CHAPTER 6: Truth Or Dare?

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The Chipmunks and Chipettes all sat around on the bedroom floor, leaning against pillows.

First up, Spin The Bottle!

Alvin enthusiastically placed his water bottle into the middle, resting his fingers on it, getting ready to spin in round. Whoever the bottle landed on would be forced to answer a truth question, or perform a dare...

"Are you ready?!" Alvin yelled.

"No!" they all squeaked in unison.

Finally, he spun the bottle. It span... and span... and span... till finally, it landed on the Chipmunk who dreaded this game most of all: Simon.

"Ohhhh!!!" they roared, cheering Simon on.

"Well, Seville," began Alvin. "You gonna answer the billion dollar question, brother: truth... or dare?"

The Chipmunks looked at Simon, excitedly awaiting his response. Simon was usually a a cowardly fella, but today was the day he would toughen up, like his brother Alvin.

"Dare." He showed his serious game face.

Alvin thought for a moment, before whispering into Simon's ear.

"What?! NO!!! THERE'S NO WAY!" Simon panicked.

"Too bad, Si. Be a good sport."

"C'mon, Simon!" Jeanette encouraged. "You can do it! I mean... it can't be THAT bad."

Simon gave her a pained look, as if to say, 'yes, it really is THAT bad."

"Well, guys. Excuse me a moment."

Simon dashed into the kitchen, cursing himself for agreeing to this crazy game. He came back to the bedroom, bearing a curious glass jug filled to the brim with tap water. Alvin had a huge grin on his face, watching the bespectacled Chipmunk come to the circle, his head dangling low in embarrassment.

"So, um, what dare did you give him, Alvin?" asked Brittany, raising an eyebrow.

"Ho ho! This is gonna be fun!" Alvin said, rubbing his hands together with glee and completely ignoring her question.

Simon approached the group, and trudged over to one particular Chipmunk: Jeanette.

He stood behind her, causing Jeanette to look over her shoulder in confusion.

"Um... Simon? Everything ok?" she asked cluelessly.

"Hold on..." said Theodore. "W-w-what... what are you doing?!"

He sighed with a frown. "Forgive me, Jeanette." He then knelt down beside her and whispered in her ear: "I'd close your eyes and hold your breath, if I were you..."

This had confused the purple-clad Chipmunk even more. She did as she was told, but continued to question him: "Why? Simon? Speak to me! What are you doing?"

By then, the rest of the group knew exactly what was going to happen. Simon held the jug firmly, facing away from Jeanette.

Then, very slowly, he turned the jug to a 45 degree angle. Here began the dare. A river of water poured over her, soaking her hair, face and clothes.

She squirmed. "SIMON!!!"

The Chipmunks and Chipettes broke out into fits of laughter as they witnessed the hilarious scene.

"HAHAHAHA! Jeanette, you're SOAKED!!!" Alvin laughed so hard he was practically crying.

"I, uh, think you're a little wet?!" giggled the amused Eleanor.

"Do... do you need a towel?" questioned the concerned Theodore.

"You're not mad at me, are you?" asked the worried Simon.

Jeanette shivered in the cold weather; she was only a skinny little thing. What made it worse was the little shower she had, thanks to Simon.

It was Simon's turn to spin the bottle, since it landed on him last. As it span, it slowed down, until it reached...... Brittany.

"Ooohhh!!!" they gasped excitedly.

"You've GOT to be kidding!" she cried.

Again, since the bottle last landed on Simon, it was HIS turn to ask the dreaded question to Brittany.

"Well, Britt," he began. "Now you know what it feels like to be in the hot seat. Can I take your order? Truth, or dare?"

"Mmm... gee, I dunno. It's a... it's a tough one. Oh boy, what do I pick?"

"Hurry up, Princess!" Alvin groaned.

"Alright, alright! I guess I'm gonna go with... truth."

The Chipmunks gazed upon her with interested eyes.

"You sure?"

"Changing my mind in three... two-"

"Okay, alright!" Simon quickly interrupted. "Truth. Umm... hmm... oh, ho ho! I've got a good one. So, uh, Brittany? When was the last time you lied?"

He gave her a big grin, expecting a revealing answer.

"C'mon, guys! You know I don't lie, hehe..."

"You JUST lied right now, Britt," Alvin retorted.

"Oh, I did? Haha! Silly me. Well, I guess I don't have to answer the question now-"

"Oh, no, no, no, no, my dear Brittany." Simon made sure she didn't get out of answering the question. "That doesn't count. You still have to answer the question!"

"Look, guys. If I answer this question right now, there's a good chance one of youse is gonna get kinda mad." She looked right at Alvin.

"Okay, NOW I HAVE to know."

The group stared eerily at Brittany, awaiting her response.

"Well, alright. I did warn ya, but, here goes... Um, Alvin..."

He sat up, giving his all attention on Brittany.


"You know when I said your car was at the repair shop...?" She paused, taking a deep breath.

"Yeah? Yeah?! What? What about my beautiful, beautiful vehicle?"

"What, you mean the little toy car you drive to school sometimes, to impress the class?" Simon laughed.

"I'd stop talking if I were you." Alvin looked dead serious.

Brittany continued: "I-I-I lied. It's not at the repair shop. It's, uh, down in your b-b-basement... still in its shattered, broken form..."

Brittany looked at her shoes in embarrassment.

"Why you little..." Alvin sprung up from the floor, and chased Brittany round the house.

It was a crazy sleepover already, and it was about to get even more hectic...

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