21) earth, wind, and water

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Warnings: this story is rated M for mature as it will have strong language, nudity, violence, and lemon/lime action and sexual content either by boy on boy or girl on boy contact. This story is a sequel to my first story "Moonlight Siren".

Special keys which some will be used together: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), -weapons speech-, [other various speech], bold - weapons talking, italic - sirens speech, CAPS – ATTACKS

Allen: wow... another chapter done so quickly. Why is it that I feel that you are winding down scrlet?

Kanda: yeah... what is up with that?

scrlet: sorry to say it but I am. I am starting to reach a point where I can't think anymore. This sequel was much harder to write than the only other one that I did. But please don't worry fans... I will work on this story till I reach the final end.

Lavi: well that is good to hear! scrletfyre claim no rights or doesn't claim own any thing from this series such as it characters and other things...

20) earth, wind, and water

Both Izark and Ryou had finally returned back to the Greffon Providence as their fathers sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness that you are both all right. We were worried that something had happened to you both." stated Allen wiping the tears away from his face as they transformed into small gems.

"We are both fine mom. Just some complications came up." both Izark and Ryou replied in unison.

"What sort of complications?" asked Kanda.

"We were attacked by humans as they seemed to be controlled by an evil force." stated Ashitaka. This caused the two older sirens to look worried.

"This does not bode well. When our weapons warned us of the up coming threatm, they never said that it would be from the very humans that we are trying to protect. Clearly this Lord Raviel wants to see us destroyed. But what in the world is his end game?" asked Kanda.

"Unfortunately both Neptune and Poseidon couldn't give us much advice as whatever was happening was also affecting them." stated Ryou.

"That isn't good!" stated Allen.

"Never the less, we just have to be very careful. There is no telling what is going to happen." stated Kanda as all of the sirens nodded their heads that they understood. "Now I think it is about time that we have been introduced to everyone." he added speaking about Cloud and Miranda. Everyone introduced themselves to Cloud and Miranda, including those whom where whose mates.

Now that all of their sons had returned home, both Kanda and Allen could work with them in furthering their skills and powers but, there was only one small problem. Ryou, Izark, and Hayate haven't fully mated yet allowing their weapons to awaken.

*If we don't act quickly then those three may not awaken in time. Its bad enough that this threat came and attacked us when we least expected it. I don't like the feel of this. Who knows what this Raviel has planned for us.* stated Mugen.

*But human women cycles are not as predictable. We will just simply have to wait. I just don't like what Izark and Ryou had told us about the gods. It bears the same mark as what happened with the Earl. I have a really bad feeling about this.* added Noah. Suddenly a small golden fairy flew into the room.

"Tincanpy what in the world are you doing here?" asked Kanda.

[I came to offer my help. Also I may be the only one whom can communicate with the gods. They have sensed and noticed your delema. I am to see if I can help speed things up for the human women. I know that usually it is your weapons call of when to activate but desperate times call for desperate measure.] stated Tincanpy.

*Then do what you must Tincanpy!* replied both Noah and Mugen in unison. Tincanpy nodded his head as he flew off quickly to find the three sirens whom had not fully awakened yet.

Hayate was with Sakura working on developing and learning about her powers. Hayate panted visibly weakened from the training.

"Hayate perhaps you should take a break. You can't continue on like this." stated Sakura.

"Perhaps you are right Sakura." stated Hayate as he sat down taking a breather. Neither Sakura and/or Hayate noticed that Tincanpy had entered the room. Tincanpy flew to a spot where he wouldn't be noticed.

[I hate to do this but I have to in order to make sure that they have a chance against this evil threat. Forgive me for what I am about to do.] Tincanpy whispered as he allowed his magic to flow freely into his hands. [SPIRITUAL AWAKENING!] stated Tincanpy as he blasted both Hayate and Sakura with the spell. Neither one of them had felt it. [Its done now to move onto the next two.] Tincanpy thought to himself as he flew off to find either Izark and/or Ryou.

Tincanpy had found both Ryou and Cloud in the castle's libary reading books.

"There is so many books. I never thought I would find so many books. There is even a book here about the mermaid race." stated Cloud.

"That was written by my mother the Moonlight Siren. Seeing how he knows the most about the mermaids race. There are a lot of things that many humans don't know about our kind." replied Ryou.

"I have devoted my whole life to research on the mers and the sirens. I never thought that I would find a book like this actually existed." stated Cloud. Tincanpy flew to a spot where he wouldn't be noticed. Once again he allowed his magic to flow freely to his hands.

[SPIRITUAL AWAKENING!] Tincanpy whispered as he blasted both Cloud and Ryou with the spell. Neither of them fel and/or noticed the spell had hit them. [Now onto the last ones.] stated Tincanpy as he flew off.

Tincanpy had found both Izark and Miranda spending time together in the garden.

"It sure is beautiful here. I could see why you like it." stated Miranda.

"I have a special affinity to the earth itself. I come here to collect my thoughts and to recoop my powers." stated Izark.

"Bit it still is nice to see things like this in the world. I take it that you took care of this garden." stated Miranda.

"In my free time yes, I often come here to plant new seeds." replied Izark.

"Perhaps I could help you out if I can. I don't know how good I will be at things like this." Miranda stated shyly. Tincanpy flew to a spot where he wouldn't be seen. Once again he allowed his magic to surge forth.

[SPIRITUAL AWAKENING!] whispered Tincanpy as he blasted both Izark and Miranda with the spell. Neither one of them noticed what had happened. [Well I have done all that I can do the rest is up to them.] Tincanpy thought to himself as he flew off to rejoin Kanda and Allen.

NEXT CHAPTER...awakening

Kanda: why is it that I feel the next chapter is going to be a major lemon?

scrlet: perhaps it has something to do with the title and the spell that Tincampy casted.

Allen: it was nice how you allowed those three some time with their mates before you forced them to go through with the mating cycle.

scrlet: why thank you Allen. I do try!

Lavi: it seems that we are getting ever closer to the end so keep on reviewing and leaving your comments with us telling us what you think!

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