Chapter 14

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I felt myself waking up, but I didn't want to get up just yet.

I rolled my head a little and finally opened my eyes. I blinked a few times, adjusting to the light and looking at the trees. At least today I didn't woke up almost burnt!

I looked down and saw the Careers and Kai sleeping, everybody gripping their weapons.

I looked up and suddenly noticed something moving in the tree on my left. I looked towards it and saw a the little black skinned girl from District 11. I think her name is Rue.

Before I could say something, she pressed her finger to her lips, telling me to be quiet. I nodded my head. She pointed at something above my head. I looked up and saw a tracker jacker hive. Tracker jackers are mutations made by the Capitol, just for the Hunger Games. Their venom can give you hallucinations in small doses, but if they sting you way too many times, you can die.

I looked back at Rue and saw her pointing down at the Careers. He idea came to my mind. I nodded my head and she flashed me a small smile.

I untied myself from the tree and put everything back in my bag quietly, taking out the knife from Clove.

I looked up at Rue, to see her gone.

I got up and climbed closed to the hive. Sitting on one branch, I took the knife and pressed it on the branch with the hive. I started cutting the tree slowly, so the tracker jackers don't sting me.

I heard someone from down stirring and I stopped. I looked down to see Glimmer adjusting her position on Cato's arm.

I looked back at the hive and started cutting the branch faster.

I felt a sting on my arm, the one I was cutting with. I winced as quietly as possible, Ben continued cutting the branch as fast as I can manage.

Two more stings later, the branch fell down, braking apart. The tracker jackers, now angry, flew out and started attacking the careers.

Once the Careers heard the tracker jackers, they were on their feet, screaming their heads off and running away.

All of them managed to run away, except Glimmer, who didn't have that luck. The tracker jackers surrounded her and started stinging her. When she was on the ground, motionless, they left her alone and went after the other tributes.

I climbed down as fast as I can, but my mind was already cloudy because of the venom. I went to Glimmer as fast as possible and kneeled next to her.

I don't know if it was just in my head or for real, but Glimmer looked terrible. Her whole skin was dotted with the stings and she wasn't breathing. A cannon went off, indicating that she was dead.

I saw the thing I wanted the most.

The silver bow.

I took the arrows from her back, then prayed the bow from her, already cold, hand. I stood up and saw someone coming towards me.

I took an arrow out and pointed it at the person. When they got closer, I saw the spiky brown hair and lowered the bow.

"What are you still doing here!? Run! Run, Skylor!"Kai yelled. I nodded and turned away, running as fast as I can.

I didn't make it real far. After a while, I couldn't continue. I didn't feel my limbs and my head was cloudy, as well as my vision.

I collapsed on the ground and the darkness consumed me.

I woke up in my bed and sat. I looked around. My sister was huddled on the bed next to me and our dad is in the bed in front of us.

I got up from my bed and changed into my hunting clothes.

I walked out of my home and to the fence that separates

I went through the fence via the hole in it. I walked deeper and retrieved my bow and arrows from one three, then walked deeper. I hunted a little. I caught some squirrels and put them in my game bag, then walked up to my and my best friend's spot.

When I arrived, Jay was already there, waiting for me.

I sat down next to him and he titled his head to me.

"Hey Sky."He said.

"Morning Jay."I said and we stayed in silence for a while."How much times is your name is this year?"I asked, cutting the silence.

"Seventy-four."He said.

"Well, Happy Ninjago Games Sky."Jay suddenly said, sarcastically."And may the odds-"

"-be ever in your favor."I cut him off.

I woke up with a suck of breath. I don't know where I am. I looked around. That's the place I passed out.

I felt something on my hands and neck. Something sticky.

I looked down and saw leaves. Rising an eyebrow, I removed them and saw the tracker jacked sting. It doesn't hurt, tho.

I heard rustling and looked around, then spotted Rue hiding behind a tree.

"Hey, it's okay,"I told her, getting up."You can show yourself."


Me and Rue are currently sitting on a log, eating the remaining of the rabbit I caught.

As we chewed, I asked."How long was I asleep?"

She answered after she finished her rabbit food."A couple of days,"she said."I changed your leaves twice."she added.

I nodded. I looked down at the remaining of the leg I had, then handed it to Rue."Here."I said.

"No, that's okay."she declined.

"Oh c'mon."I said.

She smiled and took it."Thanks."she said and bit into it.

"So, what happened while I was out?"I asked.

"The girl from one and the boy from ten."she said, not looking at me.

"Oh..."I said. Twelve of us left. Half of the tributes are dead. Half of the kids are dead.

"And um..."I said, looking down."W-What about the boy from my District?"


A cliffhanger!! I am so sorry guys. Like, the ones from you that have read and/or watched The Hunger Games know, but please don't spoil it in the comments please! Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

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