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Subhadra and Arjun went to get ready by Revti, Rukmini and Krishna respectively. Duryodhan was fuming in anger by witnessing all these. He was about to leave the mandap in fury. But,

"Where are you going, my son? Till now marriage didn't take place." Shakuni said, and earned a dangerous glare from his son.

"What are you saying, Pitashri? Will I be here to witness the marriage of the girl who was supposed to be my wife? If you want then you can stay here. But leave my way." Duryodhan said in a dangerous tone.

"I am saying about your marriage, my son. You have to be present here in your own marriage na!" Shakuni said, and caressed his beards.

"Which kind of mockery is this, Pitashri? Now Subhadra is going to be Arjun's bride. Say straight about your new trap." Duryodhan shot his impatience on his father.

"King of Kashi proposed hand of his daughter, Bhanumati for you now, and I said yes to him." Shakuni said in happy tone.

"What the hell are you saying? I am not going to marry her." Duryodhan said in a little high pitched voice.

"If you return from here without  marrying then whole Aryavrat will do fun of yours. They will laugh at you. If you will marry Bhanumati then you can save your dignity from this insult. Bhanumati is the one and only daughter of king of Kashi. After king you will get the throne. If you want Subhadra then we will deal with this later also. Think calmly, my son." Shakuni explained, and Duryodhan said yes to his explanation after coming out of his shortly lasting thoughtful state.

After getting his yes Shakuni moved forward and,

"It's your reward for doing my assigned work to you." He said with a evil smile while handing a plate full of jewellery and heavy bridal attire to that previously mentioned mysterious person.

"Thanks. I need to do that for my desired goal." That person said while taking plate from Shakuni with a happy smile.

"You are the one who inculcated about love in Subhadra's heart. You pursued her to think about Arjun beyond their friendship. You did all these to get your love. But still we can't deny the goodness of your deed, dear Bhanumati." Shakuni said with an evil smirk.

"You have also contribution in fulfilling my desire." Bhanumati told, and got a cunning stare from Shakuni.

"Yes, for fulfillment of my target union of Arjun and Subhadra is needed. My that stubborn son was mad after Subhadra. But I managed him to convince with my tricky saying. Now go, and get ready. Your wished outcome means, your marriage with Duryodhan is in your wait dear." Shakuni said, and Bhanumati made her way to get ready.

(So readers, Got to know about that mysterious person na! That person was none other than Bhanumati. She did all these according to the instructions of Shakuni. Her father had proposed her hand for Duryodhan according to her wish after dau departed from Gandhar, not giving any clear answer. But Shakuni suggested this way to her, and she acted upon it.)

Brides and grooms had arrived, and marriages accomplished with all rituals. Duryodhan left from Dwarka immediately after completion of his marriage with Bhanumati.

Arjun and Subhadra took blessings from elders, and post marriage rituals started.

"Parth, you need to lose in this game for having a happy married life ahead." Kanha teased Arjun while the game of finding ring in milk tub was going on.

"What? Our Bhadra isn't so stubborn to trouble Arjun if he doesn't lose in this game." Rukmini commented on Krishna's saying.

Kanha was about to proceed further in arguing. But dau's strict glare stopped him with a pout on his face. At last Subhadra found the ring, and became the winner.

After completing all post wedding rituals Revti and Rukmini took Subhadra to make her ready for her first night with Arjun. They were teasing her, and were getting response from her only in from of blushing. They both left Subhadra in her chamber which was decorated with white flowers rich in fragrance, and adding more to the definition of ethereal.

The mere decorations made her blush. She moved towards window to have some chilled wind. She was lost in absorbing the beautiful sight of night sky in her eyes. But suddenly she felt something, and turned back to see Arjun was smiling at her, and she smiled back shyly.

Arjun went near to her, and the blush on Subhadra's cheek became deep. He hugged her behind, and she shivered.

"I am indebted to you, for the faith you showed in me till the end." Arjun said softly to her. His words near her ears were making her shiver uncontrollably.

"There's no greatness of mine in believing you, Arya. You earned that believe by yourself only." She managed to say with shyness.

Arjun's hug from back was making her feel pull on her scalp. Because his tight hug was displacing her veil, and the veil was pinned to her hairs with help of hairpins. Arjun sensed her discomfort, and removed her veil. He opened her hairs, and was smelling those deeply. His movement of nose in her hairs was driving her to an another world.

He was about to nuzzle into her neck, she went out of his grip, and sat on couch. He also went to sit near her. He cupped her cheeks to make her look into his eyes. She was admiring the depth of his eyes. Suddenly she noticed the closeness of their face, and closed her eyes to feel that closeness. He was about to kiss her on lips. But suddenly Subhadra opened her eyes with jerk.

She clutched her head with unpleasant expression on her face. Noticing that Arjun carried her in his arms and laid her on bed. The very warmth of his arms made her sleep. He caressed her head, and sat beside her.

"Many mysteries are going to unfold in front of you. I can't say all to you before the certain cycle take it's own course. I hope you will hold the same believe for me in future also like today. Because your believe only will make me victorious in upcoming situations." He said, and placed a gentle kiss on Subhadra's hair, and slept by hugging her close to him.

So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked about this part?

(2) How was the revelation?

(3) Did you get clarification about all your doubts here?

(4) How was Arsu moment?

(5) What do you expect next?

Give response according to your heart and conscience.

Hey LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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