Ch.3 The Cackles of the Coyote

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Author's Notes: I feel I have failed you readers my ability to describe the setting hasn't been done well as I really set a image of the Kingdom or specific areas, it appears I'm more focused on characters then both environment and characters if the issues I've described are too much tell me and I'll work on revising the story a little.
The mad howls and jeers heard Kingdom wide had finally hit the ears of certain Coyote who in seeing his Prince dance through the gates of the army barracks jumped down from his guard tower “Good news, Brother?!” the Coyote barked loudly getting the attention of the Prince who bounced over to him and picked him off the ground with amazing strength into a hug choking him slightly “Let me go!” the Coyote struggled to yell as he was embraced by the Prince “Oh... Right.” Adarius said in realization dropping the Coyote on the ground who stumbled backwards after hitting the ground looking up after he recovered with a look of confusion “What was that about?” the Coyote asked rubbing his throat eyeing Adarius suspiciously “It finally happened... I'm free!” Adarius said fidgeting excitedly trying to control his excitement “The hell are you talking about?” the Coyote asked looking at Adarius as if he grew another head “My father is letting me leave the kingdom, Nero...” Adarius said with clear annoyance spelling it out as simply as he could, Nero just laughed much to Adarius' frustration “What's so funny?!” Adarius snapped growing angry at his faux siblings laughter, Nero was laughing so hard you would have thought the Coyote was a Hyena “Do you really expect me to believe that!” Nero gasped out between laughs before breaking back down into full-blown laughter at that point Adarius reared his fist back and punched Nero in the Diaphragm causing him to collapse on the ground gasping for air, Adarius took his leave after relishing in Nero's brief misery before running away from a fight with his brother meanwhile laughing all the way leaving his brother to swear revenge.

The Next Day

Adarius' infectious laughs resounded off the castle walls causing a nearby deer chambermaid to let loose a giggle as she entered the Prince's bedchamber, her face lit up brightly as she eyed the naked Prince who was in middle of changing into a new pair of clothes her audible squeak caught his ears “Sorry! I'm just leaving!” the chambermaid yelled out in embarrassment running out of the room her blush obvious to all as she took her leave an older chambermaid soon passed her in hall carrying a basket filled with sheets and a few articles of clothing with her entering the Prince's bedchamber just like the other chambermaid without a knock by then the Prince had finished dressing himself “Would you chambermaids learn to knock!” Adarius barked out in annoyance “Why I wouldn't see anything new.” the older chambermaid spoke out mischievously watching the Prince turn bright red “Livia! Please behave yourself...” Adarius barked out through his embarrassment, Livia just chuckled at him “Yes, Sir.” Livia said a big goofy smile adorning her face as she jokingly saluted to the Prince emptying the basket onto a nearby dresser “I'll be back with some fruit.” Livia announced before taking her leave.

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