12) revelations

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Warnings: this story is rated M for mature as it will have strong language, nudity, violence, and lemon/lime action and sexual content either by boy on boy or girl on boy contact. This story is a sequel to my first story "Moonlight Siren".

Special keys which some will be used together: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - weapons talking, italic - sirens speech, CAPS – ATTACKS, [other various speech]

Allen: wow chapter thirteen...  how far are we going scrlet?

scrlet: don't know Allen. I guess that I will continue to write until I come to an end. Who can tell when that is.  (sighs): anyway... I claim no rights or don't claim own any thing from this series such as it characters and such...

12) revelations

Meanwhile back in the Greffon Providence ruled by Prince Yuu Kanda, Kanda awaited with his mate Allen along with the twins Shinji and Kenji for the other sirens to return. General Froi Tiedoll acted as the twins body guard until the twins could fully awaken their weapons true form. Both Shinji and Kenji were the only ones who had mated out of the sirens besides their fathers Allen and Kanda. Kanda and Allen didn't tell the twins what it takes to fully awaken the true form of their weapons. Thw two older sirens knew that the weapons would awaken when they felt the need to, no sooner. While they were waiting, the four sirens could sense that something was wrong. This caused Shinji and Kenji to worry.

"Don't worry you two. I am certain that they are fine. All we can do right now is hope that they are safe and that they have found their mates." stated Kanda.

"Your father is right. This is something that we will all over come. We have to just wait until they return." added Allen.

"If you say so." replied the twins in unison. The twins could tell that their fathers were worried as well. But for the sake of the providence and duty, they couldn't rush off to help their sons. This was something that they had to do on their own. The twins fully knew what was happening thanks to Fo coming and alerting Kanda and Allen on the problem. But what of the others? Allen gripped Kanda's free hand squeezing it tightly.

{Please Lord Poseidon and Lord Neptune. Keep my sons safe!} Allen prayed.

Meanwhile in the Amoresin Providence, Miranda Lotto and Suman Dark waited among the shore line for Izark to return. The siren of earth had been deep underwater for what seemed like a couple of minutes. Suman advised Miranda to make sure that she had gotten all of the powder off of her.

"Why is that?" asked Miranda as she shivered as she was soaking wet while Suman was building a fire. Her hair fell out of its bun hanging in loose waves around her face.

"That powder isn't powder but ground up mermaid scales. Mermaid scales, flesh, and blood majorly weaken all of the sirens and causes them to reveal their true form as you have all ready witnessed first hand." replied Suman. Miranda said nothing as she slipped back into the cold water. Meanwhile deep down within the ocean water, Izark was finally coming around as he could hear the voice of his weapon Tsuchi calling out to him.

*Izark...Izark...can you hear me?*

*Tsuchi...?* Izark asked in question.

*Thank goodness I was finally able to reach you. You had me worried.* replied Tsuchi.

*I am fine Tsuchi. I am sorry that I worried you. Speaking of worry... Suman and Miranda must be worried as well.* stated Izark as he removed his torn pants allowing his tail to freely move. Izark got out of his clothing as they constricted his movement since he was in mer form. Once free, Izark swam up for the surface. 'I hope that those two are all right. All I can think is of is Timcanpy's warning. Something is after us, the sirens who control the elements. I don't have to worry so much about Suman but if what Timcanpy says is true then Miranda could be in danger as well. Even though I have just met her, I feel like I have known her all of my life.' Izark thought to himself as he swam.

{Then there is no doubt. The human Miranda Lotto is your life mate. Her power is jinxes as she has the ability to control luck and alter fate.} stated a voice. This caused Izark to stop suddenly as he didn't recognize the voice.

{Who...are you...?} he called out. The voice seemed to laugh. There was two distinct voices as Izark felt like he knew them but he didn't.

{Surely Allen did tell you about us.} replied the other voice. When the voices mentioned his mother's name, Izark knew whom was calling out to him.

{You are the gods of the ocean and sea. Neptune and Poseidon.} answered Izark.

{Correct young Izark. You must tread carefully as the evil force is growing far stronger. Soon our voices won't reach you any more. We suggest that you tell the human everything before its too late.} replied the gods.

{I will heed your advice. Thank you.} replied Izark as she continued up to the surface.

Elsewhere in the Dayman Providence, Lavi Bookman and his daughter Yuki sat by a small lake as they awaited for the siren of fire, Ashitaka to come back around. Yuki looked at the mer with worry in her eyes.

"He will be all right. If Ashitaka is anything like Kanda, he will fight through this no matter what." Lavi stated as he pulled his daughter close wrapping his arm around his daughter's shoulder.

"I know that dad. I am just a bit worried that's all. Oh... Ash asked me to become his mate and I accepted." stated Yuki.

"I figured as much. You two were close as kids that I knew that you loved him." stated Lavi. This caused Yuki to look at her father in shock.

"You knew all of this time?"

"Yuki... I was young once and in love. I didn't have the approval to marry your mother because of my station. But we made people realize how much we were in love and how deeply we cared for each other. I knew Lenalee back when I was a young child a bit older than you where when you first met Ashitaka." stated Lavi.

"So you approve of me being with Ash?" asked Yuki. Lavi hugged his daughter closer placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Of course I do Yuki. I am certain that your mother would approve as well. Did you ever think part of the reason why you have your powers is because of him?"

"I thought it was because of you and the gods giving you the power help Kanda rescue Allen." stated Yuki.

"Yes that's one part of the reason. The other is yours and Ashitaka's love for each other." replied Lavi. Yuki looked at her father as it seemed that he knew something.

"Dad... what do you know?" asked Yuki.

"Sorry Yuki, I don't think its my place to tell you. But, I guess that I have to considering what happened." sighed Lavi.

Meanwhile within Capital City, Ryou caused his weapon Kaze to revert back into its normal form. Ryou looked almost worn out as Cloud caught the young siren in her arms.

"Cloud...?" Ryou asked weakly.

"Its all right Ryou, I have you. That was amazing! I had no clue that was your power." stated Cloud. Daisya came over taking Ryou from Cloud as he picked up the siren into his arms.

"We need to get him to the Koi pond as he is visibly exhausted from using his powers. He might not be able to maintain his human form for long." stated Daisya as Ryou wrapped his arms around the guard.

"Please look after him Cloud. He may be the only hope for this world." commanded Kory.

"As you command Emperor. I shall not leave his side until he is better." replied Cloud as she and Daisya left Kory to bring Ryou to the Koi pond.


*Sorry Ryou. I didn't plan for us to be this weak. I think that some of the smell had gotten to us.* replied Kaze.

*Its all right Kaze, at least nobody got hurt. But I still need to tell Cloud about her involvement in all of this.* stated Ryou.

*Right now we are far too weak. Give me a while to recoup our strength.*

*I understand that Kaze but I know that you felt it too. That woman's power. We are connected her and I. I could feel it.* stated Ryou. Ryou could feel his clothing being ripped from his body as he was placed gently into the water. He could feel his breathing switch instantly to his gills as he tried not to shutter in pain when he transfromed back into mer form.

{Then there is no doubt that the human Cloud Nyne is your life mate. Her power is her sharp intelligent mind and her voice which cuts through the hearts and minds of those around her.} stated voices.

{Lord Neptune and Lord Poseidon?} asked Ryou in question.

{Ah so one of the young new sirens have heard of us. You must tread very carefully Ryou. The evil force is growing far stronger as very soon our voices won't reach you any more. You must tell the human everything before its too late.} stated the gods.

{I will that is a promise.} replied Ryou as he allowed the water to fill his lungs as he fell into a peaceful sleep.

Meanwhile back in Greffon Providence, Sakura Utsugi sat in front of Hayate, the siren of water as General Cross Marian rode besides them. Hayate was gently telling his mate Sakura what was happening and how she fit into all of this.

"It sounds impossible to believe Hayate. How can an ordinary human like me possess power? How can you be certain?" asked Sakura. Hayate said nothing as he placed his black left hand on her hands closing his eyes allowing his magic to surface. Hayate could feel Mizu pulsing as he could feel something foreign to him. It was as if he could feel and sense every plant around them. Hayate could feel energy flowing through Sakura that she was not fully conscious off. Hayate removed his hand and he opened his eyes.

"I can sense it. Your not fully conscious of it but I could feel your power. Its far different from my own. This is possibly one of the reasons why you are my mate." replied Hayate.

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it Miss Utsugi. The sirens are magical creatures created by the gods to protect the elements and this world. It would only make sense that those they mate with to have some kind of magical ability similar to theirs." stated Cross. Sakura let out a soft moan for a reply.

"But why tell me all of this Hayate?"

"Its because Mizu suggested that I tell you. It believes that you are somewhat conscious of your power. As my mate whatever is coming after us will becoming after you as well. I don't wish for anything to happen to you as I care for you deeply." replied Hayate.

"Mizu?" questioned Sakura as Hayate held out his left black hand.

"Its the name of my weapon, the other half of me, my black hand." replied Hayate. Sakura sighed a bit still confused by what was Hayate talking about. Once again Hayate placed his left hand on Sakura's hand. Sakura could feel the hand pulsing like a heart beat. She could feel like someone was calling out to her in her mind. It almost sounded like the water was calling out her name, whispering it gently. Sakura closed her eyes listening to the sound.

*Sakura Utsugi, it is nice to finally meet you. I am Mizu, the weapon, the other half of Hayate.* stated a voice deep within her mind. This caused Sakura to open her eyes suddenly looking at Hayate in shock as the siren laughed lightly.

"Don't worry... I will explain everything!" stated Hayate.

NEXT CHAPTER...the evil force

Lavi (crying): wow scrlet... that was such a touching moment that I shared with my daughter.

scrlet (hands Lavi a tissue): I wasn't planing to have all the sirens in one chapter but it made sense for me to tell my readers what was going on since everything was happening all at the same time.

Allen: it is nice to see that everyone is safe.

Kanda: I agree... so this evil force? Any ideas on what it is going to be?

scrlet (shruggs shoulders): not really. I would like my readers thoughts on that one as I have some idea but I want to see what they think.

Lavi (blows his nose): so we suggest that you give us your comments and reviews as quickly as possible.

Kanda (yells): Lavi that's just gross. You could have waited to do that!

Allen & scrlet (laughing. in unison): come on Kanda... that is typical of Lavi.

Lavi: what... is?

Kanda (sighs): che... how much more do I have to put up with this?

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