that power." replied Cross. This caused Hayate to look at the general in shock.

"If it as you say General Cross, then this raises things to a new level. Lets hope that we can find Sakura." replied Hayate as he urged his horse to move.

Sakura was outside tending to the garden as she listened to the sound of the waves crashing close by. She still lived where she had grown up as a little girl as she now looked after her younger brothers and sisters after her parents death. Working in the garden she felt a close relationship with the plants that grew. She discovered this ability shortly after she met the siren of water, the young Prince Hayate. She had fallen deeply in love with the young siren when she had discovered that it was thanks to him that she was still alive as she nearly downed as a little kid. Ever since then she has loved the ocean. She could fell the plants telling her that somebody was heading her way as the cherry blossoms began to fall from the trees. Sakura rose to her feet as two men approached her small house. One she recognized almost instantly no matter how much time passed. Hayate was just as she remembered him. His long deep indigo blue hair was tied back into a low ponytail showing his pointed Caucasian ears and the three gill marks on the side of his neck. His sky blue eyes shined brightly full of life as his left black hand gripped the horses reigns. Sakura turned a bright shade of pink as Hayate lept down from his horse walking over to Sakura.

"It has been a long time Sakura." he stated as the young woman came running up towards him wrapping her arms around the siren. Tears were in her aqua green eyes. Sakura could feel Hayate brushing her dark magenta hair which hung loosely on her shounders. Her long golden blond bangs hanged loosely in front of her face.

"I always knew that I would see you again." she cried into Hayate's shoulders. General Cross still sat on his horse unmoving as Hayate allowed the woman to cry.

After a while Sakura finally stopped crying as Hayate lifted her face to meet his as he leaned in kissing her fully on the lips. Sakura's eyes went wide at first before she began to relax into Hayate's deep kisses. She felt likle she was drowning again in the siren's kisses. After a few minutes they broke apart as Sakura was blushing a bright shade of pink as she watched Hayate getting down onto one knee.

"Sakura Utsugi... you mean the world to me as I have loved you for a very long time. I want for you to become my mate." stated Hayate. Sakura felt as if her breath had left her. She couldn't believe the words that she was hearing from Hayate.

"I love you to Hayate. I have loved you ever since I first meet you. But I thought..." Sakura stated as Hayate placed a single finger on her lips.

"Doesn't matter. We can mate with whomever we hold dear in our hearts. They could be human, male or female. We hold no duristiction for whom we love." stated Hayate. This cause Sakura to hug the siren tightly.

"Of course I will become your mate!" she cheered. Hayate could feel Mizu pulsing lightly on his arm.

*Hayate... she indeed has a power as I believe that she is somewhat conscious of it. I suggest that you tell her about what is going on.* stated Mizu.

*If that is what your suggestion Mizu then I will tell her. We should head back to castle quickly as I feel that something has happened to the others.* replied Hayate.

*I feel that you may be right.* stated Mizu.

NEXT CHAPTER... revelations

Allen: wow scrlet... that was so sweet.

scrlet: I know, I feel that I have out done myself with this chapter.

Kanda: but are you cryptic much?

scrlet: not at all Kanda. I thought that I would have the sirens, all of the sirens be able to sense that something had happened to the others which sets the scene for the next chapter.

Lavi: revelations... I guess (stops short) sorry... not going to give it away!

Kanda (griping Mugen): you better usagi!

Allen: any way I like to see what your readers think of this chapter.

scrlet: that is a good one Allen... so please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think!

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