6) trials & tribulation

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Warnings: this story is rated M for mature as it will have strong language, nudity, violence, and lemon/lime action and sexual content either by boy on boy or girl on boy contact. This story is a sequel to my first story "Moonlight Siren".

Special keys which some will be used together: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - weapons talking, italic - sirens speech, CAPS – ATTACKS, [other various speech]

Kanda (yelling): what took you so long scrlet?

scrlet: sorry Kanda as I apologize to all of my fans. It took me a little longer to write this chapter as I was having problems putting my thoughts into words. Plus my schedule has been a little busier than usual.

Allen: calm down Kanda. Be grateful that she got this chapter up at all.

Lavi: that's right Yuu. If you think you can do better why don't you write it?

Kanda: hell no...

scrlet: so then stop complaining Kanda. I hope to get the next chapter up as soon as humanily possible. Once I get one of my other stories finished I plan to focus mostly on this one.

Kanda: you do realize that you had Miranda appear almost exactly the same way that she did in the series.

scrlet: yes I know that. As I kind of planned that way. It was fun to write her getting back at the kids and frightening them off unlike what she did in the series. I don't want to have Miranda totally the way that she was like in the series.

Allen: well we look forward to seeing how you portray Miranda. Scrletfyre claims no rights or does not claim to own the -Man series or its characters. But this story is completely her own idea.

6) Trials and Troubles

Izark accepted Suman's offer to stay with him as it would save him the time from finding a place to stay at. And also this would allow the former guard to protect the young siren, not that Izark would need it. Suman gave a lot of information not only about the town that they were in but also about Amoresin's providence.

"But I feel that I must warn you not to use a lot of your powers and to not reveal that you are a siren. This providence and town hate and fear your kind. But then again they shun anybody with a strange and unusual power." stated Suman as he draped his coat over his weapon turned arm to hide it from view.

"But if that is true, then why don't they force Miranda to leave?" asked Izark.

"Miranda was born here as they fear her power more than they fear her. The fear of what the power of her jinxes can do even though it doesn't seem like she knows how to even control or use her powers." replied Suman.

"It seems silly for humans to fear what they don't understand. Having powers means you are gifted by the gods. When we get to your place, I will teach you how to activate and deactive your weapon. If feels similar to Tsuchi." replied Izark.

"I take it that Tsuchi is the name of your weapon. I appreciate the help. Thank you Prince Izark." stated Suman.

"It's the least that I could do."

Through out the day Miranda's thoughts would drift onto the young man who had saved her life. Something about her light brown hair and golden tan eyed savior left her to wonder whom he was as he spoke with a strange and unusual accent. Miranda knew that he was an outsider as he didn't seem afraid to help her and to talk to her.

'He is far different from everyone else as I wouldn't mind seeing him again. Something says that he is far different than the others. I would like to get to thank him properly.' Miranda thought to herself. Her powers kicked in overtime as her outstanding luck allowed her to do double nearly triple the work load that she would normally do. Miranda worked at a toy factory were she fixed and repaired toys that were broken. It was about the only job that she could get as the owner of the shop wasn't superstitious about Miranda's powers. On an average day Miranda could do more than what two people could do in one day.

"Miranda... you have done enough work for one day. Why don't you head home? I have heard that you have had a troubling day. Besides you have done more than what is required." stated Miranda's boss, Hino Tsubaki (a name that I came up with). Miranda looked at the older man nodding her head.

"All right Mr. Tsubaki." replied Miranda.

"Miranda something good must have happened to you as I have never seen you this happy before." replied Hino. Miranda simply smiled as she put her projects aside.

"You could say that Mr. Tsubaki." replied Miranda.

"Miranda... why don't you take the next couple of days off. I have been meaning to give you a break."

"I appreciate that Mr. Tsubaki. But I would rather work."

"Come on Miranda, there must be something else that you want to do besides work." stated Hino. Miranda's thoughts drifted to her mysterious savior.

"Actually there is something else I need to do so I will take that break but only a short one." replied Miranda as she left the factory.

The following day Suman was showing Izark around town as the siren had no clue at how long they would be in the town. At the same time Miranda was out getting some much needed shopping done. The two paths crossed as Miranda was leaving the local store as she was forced to drop her goods.

"Oh I am so sorry. I can't quite see where I am going." started Miranda as she began to pick up her goods.

"Here let me you with this. It was partly our fault as well." started Izark. When Miranda herd the familiar sound of Izark's voice, she looked up to see her mysterious savior before her. She gasped suddenly in shock not expecting to find him again so soon. Simply shook his head as a smile appeared on his face as he helped Izark picked up the goods. After all of the goods were picked up Miranda briefly smiled at her savior.

"I never got the chance to thank you properly for yesterday. Most people wouldn't do something like that for me." stated Miranda. Izark's eyes met hers as he smiled helping Miranda up to her feet. Miranda felt her heart beat quicken as she began to blush. She had never seen such a handsome and attractive young man before.

"I told him about you yesterday Miranda. Allow me to introduce my friend..."  Izark quickly glanced at Suman telling him with a simple look not to mention who he truly was. Suman seemed to understand as he simply nodded his head. "Izark Walker." stated Suman.

*Walker?* asked Tsuchi mentally.

*You knew full well that he can't give us father's last name as we sirens have no true last name of our own. I think that Walker fits us well.* replied Izark.

"Its nice to finally meet you Mr. Walker. Thank you for what you did for me yesterday." replied Miranda as she bowed her head.

"Think nothing of it Miss Lotto and please just call me Izark. May I help you carry your goods home for you as I wish to help." stated Izark. This caused Miranda to blush even more as she just slowly nodded her head.

"Izark, I have a few things to do so I will meet up with you later." stated Suman giving Izark a quick wink before taking off. Izark simply smiled as he picked up the bags filled with goods.

"Shall we go?" asked Izark.

As the two walked, they talked about various things. Izark made no mention about Miranda's powers or even about his own. Miranda had asked him if he seriously meant what he had said to her yesterday.

"Every word. I was taught to be very honest. When I first saw you, I was rather attracted to you. I truly do think you are beautiful." stated Izark. Miranda blushed at Izark's words.

"Nobody has ever told me that before. I have to admit that I have never meet anyone like you before as you make me feel special, wanted, loved." stated Miranda.

"And that's how everyone should be treated regardless." replied Izark. Miranda felt that he meant every word that he spoke to her.

After Izark helped Miranda with her goods, Miranda decided to hang out with Izark in order to get to know the young man better. Miranda found herself rather attracted to the young man. When they reached the market square, Izark had noted the strange stares directed at them as Miranda clutched at his arm.

"Don't let them get to you Miranda." Izark whispered softly into Miranda's ear. Izark could feel Miranda trembling in his arms as the people began to crowd them.

"We don't want you her any longer Miranda Lotto. Your kind is not welcomed here." stated one of the villagers.

"My kind...? I am human just like you." replied Miranda.

"Don't lie to us!" shouted out another villager as they tossed a pouch at Miranda. The pouch hit both Miranda and Izark causing a find powder to envelope them both. The powder just caused Miranda to sneeze but to Izark, he had a different reaction. Izark's chest felt tight as he couldn't breathe as he collapsed to the ground.

"Izark are you all right?" Miranda asked in concern. Izark's siren nature began to visibly surface as his legs transformed into his dark brown scaled fish tail ripping his pants apart. The look of shock and surprise stretched across Miranda's face. Even the villagers gasped in shock not expecting that the stranger whom had entered their town was actually a siren.

"It's a siren! Kill him!" shouted out several of the villagers. Miranda wasn't sure what to do. But she knew that she couldn't let anything happen to Izark. She stepped before Izark trying to protect the weakened siren.

"I can't let you harm him even if he is a siren." she stated.

"Kill them both!" shouted out the villagers. Izark allowed Tsuchi to fully manifest as he caused the earth to shake in order to keep the villagers away from them. Even in a weakened condition, it was a strain for him to use his powers.

*Your fathers did warn us that this could happen. We need to get to open waters.* stated Tsuchi.

"Izark... grab Miranda!" shouted out a familiar voice. Izark did as Suman commanded as he grabbed a hold of Miranda. Miranda wrapped her arms around Izark holding onto him tightly. "TEMPLAR WINDS!" shouted out Suman as a mighty gust of wind blasted the villagers away from Izark and Miranda as it picked the three of them up as Suman directed the winds to blow the three of them out to the open sea. Suman knew that Izark needed to get to open waters as water was the only thing that could make him feel better. Once they got over the open waters, Suman directed the winds to bring them down gently into the water. When they hit the water Miranda let go of her hold on Izark watching the siren sink into the water. Miranda swam over to Suman questioning what was going on.

"I am certain that he will explain everything. Let's head to shore. It might take Izark a while to recover." states Suman as he and Miranda swam for the shore.

NEXT CHAPTER...playing with fire

Lavi: um... scrlet... is the next chapter what I think it is.

scrlet: I am not going to confirm it Lavi as it seems like Ashitaka has finally reached your kingdom.

Kanda: scrlet... why did you not finish what happens with Izark and Miranda.

scrlet: well its because I still have several other of your children to do.

Allen: plus it gives either Suman or Izark time to explain everything to her. I think Suman should explain a few of the stuff, not all of it.

scrlet: it's a good idea Allen. But I plan to have all of the sirens explain it to the women what is going on in one big chapter but first I have to have them find their mates.

Lavi: so in a sense the next chapter contains what is going to happen to Ashitaka and Yuki. I wonder what kind of power my daughter will have.

scrlet: I don't know Lavi as I open the idea up to my readers to give me any suggestions.

Kanda: so please leave us your comments and reviews and tell us what you think!

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