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After veneration royal family headed towards the court. All guests were present there. Each eyes had astonishment about the enthralling decorations. Some hearts had aspirations to follow the virtues of Arjun in matter of administration. While some hearts had jealously about the perfect maintaining skill of the undefeated kingdom till now which name was Hastinapur.

The chanting of hail about king and queen of Hastinapur started to acquire atmosphere after their arrival. Subhadra sat on throne with Arjun. Arjun introduced her as queen. After that Subhadra addressed the guests and the representatives of subjects who were present there. Her gesture was bold and humbleness was guiding the voice out of her each word. Arjun was admiring her with brightness of pride on his face.

After sometimes the court dismissed. All started to leave. But a pair of  captivating eyes were staring at king and queen. Enchanting smile along with that was seeming like inviting for an embrace. Following that sweet invitation Subhadra ran to hug that person who was  none other Kanha.

"So finally queen got time for me." Kanha teased her in hug.

"It's nothing like that, Bhratashri. Royal court is the land penance for kings and queens and, we should enter into the land of penance by renouncing all relationship. So that our path wouldn't be hindered."  Subhadra said while breaking the hug.

"This marriage snatched my sister from me." Kanha said in a heavy voice with clear disappointment on his face.

Arjun was coming forward to convince Kanha. But Subhadra gestured him to stop.

"My intention didn't mean to hurt you Bhratashri. Please don't be sad. Along with my brother, you are also a guest here. If you would be disheartened like this then this sin will be registered in name of my in laws. I apologize for my words." Subhadra pleaded him, and Kanha couldn't suppress his laugh more after witnessing the serious expression on her face.

"This marriage made you matured. My sister wasn't that much mature to handle teasing with tolerance. So I said that my sister being snatched from me in that sense." Kanha said, and continued his laughing.

Subhadra was about chase him.

"This place is the land of penance na? So no violence should take place here. Am I right?" Kanha stated mischievously. Hearing this Arjun was chuckling slowly.

"You meet me outside. I will make points equal with you then. Come bhabhi. Let's go from here." Subhadra told, and went from there with Rukmini.

The day passed with fast wings of time, and the time of royal feast approached. Subhadra was getting ready, and saw through the mirror that Arjun was standing behind her as usual with love filled eyes. She ignored him.

"Looks like someone isn't in a good mood."  Arjun approached near, and started to settling her veil as after his arrival maids left.

"Why are you so much concerned about that someone, Arya?" Subhadra asked while taking the task of settling veil from Arjun's hands.

"That someone's important to me. That's why." Arjun answered only to get a glare from Subhadra.

"Then why you made that someone upset?" Subhadra got up from her place and glared more.

"What I did? I was just having little pleasure of fun time. Nothing much." Arjun told in an innocent sounding tone.

But Subhadra started to go out from chamber.

"Where are you going, Subhi?" Arjun asked though the answer was known to him.

"Your someone is going to somewhere." Subhadra replied, and departed.

"Looks like my someone is utterly upset with me." He commented while looking at the fading figure of Subhadra.

Subhadra went to the feast arena. She was moving her eyes over preparations, and ongoings. Suddenly she noticed Bhanumati.

Subhadra was approaching to have a conversation with her. But suddenly noticed  Duryodhan's enraged behaviour towards Bhanumati. She went near.

"Don't advice me all time. Do you think that I am a fool or what?" Duryodhan was saying in anger suppressed voice because of their surroundings.

"No, Arya. It's not. Don't take it wrong." Bhanumati tried to appease his anger.

"You are insulting me, Bhanumati. What do you mean by not to take your saying wrongly? I am not that much dumbo to derive right meaning of words. Listen! Wife's duty is to follow husband. Don't try to make me fellow under you. Otherwise the namesake respect you are having as queen, you will lose that." Saying this he pushed Bhanumati, and she stumbled to a little distance.

Subhadra was feeling like anger is cracking her each nerve. Her eyes were becoming blood shot red without her notice.

Suddenly fire appeared at that place, and started to engulf each corner. Everyone was shouting, and a huge chaos created. Arjun rushed to there, and after looking at changed facial expression of Subhadra he figured out all.

She was standing like a statue not feeling anything except anger. Arjun hugged her tightly, and started to soothe her with his loving touch. Fire started to extinguish slowly, and Subhadra fainted in Arjun's arms.

So readers, here's the new part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked in this part?

(2) How was siblings' banter as you all saw it after long?

(3) Any comment about wrap up?

Give response according to your heart and conscience.

Hey LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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