Chapter 15

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"Oh,"said Rue."Yeah, he's okay. I think he's down by the river."she said, a small smile tugging on her lips.

I let out a relived sigh I hadn't realized I was holding. Why am I so concerned about Kai?

"Is it all true?"Rue asked and I looked her confused."You and him?"she said in king of sing-song voice, teasing look on her small face.

I laughed a little."So, where are Cato and the others?"I asked, changing the subject.

"They got all the supplies down by the lake."she answer."It's on a big pyramid-like pile."she told me.

I looked at her with devilish smile."That sounds intriguing."I said and she gave me the same smile as mine.


Me and Rue were laying down. The night fell and Rue was sleeping already, while I was still up.

I couldn't sleep. I heard the Anthem play and only one photo was showed.

The female tribute from District 4 is gone.

That makes us nine. Nine people in the whole arena.

My thoughts kept going on Kai.

Is he okay? Since he's alone, did the Careers turn on him and hurt him?

Is he thinking about me?

I shook the thoughts out of my head, rolled on my side, and tried to get some sleep.

"So,"I said as me and Rue walked through the forest."This green stuff is gonna smoke like crazy so as soon as you light it, move on to the next one. Light this one last and I will meet you nackt there."I instructed the younger girl, putting the big branch of trees on the pile, her doing the same.

Me and Rue made alliance yesterday, and decided to destroy the Careers's food. She would lip up three fires, so she would move their attention from the Cornucopia, and then I will destroy the supplies somehow.

Just before we bid our goodbyes, Rue stopped me."Wait!"she said, tugging on my sleeve."We need a signal. To know that the other one was okay."she said.

"What could it be?"I asked.

"Back in my District, everyday when we finish work, I would whistle and then birds will keep the song going until everybody hear and know that it's the end of the day."she explained to me. She sang four notes and the birds sang right after her and kept the sound.

"Mockingjays?"I said, looking up."That's great."I said and looked down at Rue.

"You try now."she said.

I nodded and whistles a four tone song(one on the top) and the birds kept singing it.

"Okay, so if we hear this, we know that the other one is okay and will be back real soon."Rue said and I nodded.

"It's gonna be okay."I said. Rue nodded and then wrapped me in a hug. I hugged her back and after a few seconds we separated."Hey, I will see you for supper."I told her"Okay?"

"Okay."she said, but she still looked worried.


I arrived in front of the Cornucopia and looked around. Cato, Clove and some more people were there, just sitting around. I saw the pile Rue was talking about and it was huge. I don't know how I will destroy it.

I looked around, and noticed holes in the ground. These were not there before.

"Hey, Hey! Guys, look!"Cato said, looking towards where the fire is supposed to be."Come on!"he said and all of them got up and started running, until Cato stopped a small boy at the back of the group."You! Stay here and protect the supplies!"Cato ordered and then ran after Clove and the guy from one.

The other boy sat down and started looking around, protecting the supplies as he was told.

Suddenly, I noticed someone moving. I saw the reddish haired girl, jumping around, not stepping on the holes.

The holes! They are not holes at all! Their mines!

The girl made her way to the supplies quickly and took some things, then ran away the same way she came.

The boy noticed her, though, and ran after her. This is my chance.

I took one arrow out and pointed it towards a bag of apples hanging from the pile. I shot it, but missed.

I took out another one and shot again, this time hitting and tearing the bag a little.

I saw the boy coming back. I shot the arrow and it hit the apples, one of them falling down.

And a second later, everything exploded.

Aaaaaaaaaand the Saturday update is here!
Wow this book will be long, I can feel it.
Anyways I hope you like the book so far!

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