CHAPTER 4: Sleepover Movies

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"Brittany was complaining about her internet, and Eleanor's headphones stopped working,"  Jeanette explained to Simon as she helped him unpack. "I'm... I'm s-so sorry a-about-"

"It's fine, Jeanette," Simon replied, with a reassuring smile. "I've had a similar experience, too. Same thing happened to Theo's toothbrush and Alvin's game."

"You know, Simon... sometimes I wonder why they don't try to figure things out for themselves. They always come to US for help!"

"I couldn't agree more, sis! Some of the simplest things are so hard for them that... well-"


Jeanette made her way down the stairs, but Simon held her back.

"No, Jeanette. We can't let this keep happening. They've GOT to learn for themselves and-"


"Huh... You're right, Si."

Simon loved it when others said he was right - especially when Jeanette said it - because he was. Every time. Simon was always right.

"Alright, guys. TV's... Up. And. Running!" Simon announced. "Sooo... what are we watching tonight?"

"Oh, oh! I've got one...! 'Ratatouille'! I love the food- I m-m-mean the movie. Those cute little rats, and the food... that Disney movie's SO GOOD. I love the story... and the food..." Theodore's mouth started to water.

"Seems you like the food more than the movie," Eleanor joked. "Alright, people. When you want a horror movie-"

"...which we DON'T," Brittany snapped.

"...then, you know who to call! I say, this sleepover, we should... you know, amp it up a bit. We should see... oh! 'It: Chapter Two'!"

"Ugh. Haven't you seen that already, Ellie?" Brittany groaned. "Besides, I think we should see 'Beauty and the Beast'. It's sooo cute!"

"Bleurgh! Eww... yuck yuck bleurgh!" Alvin fake-vomited all over Brittany. "We are NOT seeing that. All those... princesses, and dancing, and talking teapots... NO! What we ARE going to see, is 'Stranger Things'!"

"That's a TV series, Alvin. Not a movie," Brittany fought back.

Simon ended the fighting between the two by saying: "Guys, guys, guys. If you want to watch a movie, your suggestions are satisfactory. BUT... if you want to watch a good movie, gather round, listen up, and open those clogged ears of yours."

The Chipmunks and Chipettes sat up, eager-eyed and attentive. Theodore was busy sticking his fingers in his ears, clearing out the ear wax and other gooey substances that lay inside.

"Tonight, my dear friends, we... eww, Theodore! Not literally... ugh, anyways. Tonight, my dearest siblings, noteworthy companions. Every being in this very room will have the prestigious privilege of witnessing..." The atmosphere grew tense. "The one... the only... the best movie known to science..."

"To... SCIENCE?" Alvin screwed up his face, like he was about to throw up.

Brittany punched him in the arm. "Ugh! Just tell us, Seville!"

"I was getting to that!"

"Then GET to it."

"OUCH! That hurt, you know?" Alvin lovingly rubbed and caressed his 'sore arm'.

Simon rolled his eyes. "Anyways, as I was saying, before I was very rudely interrupted by -"

The Chipmunks and Chipettes broke into fits of facepalms. Even Jeanette - who was usually the most patient of them all, especially for Simon - crossed her arms.

"Just. Tell. Us. NOW!" Alvin bellowed, loud enough for their neighbour Miss Croner, and her mangy cats, to hear.

Simon chuckled. "Heh. Sorry, guys. I guess I was too busy trying to prepare you for my idea that... well, I think it took a little too long?"

"Ya think?"

"It's alright, Simon!" Jeanette beamed. "We understand." He knew at least he could always count on Jeanette for understanding. He smiled back at her smiling face, then turned back to the agitated group.

"The one and only movie... 'The Matrix'! Ever heard of it, guys?"

"Ooooh!" the Chipettes said in unison.

"What's it about, Si?" asked Theodore, with gleaming, interested eyes.

"Be careful, Theo. Simon's probably gonna give you a very scientific, complicated explanation you ain't got a CLUE about."

"What makes you think that?" Simon laughed. "Anyway, Theodore. The movie depicts a dystopian future, in which humanity is unknowingly trapped inside a simulated reality, the Matrix, which intelligent, sentient machines have created to subdue the human population, while using their-"

"I hate to say I told you so, but, I TOLD YOU SO! HAHA! BOO-YAH! IN YO FACE!"

"Sounds interesting, Simon! I've heard that movie's really good, too."

"See, guys? Jeanette agrees with me!"

After long moments of arguments and disagreements, the siblings finally came to the conclusion that one chipmunk would pick the movie, one would pick the dinner tonight, and the rest will pick the sleepover games.

Theodore and Brittany lay on their stomachs on Brittany's princess bed, searching for the best restaurants on their app FoodFinderFun.

"Okay..." Brittany scrolled down through the possible options. "We've got... Chinese, Thai, Turkish..."

"American, Pakistani, Spanish..." Theodore finished. "So many choices to choose from!"

"I say, we should all go to Le Café. What do you think, Theo?" She turned her eyes away from her pink phone screen to Theodore's watering mouth. "Eww... Really, bro? Cut the saliva!"

Theodore STILL seemed to be dreaming.

"Earth to Theodore!"

She clicked her fingers in his face, but there was no use trying to bring Theo back to his senses when the topic of food ever came up. So she finally gave in.

"Hmph! Fine! I'll go ask the others instead."

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