13) the evil force

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Warnings: this story is rated M for mature as it will have strong language, nudity, violence, and lemon/lime action and sexual content either by boy on boy or girl on boy contact. This story is a sequel to my first story "Moonlight Siren".

Special keys which some will be used together: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - weapons talking, italic - sirens speech, CAPS – ATTACKS, [other various speech]

Allen: hey scrlet... aren't you moving a little too fast?

Lavi (nodding in agreement): yeah... some of the sirens have yet to spend any time with their mates as you aren't allowing them quality time with their mates.

scrlet: sorry guys... but I had put this force on hold for thirteen chapters all ready. Besides this was the perfect opportunity to do something devilish in chapter fifteen. (grins wickedly)

Kanda (sweats): oh no...  I know that look scrlet. You are not planning what I think you are planning?

scrlet (grins): depends... Since nobody got back to me on their thought about the evil force I had decided to go with my original plan.

Allen: I am almost afraid to ask what that is...

scrlet (sighs): its nothing bad mind you Allen but I decided to use several Yu-gi-oh playing cards that I own for the evil villains in this story as after I give my readers a bit of description, I will tell them what cards I am using.

Allen, Kanda, & Lavi (in unison): ...villains... as in more than one?

scrlet: correct! There is one big boss whom controls the other four as I will have a total of five villians. I figured that I couldn't have only one villain as I wanted one big evil boss for like near the end and the little bosses for in between things.

Kanda: sounds like you have been playing one to many video games but I think I understand where you are coming from. Since there are six young sirens and two older sirens... you wanted to have things a little bit equal so, you came up with five villains.

scrlet (smiles and hands Kanda a cookie): correct Kanda! It was the only thing I could do since I didn't want to use the same villains from the first story since they were all killed.

Allen: good and lets keep them that way please scrlet.

Lavi: I hate to agree with Allen there but, I guess you all ready have an idea of what you are doing. We just have to trust you.

scrlet: thanks Lavi. I claim no rights or don't claim own any thing from this series such as it characters and such...

13) the evil force

While the sirens were with their mates, the evil force was growing in power as it was about to be born onto the world. The skies began to darken as black thunder crashed within the dark gray clouds. The winds howled angrily as the earth shook. A nearby volcano within the Norami Providence erupted as five fire balls landed onto the ground. The lava and fire melted off revealing five bodies that didn't look at all human in design.

The first was a very large creature with blue and black dragon wings. The creature looked like a dark god with purple muscles and blue armor as it had all red eyes with no visible irises and/or pupils (Raviel, Lord of Phantasms).

The next to emerge was a human looking scarab of black, coral, and dark red colors with all lime green eyes with no visible irises and/or pupils (Elemental Hero Neos)

Next to emerge was a creature which looked like a combination of various creatures. It had tattered black and pale pink bird wings, a long reptilian black and purple tail, its left hand looked like an eyeless dinosaur head, as it had a human body of black and pale pink with all white eyes with no visible irises and/or pupils (Destiny Hero - Plasma).

The next to arise was a dark human-like dragon with a skull for a face. Its large razor-like metallic wings rested against its bulky black body as its lime green eyes with no visible irises and/or pupils sneered angrily (Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World).

Finally the last creature looked like a combination of human, rock, and gargoyle all mixed together (Evil Hero Dark Gaia). Once the five where completely formed, four of them knelt down onto one knee in front of the god looking creature.

"Hail Lord Raviel." the four spoke in unison. Raviel opened up his wings wide as his tail thrashed angrily by his side.

"Ah... Neos, Plasma, Reign, and Gaia. You four have been born to serve me once again. It has been far too many centuries since I have last walked this world. This time we will have total control over this world once we have destroyed the sirens." stated Raviel.

"We will not fail you Lord Raviel." the four replied in unison.

"You best not. Unlike that human, Earl...I will not tolerate failure lightly." stated Raviel.

"Permission to speak Lord Raviel?" questioned Neos as Raviel nodded his head. "Why in the world would you use a human any way?"

"It was a slight over look on my part. I didn't take into an account on him becoming drunk on power and that he wanted the sirens power as his own,. For one thing, I am partly glad that the sirens had killed him." replied Raviel.

"Lord Raviel... do you wish us to kill the sirens right now?" asked Gaia.

"Not yet. First lets see about gaining our strength and power. If we attack them head on so shortly after being reborn, I have a feeling that we will fail. We also don't know if any of them have mated and awakened their weapons." replied Raviel. The five knew that they had no way of telling for certain what the sirens have managed to achieve. Their best course of action was to proceed with caution.

NEXT CHAPTER...mating cycle

Allen & Kanda (in unison): scrlet... don't tell us that the next chapter involves what we think it does!

scrlet (laughing): yes... it does. There is a method to my madness!

Lavi (shutters): god she is scary when she is thinking evil thoughts!

scrlet (laughing): the best part is that none of you know whom is the ones that I will have this happening to!

Allen, Kanda, & Lavi (in unison): gods help us... she is on a evil rampage!

scrlet (grinning): come on I dare you to take a stab at what is going to happen next. None of you have any clue of what I have planned.

Allen (sweats): um...Kanda... can I worry now?

Kanda (holding Allen close): its all right Moyashi. I will protect you.

Lavi: I am beginning to think that scrlet has been possessed. Is there someone out there whom can help us?

scrlet (grins, laughing): you are all beyond help!

Kanda (sighing): gods help us... and please leave us your comments and reviews telling us what you think.

Allen (whispering): Kanda... I am scared! (scrlet rampaging in background laughing and grinning evilly)

Kanda (whispering): it will be all right Allen.

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