CHAPTER 5: Busy, Busy, Busy

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"Oooh! Whatcha guys doing?" Brittany asked as she looked over at Simon and Jeanette, who lay down together on their stomachs, on top of Simon's sleeping bag.

They each had an earphone in their ear, as they watched a science-fiction series together. They laughed softly at the funny scenes, sharing confused, disgusted and weirded-out looks with one another as the episodes progressed.

What they didn't notice was the agitated pink-clad figure that loomed over them behind.

"Hello?!" Brittany yelped, waving her hands around, hoping that they would notice the moving shadow cast on the bedroom wall.

"Earth to Simon! Earth to Jeanette!"

They failed to hear her over the noise from their earphones. Fed up, Brittany yanked the earphones out from their ears.

The two were startled by her sudden action; they shared a horrified look before looking behind each other. They came face to face with an angry, unhappy Brittany.

"S-S-Simon? Do... do you think... we should r-r-run?" whispered Jeanette, frozen in fear of her sister.

"No," he whispered back. "Just... just stay very, very still. No sudden movements. Wait till she's ready to speak to us."

Brittany sure was mad, but then again, she liked to overreact half the time... okay, ALL the time.

"Well," she said through gritted teeth.

"Britt, we're so s-" Jeanette began, but Simon threw his hand at her mouth, covering it so Brittany could speak.

"So, guys... how's, uh, how's the series going? You two are OBVIOUSLY so into it, that you guys couldn't even notice your poor, suffering sister."

Simon rolled his eyes.

"DON'T you roll your eyes at ME, brudder, or I'll take them rolling eyes, and use 'em for marbles."

"Woah, woah, woah... calm down!" Simon held his hands up in the air. "Allow me to explain, Britt. Jeanette and I were watching-"

"Yeah, yeah I know. 'Dancing in the Dark' - the only thing people seem to talk about these days. I mean, seriously though, it's not even THAT good," Brittany interrupted in a bored tone.

"That's not the point Britt," Jeanette finished. "The point is, we had earplugs in! How did you expect us to hear you?"

"Exactly! What did you want from us, anyway?"

Brittany curled her lip and held her chin high, shifting her livid eyes away from the blue and purple Chipmunks.

"Hmph! I don't even need your guys' opinions ANYWAY. I'll ask Alvin and Ellie instead... because THEY'LL listen to me."

And with her harsh reply, Brittany strolled off, stomping as she left them, with her arms crossed.

Simon shrugged his shoulders like nothing had happened.

"A-a-alright... If you say so!" Jeanette called out to her.

"Anyways, Jeanette. Do you want to continue our journey through the Terror Tunnel?" asked Simon, with a huge grin on his face, excitedly rubbing his hands together."

"Do you want to build a machine to defy gravity?" Jeanette swiftly replied.

The two nerdy chipmunks knew exactly what each other meant.

"I HAVE to know what happens to Julie when she gets to the end of it..."

"Well, that makes two of us!" Simon reached over for the earplugs that Brittany had carelessly tossed onto the ground.

He slipped on into his left ear, and helped Jeanette put hers into her right.

"Thanks, Simon," she beamed

"Oh, Jeanette, it's my pleasure!"

Alvin and Eleanor were great at coming up with sleepover games - or, the best at googling them, at least. Eleanor was scrolling down on her lime-green phone.

"Okay, let's see..." Eleanor clicked her tongue as she searched for the best results.

"Ooh!" Alvin looked over her shoulder, pointing at the illuminated screen. "Scroll up a sec, would ya?"

"What, you mean, truth or dare?"

"Heck yeah! C'mon, Eleanor, it's a great one! Crazy dares, and embarrassing secrets - they'll all be unleashed with this game. Whaddaya say, Ellie?"

"Hmm...... well, now that you put it that way-"

Once again, the pink princess arrived at the two busy at work.

"I've had no luck so far, so you guys better not spoil my mood anymore than Jeanette, Theodore and Simon have."

Alvin and Eleanor shared a confused look with each other, before carrying on searching.

"Uh, hello?! Did you hear ANY word I just said?"

"Yeah, sis," Eleanor replied calmly, eyes still fixed on her phone. "We heard EVERY word you said. But, uh -"

"... we ain't got a clue what you just meant," Alvin finished off for her.

"Oh, right!"

She chuckled nervously, shuffling her feet.

"Well, guys. Me and Theo - well, ME, mostly, hehe! - were choosing what restaurant we're gonna gonna go out to tonight. So, uh, I decided Le Café. What do you guys think?"

"Mmm hmm, that one," said Alvin, pointing at the screen.

"Oh, goody! I'll make reservations there now! Foodville, here we come!"

Brittany clapped her hands in delight as she joyfully skipped towards her phone and called their number.

"Yeah, Ellie, that game." Alvin now looked up to answer Brittany. "Britt, Le Café is terrible pla-"

She was already gone.

"Hey... where'd Britt go? I thought she wanted our thoughts on her choice?"

"Gee, I dunno, Alvin... probably gone upstairs to sulk 'cause we, uh, kinda ignored her... like the others did."

Alvin thought he had just agreed to a sleepover game. Little did they know, he had just said 'yes' to Brittany's dream, and Alvin's nightmare: Le Café.

"Well... I think that's all of them, Alvin. I say, let the games begin!"

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