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I broke away from Drogo I found his presence a little smothering, while everyone was feasting, duelling and celebrating the victory I went to tend to my horse. He was stood by the water trough and laying on his side. I whistled and lifted his head. "Mathchomaroon rakh, hash hash yer?" (Hello boy, how are you?) I reach my hand out to him and he pushes his velvet snout into my hand. I run a hand down his front right foreleg and see it's still bleeding. "Yer eth zhorre caught yeri hoof she jin fallen soldiers az." (You must have caught your hoof on a fallen soldiers blade.)

I walk back to my tent and go through my saddle bag which sat near the entrance looking for my serums and creams. I found one that prevented infection and enhanced healing, I grabbed my bandages on the way out and found my horse laying down once again. "Kisha'll get yeri healed qisi." (We'll get you healed soon.) I crouched down and gently picked up his foot and bathed the wound in the cream and then wrapped his foot in the bandages.

"Captain kifindirgi avvos yer join us?" (Captain why don't you join us?) One of my men asked.

"Hajianna hrazef ajjin hezhah alikh important." (Because my horse is far more important.) I said and tied off the bandages, the Dothraki woman seemed to be a little unamused with my answer, she remained silent and grabbed his belt and pulled him away, I just giggled to myself they will never understand the bond between steed and rider. "Anha'll check she yer later rakh." (I'll check on you later boy,) I said patting his neck and getting up but just as I did my Khal was approaching me.

"Yeri shouldn't be out gwe alone. Anna's yeri najaheya ven san ven anna is theirs." (You shouldn't be out here alone. It's your victory as much as theirs.) he said and gently rested his hands on my shoulders again. "Disse join us ha jin moment," (just join us for a moment.) he said gently coaxing me towards the main tent.

"Davra, vosma anha train irge." (Fine, but I train after.) I said sternly and walked inside and was presented with ale. I took it with a forced smile, I looked back at my Khal who smiled down at me proudly.

"Tihat, me's vo rek mel." (See it's not that bad.) he said comforting me.

"Anha suppose." (I suppose.) I said rolling my eyes at him. He just huffed a laugh at me and dragged me into the middle.

"Gwe stands yeri captain, pay mae the athchomar anna is owed, anna helped yeri win the vilajero." (Here stands your captain pay her the respect she is owed, she helped you win the battle.) he announced causing everyone around me to cheer loudly around me. I began to drink ale after ale, I was finally enjoying myself and it was thanks to my Khal for his encouragement, he always knew how to break my stubbornness.

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