14: Let's Go.

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Haruka's POV

"So, what kind of magic did he learn?" I asked. "He learned a type of magic called Impulse." Kurosaki said. "What does that do?" Keith asked. "Well... Look at it this way. We have a person with the Impulse ability, in this case it's you. And the user uses his/her own magic power, and channels it into whatever weapon you wield. Therefore, charging it with magic power." Ayane continued. "Whoah!!! That sounds pretty epic." Keith said. "That's why you're hammer wasn't doing the amount of damage it should've been. The hammer is one of a kind, so in a sense, It was made specially for this ability." Kurosaki said. "That's what you're father must've meant when he said that you have to unlock your power to truly lift this hammer." He continued. "Yeah... I've only heard of it once before, so it must be a rare magic." I replied. "Incredibly rare, in fact." Dante said. "I'm surprised you've heard of it." Ayane said to me. "AAAAHH!!" We all turned towards Keith, sitting on the couch. "Hahaha!" Kurosaki laughed. Estelle was asleep, hugging Keith's arm. "SOMEONE HELP ME!!! SNUGGLE STRUGGLE!!!" He yelled. "Heheheheheh... Snuggle struggle." I said.
Dante's POV:
"Wow... applause." Ayane said, slow clapping. "Anyways..." I said. "Anyways what?" Ayane and Kurosaki said simultaneously. "Well... We were wondering if you would consider joining our team, I mean, you guys would be the perfect addition to our team." I said. "So that's why you guys came to our village eh?" Kurosaki said. "Seems logical. I'm in." Ayane said, without any hesitation. "Thanks!" I said. "What about you, Kurosaki?" Keith said. Looking up at him. "Y'know what? Count me in." He said ruffling Keith's hair. "YES!!!!!" He shouted. "Hunh...?" Estelle woke up. "Why do you have to yell all the time?" She said. "I don't know, why are you so annoying?" He said back. "I COULD SAY THE SAME TO YOU!!!" She said. "YOU CAUSED ME TO HAVE A SNUGGLE STRUGGLE!!!!", "DID NOT!", "DID TOO!" They started, yet another argument. "GRRRR-", "I WONT JOIN YOU GUYS IF YOULL BE ARGUING ALL THE TIME, UNDERSTAND?!?!?!" Kurosaki yelled. I swear his voice shook the house! "Y-Yessir!" They both said saluting him. "Uh... You don't have to do that... Y'know..." He said. "Well, that's that for a team. All hands in!" We all put our hands in a circle. "LETS GO!!!"
You know when a song or a story is good when you get chills! XD Hey everyone! It's WaffleCake, and as of now, the story has officially begun! YUS! Question time:

What's you're favorite band, and your favorite song by them?

My answer: I CANT CHOOSE!!! XC
Alrighty! Bye-Bye! Please recommend this story to you're friends if you enjoyed! ~WaffleCake!

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