Part 5: Resolve

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I don't own the pictures...they belong to their owners.

Leni was sitting in her new room after agreeing to abandon her own humanity. She knew that it was for the chance to get with her own brother which made it worth it. Especially since he comforted her when Chaz broke his heart for another girl. Shaking her head...Leni  quickly looked around and enjoyed how Isabella transformed it to her own style. What made it better was that she had no one to share it. Don't get her wrong, she enjoyed having Lori as a roommate, but she can only enjoy it so much until it became unbearable.

"Finally a chance to think without listening to Lori talk about her own issues or Bobby." Leni said to herself. She hated hearing Lori talk about Bobby to no end and how she tried to make Ronnie Anne and Lincoln become a couple. They are only friends. Lincoln, Lucy, Lily and herself knew it to be true. But did the rest of the family notice....No.

Speaking of which, she wondered if they discovered Lincoln's corpse and if they even cared. Cared? Since when have they cared about him? They just used him for their own benefit and even tried to make him date someone he loved as a sister. But...she did feel bad for everyone else who knew Lincoln. Clyde was the closest one to Lincoln and would even be called his brother. Ronnie Anne was another one of his closest friends and could even be called his sister. While Bobby was Lincoln's brother figure who was pretty cool to be around if he didn't have Lori constantly involved with him.

This only heightened her resolve to be one of the most important people in Lincoln's new life. Maybe one day, they will be reunited with Clyde, Ronnie Anne and Bobby, but for now...

She had to be there for him. No matter what she has to do to stay by his side.

(Leni's Bedroom)

At the same time, Lucy was admiring her new room as well. She enjoyed the gothic theme and now quiet it was since she didn't need to share it with anyone especially Lynn. When that name popped into her head, Lucy deeply frowned. Lynn was the reason that entire mess started. But the main fault was that her parents couldn't see the consequences of kicking their brother out into the cold. Why did they listen to Lynn? They knew that she was extremely superstitious and an extremely sore loser, but they still listened to everything that she said. 

She hated how they completely disregarded Lincoln's safety just because they believed every word that came out of Lynn's mouth. It didn't help that Lincoln used it to get out of going to all their activities, but to be honest....

What other choice did he have? The others wouldn't listen and would probably try to guilt trip him into going to their respective activities. While their parents could just take their side for whatever reason. Can't they see that they're basically letting them go wild and are just feeding their bad habits. She'll be lying if she said yes. Sighing...she sat down and wondered about Lincoln's friends and the other people that he touched. 

They are the only ones who would truly care when his body is discovered. Her family could possibly care, but there's a chance that they're probably celebrating due to the removal of their bad luck problem. 

This only made her resolve to be the closest one to Lincoln and try to help him through his problems. Something that has previously been assigned to Luna, but it's clear that she's been neglecting her duties. Slowly she started to wonder about her new life with her soon to be lover and how life would be without the rest of her family with them. 

It would take some adjusting, but they can make it work plus she had Isabella and Leni to help him adjust as well. Not to mention the possibility of having more people join their little group as well. 

(Lucy's Bedroom)

(Lily's Bedroom) 

Note: I accidentally messed up her age so ignore the picture that was here before and focus on this one.

Everything will be fine and together....

Nothing will stand in their way. No matter what they have to do.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter....Bye 👋

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