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2 pairs of red eyes were staring at each other silently....

"... featch?"

A small bear toy that the baby boy was holding flew to the other side of the room... the baby just glanced at the bear only to look back at his father.

*Izaya could feel his stupidity crawling on his back.*

"What the hell am I supposed to do with you? I don't have any food for you... or a bed... or... anything really."

A small coo came out of his small mouth. He waved his arms and kept cooing before he finnaly smiled. The informant of course smiled back... only to hear a high pitch... fart...

He knew immediately that... the baby needed a change...

"You stupid mother! Why didn't you pack fucking diapers or formula!!"

Izaya's pov

I couldn't stand the fact that this so called mother didn't even bother to leave a single diaper. I was just suddenly given a baby with a toy and a dull blue onesy that had a few stains on it...

How poor was this girl and how the hell did I get involved with her? Actually what the hell was that girl thinking? She should have known that I was dangerous man who has constant fights with the monster that throws vending machines.

".... want to go shopping little turd?"


"I'll just take that as a yes. Up you go."

*time skip to store in the baby isle*

"You a boy so... these cool car diapers will do. And how about this cool car onesy?"

Threw all the baby items that I thought would match a baby boy. And was mostly the colors of red, dark blue, and regular blue.

"What about baby formula? Ummm... sitter? What the hell? Oh! New born? That sounds right."


He moved around in my arm. I adjusted my arm to hold him in a more secure position.

"Oh hey look at this! A small play pen... I'll just order that online. You can just sleep on m-"

I hid behind one of the isles... that fucking monster was here! How the he'll can I escape this!? I need the baby stuff and I need the baby to go with the stuff!

"I smell something foul."

"Shizuo come on even if Izaya is here you should hold back."

"I know I know. B it how the hell am I supposed to react when he puts a knife to my throat?"

"Grab him and throw him."

Hey... Tom I want to thank you for everything. I promise that I won't sell any info on you for the next... week.


"Shushhh. Even if I know they arnt a threat I still don't want to meet them."

Ran started to make shushing sounds as I moved to the counter. I made sure that they were on the other side of the store.

I checked out the items and ran out. Not wanting to get the monster's attention.


My head was hit with a little baby hand. I looked over at the culprit only to find that the little guy had an angry face. I took a deep breath in and walked faster.


Apparently that super was sitting in there for too long. The poor kid was probably getting made that he had to be in a shit filled super for the past hour.

"Home at last! And okay I'll change you!"

And with swift movements I changed the diper and tried to put another diper on him... only to realise that I forgot to wipe... so I had to redo it over until I got it right.


"Why the hell are you still crying!? I changed you!? Are you hungry? Fine just wait a bit!"

I was on my end. I could be chilling with the mother board. Observing humans in the area! But no I'm here with a cranky baby.

I grabbed the infant bottle and walked back. I fed Rin the bottle and watched as he slowly calmed down... finally.

I yawned and looked at the time... why the hell was I tired at 11:00 pm? What's wrong with me!?

I patted the baby's back after he finished the bottle.... a loud burp was heard as I felt a warm sickening liquid spread all over my back.


I shook my head and laid ran down in the little crib he arrived in. A blanket snug around him... I wiped his face and left to change my cloths.

Stupid baby and it's stupid needs. Why the hell did I accept the baby? The mom's dead anyways so she couldn't possibly stop him fro-....

I didn't expect to see this... Rin was suffiling a little. Snuggling the warm dark blue blanket. A bright smile on his small chubby face as his bright red eyes looked at me...

It... was captivating... that someone would... like at ME with those eye and smile. The act itself was blinding and I felt... my chest warm up. He reached out his hands his cubby fingers were streached... trying to reach me.

Slowly... I slowly took the small Inoccent baby in my arms... it still looked at me with that bright smile...

"Don't look at me like that...

Please if you do then....


Come on kid...

Don't make this....

So hard...

Your just a...


Your my little human...



Protect you..."

Realy... what was this kid doing to me...

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