4) going out into the world

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Warnings: this story is rated M for mature as it will have strong language, nudity, violence, and lemon/lime action and sexual content either by boy on boy or girl on boy contact. This story is a sequel to my first story "Moonlight Siren" as both this story and the first story is completely my own idea.

Special keys which some will be used together: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - weapons talking, italic - sirens speech, CAPS – ATTACKS, [other various speech]

Allen (begins to cry): gods they grow up so fast.

Kanda: hey scrlet... is it truly necessary for all the time jumps?

Scrlet: of course it is. But this is the last time jump that I have in mind.

Lavi: so what team ups do you have in mind?

Scrlet: oh you will find out later on.

Allen: so you don't plan on revealing it?

Kanda: knowing scrlet, she already has a plan.

Scrlet (blushes): oh you flatter me Kanda! Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews to tell me what you think.

Lavi: scrletfyre claims no rights to any of the characters or the D.Gray-Man series.

4) going out into the world

The six young sirens were now eighteen to twenty years old as they had finally reached full adulthood. The six sons stood in front of their parents whom were so proud at how much they had all grown. The time had come for the six to head out into the world. Both Ryou and Izark had yet to find their life mates while both Ashitaka and Hayate had to tell the ones that they had fallen in love with how they felt. The only ones who have fully mated were the twins Kenji and Shinji.

"We are so proud of all of you. Now you will all go out into the world to continue on with the siren line." stated Kanda.

"Always be sure that you also listen to the voice of your other halves as your weapons there to help you." stated Allen as he tried to hold back his tears.

*Beware... a great threat lingers ahead. It threatens all the sirens and their life mates.* stated their weapons warning them all in a haunting voice. All of the sirens had heard this unsure of what threat could not only threaten them but also their life mates.

*Mugen can you tell us more?* asked Kanda.

*Sorry Yuu... Not even I can tell what this threat is but I can tell that it is far more dangerous than the Earl.* replied Mugen. Upon hearing this both Allen and Kanda let out a curse. The young sirens had heard the story about their parents battle against the being known as the Earl and his millennium group. The six knew that this would only raise their parents concern.

*Not to be a bearer of even more bad news but until all of the sirens have from their life mates and actually mate with them causing their weapons to fully awaken their full powers. We alone won't be able to stop this threat.* stated Noah.

*Its truly that bad Noah?* asked Allen. Noah said nothing but all of their weapons could sense it. Without further word four of the sons left the castle heading out to find their mates. Allen and Kanda never told their sons what it takes to awaken their sons what it takes to awaken their full power contained within their weapons. Shinji and Kenji were the only ones who remained within the castle. Seeing how they were the only two whom didn't need to find their mates, they didn't need to go anywhere.

"Mom... dad... how can we awaken the full power of our weapons?" asked the twins in unison.

"Sorry Shinji and Kenji. Only your weapons know that answer as they are the only ones who can awaken that power. I believe that they know when you will be ready to have that power. I don't think that they will awaken until the others have found their mates." replied Kanda.

[He's right so have some faith. Besides there are others whom can protect you.] stated a female voice. A small fairy that Kanda recognized flew before him as it landed onto the arm of the chair that Kanda sat in.

"Fo its good to see you again. What brings you here?" asked Kanda. The small creamy white skinned fairy brushed back her aqua green hair aside out from her large red eyes. Her transparent dragonfly wings folded against her back.

[Do you remember when I gave those who went with you to rescue Allen a special power?] asked Fo.

"How can I forget?" asked Kanda.

[Well...that power never left them.] replied Fo.

"Wait one second this power, Fo can it be passed on?" asked Allen as Fo nodded her head yes.

"Then that would mean that Yuki, Ash's intended mate holds a special power." stated Shinji in shock.

[She's not the only one. All the females that your sons are destined to mate with have a special and unique power. They are kind of like you Kanda before you learned that you were a siren. But they are not sirens only humans born with special powers.] replied Fo.

"Fo... do they know this?" asked Kanda as she shook her head no.

[They each know that they are a little different from other people but, they don't know the reason why.] replied Fo.

"Then there is a special reason to why you are here. You have to tell them about this." stated Kanda.

[I know that both General Cross and General Tiedoll are still here within the castle. But Bookman, Dark, and Barry are no longer here.] stated Fo.

"Do you think you will be able to find them all by yourself?" asked Kenji.

[I am not alone in this as I have help. Come out Timcanpy, there's nothing to be afraid of.] yelled out Fo.

A small fairy with large golden feathered wings flew into the room before landing on the room before landing on the arm rest of the chair that Fo was on. This fairy was different than Fo as it had medium length curly mop top golden blond hair. He had large rather golden yellow eyes and a long lion's tail with a feathered end rather than fur. Timcanpy hid behind Fo a bit afraid.

[Come on Timcanpy there is nothing to be afraid of. These people won't hurt you.] stated Fo.

[Its not that Fo. I am afraid that they will make fun of me because of my wings and tail.] whimpered Timcampy. Allen could understand Timcanpy's fear better than anyone as it was the same way the mermaids used to pick on him.

"There is nothing wrong with you. The gods are the ones who design us as every so often he creates a being that is very different from all others. This being has a very special purpose that the gods have bestowed upon them." stated Allen. Timcanpy looked at Allen wide eyed.

[I never thought of it that way. I guess that I shouldn't let the other fairies tease me so much because I am unique.] stated Timcanpy as he looked much happier.

[You see Tim... I told you. Now if you are ready, I need for you to find two humans. Suman Dark and Daisary Barry. These two humans possess a unique power given to them by the gods. You may end up find close to the sirens.] stated Fo.

[I am to tell them to guard the sirens because of something that threatens them.] stated Timcanpy as Fo nodded her head yes. Timcampy didn't waste anything as he flew off quickly.

[I will go to Lavi and warn him. Kanda can you talk to the two generals?] asked Fo.

"Of course Fo. Leave it to me. I believe that my son Ashitaka went towards the Dayman providence in which Lavi Bookman lives with his wife Lenalee Lee and their daughter Yuki Bookman." stated Kanda.. Fo simply bowed her head taking off.

NEXT CHAPTER...the jinxed woman

Allen, Lavi, and Kanda: ......the jinxed woman? Who in the world is that?

Scrlet (smiles): I guess you have to wait to find out.

Allen (shutters): oh no she has that look on her face!

Kanda (gripping Mugen): oh no you don't scrletfyre! The last time you had that look on your face it meant bad news for Allen and me!

Scrlet (grins even more): whom says it has anything to do with you Kanda?

Kanda (yells): oh hell no! You are not going to do anything to harm my sons!

Scrlet (sticks tongue out at Kanda): like you can do anything about it!

Kanda (unsheathes Mugen. Yelling): scrletfyre!

Lavi (sighs): oh boy... this may take a while. Please be sure to leave your comments and reviews with us to tell us what you think!

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