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Thank you for all the recent love and support - keep showing this book for love and support and let me know your feedback on this chapter


Kaila said, squealing as one of the maids opened the main door to the mansion. Jhanvi smiled at her youngest grandchild as Kaila ran up to her. Jhanvi picked her up and gave her a big hug. Did she mention that Kaila was her favourite grandchild?

Kaila: dadi, you're squeezing me too tight!

Jhanvi: awww mera baccha, I'm sorry. I haven't seen you in forever.

Kaila: true it's been forever.

Tej shook his head with a smile as he came up to the grandmother-granddaughter duo.

Tej: you both saw each other the other week?

Kaila: that was forever ago.

Tej: if you insist!

Jhanvi laughed as the other three of Om and Gauri's children entered the mansion. Aneesa and Neela, who were already home, saw Kanishka and squealed as they ran up to hug her.

Aneesa and Neela: Kani!!!!!

Kanishka smiled as she hugged the twins.

Tej: now these three are acting like they don't go to the same school and are acting like they haven't seen each other in forever.

Aneesa: arre Tej dadu, it's been like an hour since we last saw Kanishka so yes it has been forever!

Tej rolled his eyes, looking at Kabir and Kairav who chuckled.

Tej: where's your dad?

Kairav: he's on the phone with someone from work. Where's Nikhil and Ansh?

Nikhil and Ansh were Shivay and Anika's sons so they were Aneesa and Neela's older brothers. Nikhil was 18, hence the oldest out of all the new Oberoi generation but he was very close to all of his cousins and siblings - mainly Kairav and his brother Ansh. Ansh was 17, a year older than Kairav but they still got along very well.

Tej: Ansh and Nikhil should be on their way, I sent them to get mithai.

Kabir: why did you send them to get mithai?

Tej: you'll find out in a bit. How long is your dad going to take on the phone?

Kabir: no idea dadu. No idea. Where's everyone like Dhruv and Ishaan?

Kanishka: and Maria?

Ishaan, Dhruv and Maria were Rudra and Soumya's children - Ishaan was 13 and Dhruv was 12 so they got along easily with Kabir and Maria was 14 so she was close in age with the older girls hence they also got along really well.

Tej: your chachus and chachis are about to come from work and your par dadi is with Prinku in her room and your mum is on the way.

Kabir: you didn't answer my question.

Kanishka: and you didn't answer mine!

Kairav: and did you say that mum is coming here?

Tej: Ishaan and Dhruv are finishing off their homework and Maria is coming home with Soumya from her violin lesson.

Kairav: you didn't answer my question about mum. Why is mum coming here?

Tej: voh....

He looked at Jhanvi so she could answer but before Jhanvi could answer, everyone decided to finally come into the living. Anika, Shivay, Soumya, Rudra and Maria all came back. Dadi and Priyanka came downstairs and so did Ishaan and Dhruv. Nikhil and Ansh came back with boxes of mithai. Finally Gauri entered the house, surprised to see almost everyone in the living room. The moment Gauri came inside the house was when Om came back from his phone call.

Gauri and Om: you?

Om: what are you doing here?

Gauri: Jhanvi maa called me here...I thought you were going to your place.

Despite her and Om divorcing, Gauri still called Jhanvi 'Jhanvi maa' because Jhanvi was more of a mother than Gauri's own mother ever was to her. The divorce may have changed her and Om's relationship for the worse, but it certainly didn't change the relationship she had with Om's family because Om's family treated her like their own and basically adopted her.

Om knew this very well and he knew Gauri was still close to his family. However, he did not expect to see Gauri here. Judging by each other's expressions, everyone else other than the kids could tell that Om and Gauri did not expect to see each other here. Gauri widened her eyes at her former mother-in-law, a little shocked that she didn't tell Om of her arrival.

Om: I was but mum called me here. Mum, why did you call Gauri here?

Om looked at Kanishka and saw her fingers crossed. He could tell that Kanishka was hoping that Gauri and him wouldn't fight today. So he took a deep breath and said with a smile: don't answer that question mum. Tell me this, why did you call us all here and why is there a lot of mithai?

Nikhil: yeah why did you ask us to bring mithai?

Anika: and what was this emergency family meeting you told me about on the phone?

Jhanvi: Prinku, do you want to tell everyone why we are all gathered here today?

Priyanka nodded as she said with a big smile on her face: Ranveer finally proposed to me!

This caused everyone in the room to be excited and happy as they congratulated Priyanka on her engagement with Ranveer. As they congratulated her and fed her mithai from the boxes, Jhanvi settled down the excitement by clearing her throat to grab everyone's attention.

Jhanvi: and Priyanka's wedding functions are starting from this Friday.

Kaila: we going Shimla on Friday!

Jhanvi: really?

Kaila nodded before going back to her own world.

Jhanvi: anyway, so a lot of people are coming over that we all know and they all know Gauri really well and your Nanaji is also coming from Delhi to here....

Om interrupting: mum I love you but get to the point please.

Jhanvi: look you and Gauri have to pretend that you two are still married.

Gauri and Om: what?

Kanishka, Kabir and Kairav: what?!

This news shocked everyone else, except the elders of the family.

Om: do they not know we divorced?

Jhanvi: look your Nanaji is very weak and your divorce news would have shocked him into a coma!

Om: what about everyone else? Do they not know that me and Gauri divorced?

Jhanvi: I could not tell them at the time nor could Pinky, Shakti, Tej and maaji.

Gauri: but why?

Jhanvi was about to speak when Dadi spoke for her.

Dadi: because we knew they would be disappointed, so we kept putting it off and it would have been humiliating to admit to a divorce in the family. It reflects badly and it would have made it difficult for Priyanka to get married.

Om clenched his jaw hard. Of course it would be all about how his failed marriage reflected on all of them. He loved his family but there were certain things he could not stand about them and this was one of them - not admitting the truth to the public because of their reputation. This is why he moved out before he married Gauri. So he could do things freely and make decisions that would only impact him in the end. This is why he was still living away from his childhood home even though he was divorced now - because he needed that peace of mind he would not get if he lived in the Oberoi Mansion.

Jhanvi: look Om and Gauri, I know it's a lot to ask for but just for the wedding season, can you two just pretend to be married? After this wedding season, you two can go back to being the divorced couple that you are.

Kaila: mummy daddy going to marry again?

The elders looked at their youngest grandchild before Dadi said: children, can you all go upstairs and take Kaila with you? This is a grownup matter.

Nikhil: so I can stay for this right?

Kanishka: no you can't! They said grownups! You're not a grownup, come on!

Nikhil rolled his eyes as Kanishka dragged his arm. The rest of the youngest generation of Oberois nodded before following Kanishka and Nikhil. Kairav took Kaila from Jhanvi's arms before going upstairs. Once the children were out of sight, the adults could resume their conversation again.

Gauri: look Jhanvi maa, I am not really happy to pretend to be married to my ex husband but if it's for Nanaji, then I'll pretend to be married to Omkara.

Om: look if it's for Nanaji, fine okay I'll pretend but doing this drama for everyone else? I knew I should have announced the divorce myself instead of agreeing to let you all announce it.

Tej: Om, calm down. I know we all did a mistake but Gauri, Om please just pretend to be married for this wedding season and I promise once the wedding season is over, you two don't have to pretend anymore.

Om: fine okay but after this wedding season, you will let me and Gauri announce to everyone that we divorced. Gauri, any thoughts?

Gauri nodded and said: Jhanvi maa, Tej papa, Dadiji, I have to stand with Omkara on this one. After Priyanka has married, Omkara and I will announce to everyone that we are divorced. We won't mention that we got divorced two years ago. We'll just say that we divorced quite recently.

Om: do we have a deal everyone?

Tej, Jhanvi and Dadi: yes we do.

Om sighed in relief that his family finally understood something for once.

Anika: Gauri, what about your Shimla trip if the engagement is this Friday?

Gauri: papa will understand if I cancel the trip but at the same time, I don't want him to be upset that I haven't seen him in six months.

Jhanvi smiled at Gauri as she came up to her and held her hands.

Jhanvi: I've invited your family for the engagement. I sent an early invitation out just for them. When the rest of the wedding function dates are confirmed, I will send them an invitation for those functions.

Gauri: really?

Jhanvi: yes I did.

Gauri: thank you Jhanvi maa!

She hugged Jhanvi and Om couldn't help but give a little smile. He had always loved Gauri's bond with her dad and her bond with his mother. He remembered how Gauri and Jhanvi would always team up against Om back when they were happily married and even before they even married and were living together as boyfriend and girlfriend. He'd be lying if he said that he didn't miss those days.

Gauri: Om I hate you!

She said as she threw a pillow at him after dealing with morning sickness.

Om: now what did I do?

Gauri: you made me pregnant!

Om: and....?

Gauri: and now I have to be the one who has to deal with being sick, not you! Waise who makes someone pregnant just a few months after having their first child?!

So maybe it was partly Om's fault that they were already having a second child even though it had been half a year since they were blessed with Kairav. Only partly though.

Om: Gauri, meri jaan....it takes two to make a baby.

He said, keeping his arms around Gauri. Gauri got irritated and took Om's arms off him. It was at that moment Jhanvi came into their apartment and saw Gauri giving a cute angry face at Om.

Jhanvi: Om what did you do to my darling Gauri?

Om: oh god not you mum!

Gauri: Jhanvi maa, he made me pregnant again and now I have to deal with the morning sickness and I hate being sick and it's all Om's fault!

Jhanvi gasped: Om how could you do that to Gauri? Gauri, I'm here now. Let's go out without Om, Kairav or any boy.

Gauri: I'll just get ready then.

Jhanvi nodded as Gauri went to get ready. She gave a death stare at Om so Om couldn't say anything to her. Gauri got ready and left with Jhanvi. Om sighed and looked at Kairav, who had witnessed the drama from his baby chair.

Om: stay single forever else you have to deal with this. Understood? I am pretty sure you wouldn't want your mum to team up with your girlfriend.

Kairav blabbered something in response and Om laughed.

Om brought himself back to reality when his eyes caught Kanishka and Aneesa by the stairs, trying to be as discreet as possible. He could tell that they were trying to listen in the conversation but he didn't say anything. He knew they would lose interest within two minutes. He had already lost interest in this conversation.

Gauri: wait Wednesday evening we have to come here for a family dinner with Priyanka's future in-laws?

Om suddenly became a little bit interested in the conversation.

Om: I'm sorry what?

Dadi: ji haan, on Wednesday Prinku's in-laws are coming so you both have to join us and pretend to be married.

Om and Gauri: but.....

Jhanvi: please. For us. Just the test run to see how well you two can pretend to be married.

Om and Gauri looked at each other before sighing and nodding. They both did not want to pretend to be married since they could barely stand being around each other half the time.


Kanishka and Aneesa left their listening spot and went into Neela's room where all the cousins were in.

Kairav: so what did you find out?

Aneesa: Gauri chachi and Om chachu have to pretend to be married on Wednesday when Prinku bua's in-laws come over.

Ansh: oh that's pretty shit then.

Maria: don't swear, Kaila is here.

Kanishka: Kaila doesn't care. She isn't even listening.

She said, pointing at Kaila who had undid her braids and was brushing her hair with Neela's hairbrush whilst smiling at herself in the mirror.

Neela: Kaila, not my hairbrush!

Kaila: my hairbrush.

The cousins laughed before focusing back on the main issue. Gauri and Om pretending to be married for an entire wedding season.

Kairav: I can't believe they actually have to pretend to be married.

Kabir: and that too for the entire wedding season!

Kanishka: I don't know how mum and dad are managing to be in the same room as each other right now. They would be fighting right now.

Nikhil: maybe they are trying not to fight as much now. Didn't you say your principal called them both to school?

Kanishka: she did yes but she didn't mention anything about them arguing. Wait...that must be what she talked to them about when she sent me to get Kaila.

Nikhil: could have been.

Kanishka, Kabir and Kairav sighed. They had zero faith in their parents that they could stand each other long enough for the duration of the wedding season. Ever since the divorce, the longest they could stand each other in the same room was for at least two hours. That was how long their school events would be for. Om and Gauri would never argue at all when they were attending school events, Kairav's cricket and football matches, Kairav's hockey matches and Kanishka's dance performances.

As the cousins were talking about this matter, they heard a knock on the door.

Neela: come in.

The door opened and Priyanka came in.

Dhruv: aren't you supposed to be with the grown ups talking about your wedding and the fake shaadi act?

Priyanka: well technically yes but I thought to see how the baccha party is doing. After all, I am still part of the baccha party so I need to be updated on all the gossip here.

Nikhil: you're 26 so not really.

Priyanka: I was only nine years old when you were born my darling nephew so technically I am because we all grew up together!

Kanishka: true, chalo what do you want to know?

Priyanka: I want to know the gossip and why you and Aneesa were listening to the grown up conversation?

Kanishka and Aneesa: we weren't...

Priyanka: I saw and I think Om bhaiya saw too but it's Om bhaiya. He won't care that much considering he is more focused on the fact he has to pretend to be married to Gauri bhabhi.

Though Gauri was no longer her sister-in-law legally, Priyanka still addressed her as bhabhi. It was out of habit and from the bond they created.

Aneesa: we were just listening because we wanted to know what was being said.

Kanishka: and we found out that they have to pretend to be married on Wednesday evening for dinner with your in-laws!

Kairav: they don't like each other at all, how are they supposed to pretend to like each other for the wedding season?

Priyanka: accha....so you all think that my future in-laws will figure out within two minutes of dinner that those two are not married at all?

The kids nodded. Priyanka was about to say something when she saw Kaila trying to get on the bed. She went to Kaila and picked her up.

Priyanka: do you want to go on the bed?

Kaila: no I'll stay in your arms.

Priyanka: okay baby. Now I was about to say that we can give them a pre test run before their actual test run on Wednesday.

Ishaan: wouldn't the pre test run be their actual test run?

Priyanka: no it would be their pre test run!

Nikhil whispered to Ishaan: it's Prinku's logic, just deal with it.

Ishaan simply nodded before focusing on Priyanka again.

Priyanka: so I know that Ranveer's parents are going to some fancy restaurant tomorrow for dinner and I know which restaurant it is.

Kanishka: arre Prinku, we don't care what your fiance's parents do in the evening and that. Can we get to the point please?

Priyanka: okay Kanishka. Let's not be snappy here. Anyway, so I have a coupon for that restaurant. Couple coupon and it's for the restaurant's nine years anniversary and that anniversary is tomorrow, so the coupon expires after tomorrow. So just say to your parents that no one else was able to take the coupon and go to the restaurant and if they don't go, then Kaila will be very upset because it was all Kaila's idea.

Kabir: won't they be suspicious because Kaila should at least have an idea that they're divorced?

Priyanka: she's three. Kaila, what's divorce?

Kaila: I don't know.

She said before going back to playing with her aunt's hair.

Priyanka: see they won't suspect a thing and waise bhi, saying that it was Kaila's idea is the easiest thing to do because they will know that Kaila doesn't understand the concept of divorce since she's only three years old. So how was my idea?

All the cousins looked at each other and then looked back at their aunt.

Kanishka: but how will we know that they are doing a good job at pretending to be a happy married couple and do they even know what Ranveer's parents even look like?

Priyanka: Om bhaiya met Ranveer's parents a year ago so he'll know what they look like so he'll recognise them. Anyway, how was my idea?

Kanishka: in terms of ideas, I've heard better.

Priyanka: errrrr rude! I thought we were best friends!

Kanishka: of course we are, which is why I am asking very nicely....if you make me, Aneesa, Maria and Neela the bridesmaids, we expect lehengas made by Manish Malhotra. Not a dupe or anything, original Manish Malhotra....understood?

Priyanka: the wedding date hasn't even been decided yet. Back to the point, is my idea amazing and should we execute it?

Ansh: I like it.

Nikhil: me too.

Kabir, Ishaan and Dhruv: same!

Maria: it's a good idea.

Aneesa and Neela: we like it!

Priyanka smiled from the support she got from her nieces and nephews. Well from most of her nieces and nephews. Kaila was too little to understand or even care what Priyanka's idea even was - so her opinion was not needed at all. However, Kanishka hadn't given her opinion yet.

Priyanka: Kani?

Kanishka: well....okay let's do it.

Priyanka: yay! I'll go grab the coupon and Kairav can take care of it.

Kanishka: ek minute Prinku!

She said before Priyanka was about to leave the room.

Priyanka: now what?

Kanishka: how are we going to know how well their happy married couple act in the restaurant is going?

Priyanka: good question....Nikhil, you can drive so you, Kairav, Neela and Kanishka can all go to the restaurant and spy on your parents.

Aneesa, Maria, Ansh, Kabir: what about us?

Priyanka: you four, Dhruv, Ishaan and Kaila can chill with me.

Aneesa: with you?

Kabir: do we have to hang with you?

Priyanka: yes because I am amazing and you won't get Priyanka time that much once I am married so appreciate it.

All the cousins rolled their eyes at each other. Kanishka, Kairav and Kabir were desperate for their parents to get along even if it was just pretend, so they had no choice but to listen to Priyanka.


"So can we tell Pranati that you can't see her anymore because of the wedding season and the wedding act?"

Kabir asked in the car as Om was driving the kids back to his place after spending some time in his parents' home.

Om: no!

Kairav: but....

Om: don't even mention it to her. All four of you are not allowed to say anything to Pranati.

Kairav: do we have to?

Om: yes.

Kabir: fine.

Kanishka just rolled her eyes, whilst Kaila didn't even say or do anything since she fell asleep. Kairav went back on his phone and Kabir looked out of the window, so Om could enjoy the joys of a quiet car ride back to his place. As he was driving, a memory from years ago came back into his head.

It was the night of Gauri's father's big promotion night. Om and Gauri were invited to the big event, obviously since they were family and just as they were about to enter the big room where everyone was at, Gauri stopped Om from walking in.

Gauri: listen when we go into this room, we are married!

Om: how come we are magically married when we go into this room?

Gauri: because my dad accidentally told his boss in this room that me and you got married a year ago.

Om: Gauri.....

Gauri innocently smiled at Om and side-hugged Om as she was holding a one year old Kairav's hand. She cutely looked up at Om and Om looked down at her.

Gauri: it's only for today that you have to act like my husband and not like my boyfriend. Om, pleaseeeee!

Om: tell your dad that when we get married for real, then we are not inviting anyone in that room!

Gauri: so you're telling me that there's a possibility that you will propose and we will finally get married....for real?

Om: you'll find out soon meri jaan. Now I guess we have to pretend to be married so ready to give an amazing acting performance?

Gauri: I know that I'll do amazing. I don't want you to mess it all up!

Om: of course jaan, I'll do my best not to mess up your movie performance.

Gauri gave him a big smile and said as she went on her tiptoes: thank you baby, I love you.

Om bent down to her height and replied: I love you too jaan.

He pecked her lips before they walked into the room.

Om smiled, thinking about their fake marriage act during that party thanks to Gauri's dad. Now thanks to his own mother, he had to do another fake marriage act and this time, it was not for one night. It was for the entire wedding season.

Oh but he remembered that fake marriage act so well even if it was 15 years ago.

Aunty 1: so you two had a private marriage?

Gauri and Om nodded.

Aunty 2: so where did you both get married?

Om was about to say something when Gauri spoke before him.

Gauri: so we got married in Jaipur. It was beautiful and it felt like a royal wedding.

Aunty 1: so how old is this little baby girl and this handsome boy?

Om: Kanishka is four months old and Kairav is one year old.

Aunty 1: so you had Kairav soon after you married?

Gauri: voh haan we wanted to start a family quite early so we had Kairav a little after we married.

Aunty 2: Accha and you chose to have another baby after Kairav?

Gauri: we wanted our children to be close in age so yes.

Aunty 2: how cute! How was the proposal?

Om: proposal?

Aunty 2: haan the proposal.

Om was about to say something but Gauri spoke before him once again. He looked at Kanishka and sighed with a smile.

Gauri: we went to the rose garden in Chandigarh because he knows how much I love roses! Then as we were walking through the garden, it became a little dark and we went to the gazebo which was decorated with fairy lights and rose petals. There he asked me the question and I said yes!

Aunty 2: awwwww how cute!

Aunty 1: where is your ring by the way?

Gauri: it's being professionally cleaned right now.

Aunties: Accha.

Om remembered how amazing of an actress Gauri was that night. He loved every moment of that night, just seeing Gauri's face lit up when she could talk about their fake wedding that eventually turned into their reality. He did propose to her in Chandigarh's rose garden, and he did marry her in Jaipur - without the presence of all those people from that event.

Om parked his car whilst he reached his apartment building. All the kids got out of the car and Om picked a sleeping Kaila up. As they walked towards the apartment building, the kids groaned for some reason.

Om looked in front of him and saw why they groaned.

Pranati: hey everyone!

Om: hey Pranati.

He gave a look at his three older kids who sighed and said in unison: hi Pranati.

Pranati: I brought sushi, I thought we could all eat it together.

Kanishka: oh I got bad news then...we all don't eat fish. Oh well, see you later Pranati.

Om: Kanishka, be nice.

Kanishka: I was being nice!

Om rolled his eyes at his eldest daughter before looking at Pranati.

Om: sadly we don't eat fish Pranati. I'm really sorry.

Pranati: no worries, we can all just chill together then.

Kanishka: I got a lot of homework.

Kairav: same.

Kabir: same here. Lots of homework. Bye bye.

Om: kids...Pranati, me and you can just go to the apartment and talk. Come on everyone.

The kids groaned whilst Pranati smiled and followed them. As they were walking to Om's apartment, Om thought once again about that night.

Gauri had excused herself from the group of aunties to go freshen up her makeup. As she was walking to the bathroom, she got dragged into the storeroom.

Gauri: Om what the hell do you want?!

Om chuckled as he closed the storeroom's door and said: some quality time with my girlfriend or wife. Talking to all your dad's work friends was boring to me.

Gauri: really? I am 20 years old and somehow that means I am stuck with 40 something aunties as friends! Om when did I become so old? I am only 20 years old!

Om: you're not old at all jaanu. There's just no one your age at this event. By the way, where are Kanishka and Kairav?

Gauri: Kanishka is with my dad and Kairav is with my brother.

She started playing with Om's tie and she said: you know baby, the only joy I am getting from this event is talking all about our fake wedding and fake wedding life.

Om: I can tell. You've been making sure not to leave out any expensive details of our fake wedding.

Gauri chuckled as she went on her tiptoes to kiss her boyfriend. Om chuckled at Gauri's attempt to reach his lips, so he lifted her up, pinning her to the wall, keeping a firm grip on her legs that wrapped around his waist whilst her arms wrapped around his neck. Gauri smiled before kissing his lips. Due to their height difference, this was the best way for them to see each other eye to eye, face to face without Gauri's neck hurting or Om having to look down at her.

Om: you know Gauri, I am working hard to make sure your dream proposal and dream wedding becomes a reality for the both of us.

Gauri: I know baby and my online course is nearly over. Once it's over, I'll be able to get a job to support us.

Om smiled, pressing his forehead against Gauri's.

Om: I'm nearly there jaan...hopefully in the next three months, everything will fall into place financially and we can move out of our little apartment and buy that house we are in love with. Once we buy that house, we'll settle down and get married.

Whilst Om was born in a financially-strong family, he wasn't like his brothers and little sister who were happy to accept a lot of money from Tej and Jhanvi or like his brothers who were working with their dad. He wanted to make it into this world on his own and Gauri knew this well and she respected it.

Gauri: in Jaipur and Kanishka can be our flower girl?

Om: wait till she starts walking then yes, we can marry in Jaipur with Kanishka as the flower girl.

Gauri: you're the best!

Om pecked Gauri's lips before putting her down and hugging her tightly.

Om: I love you Gauri and I will always love you till the day my lungs give out.

Gauri smiled, hugging him back tightly.

Gauri sighed as she parked into her driveway. 'I will always love you till the day my lungs give out" - Om was lying. He lied about loving her forever. Gauri was thinking about that one time she and Om did a fake wedding act at her dad's event. She and Om managed to pretend to be married once for one day when they were young and very much in love - how was she going to manage a fake wedding act for an entire wedding season with the man who lied to her about loving her?

Gauri entered her house and kept her keys to a side before walking around in a very quiet house. She walked around the house, thinking about the first day she and Om moved into this house with Kairav and Kanishka.

The house had only known peace and quiet till Gauri and Om brought the place. Gauri smiled, remembering how the moment Om opened the door to their new place, Kairav started running around the entire house and a six months old Kanishka randomly started to cry before giggling loudly. Then once Kabir and Kaila were born, the house was filled with more noise so Gauri had never known this house to be so quiet.

Gauri really wanted her kids back in the house since she hated quiet houses and right now, her house didn't feel like home. Technically if she was unable to go with the kids to Shimla, she could have the kids back at her place...right? call her dad and let him know about the Shimla trip. She picked up the phone and selected her dad's contact before keeping the phone near her ear. After a few seconds of hearing the ringing sound, she finally heard a voice on the other line.

"Hi Gauri, how are you?"

Gauri: hi Pinky maa, I'm fine thank you. How are you?

Pinky was Gauri and her siblings' stepmother. Gauri's real mother was not a very nice person. As a daughter, Gauri loved her real mother despite the pain she caused her. However, as a human, she hated her real mother. Pinky was the one who did a much better job of being a mother to her and her siblings despite not being their blood mother and only being in the picture for about 8 years.

Pinky: I am very good thank you. Just tired. Is everything okay? You sound a little bit annoyed.

Gauri: I guess...is dad around?

Pinky: he just went to make some chai. Do you want to talk to me about it?

Gauri: of course. Voh Pinky maa, I don't know if you heard already but unfortunately due to Priyanka's wedding functions commencing on Friday, the children and I will be unable to come to Shimla as planned. I am so sorry.

Pinky: oh yes Shakti and I heard. We received our invitation and phone call from Jhanviji earlier. Don't worry about it because we will be coming to you instead.

Gauri: that's good then.

Pinky: there's something else you want to talk about isn't there?

Gauri: how did you know?

Pinky: I know you quite well baccha. I know there is something on your mind and you want to talk about it.

Gauri: Pinky maa, there is actually. Om's parents didn't tell anyone nor Jhanvi's dad that Om and I have to pretend to be married.

Pinky: you have to put up a fake marriage act?

Gauri: ji haan and I have to do it with my ex husband as well!

Pinky sighed, thinking what to say before finally speaking.

Pinky: maybe this would help you in a way.

Gauri: what do you mean?

Pinky: maybe you two will get back together.

Gauri laughed before saying: yeah right! That will never happen Pinky maa!

Pinky: then maybe this fake marriage act will help you two in being better co-parents for the kids and help you both not to fight in front of the kids.

Gauri: the kids told you about the arguing, didn't they?

Pinky: your kids rant a lot to me and your dad. Mainly Kairav.

Gauri: of course. I am sorry for them ranting to you and dad.

Pinky: don't be. They can't keep their feelings to themselves and they need someone to talk to about how they feel.

Gauri: Pinky maa, where did I go wrong? My kids don't even tell me how they feel nowadays.

Pinky: you haven't gone wrong anywhere. Children are like that at this age. They don't want to tell their parents anything. When you were Kairav's age, did you ever tell your dad how you felt about stuff?

Gauri: no I told my Nani. Oh I see what you mean.

Pinky: exactly. Look, I think see how this fake marriage act goes. When you feel like having a go at Om, just remember that your children are watching and it will make them happy to know that at least their parents are getting along even if it is pretend.

Gauri: I get what you mean.

Pinky: good, now I have to go. Time to be a therapist to your sister. I'll call you later and see you on Friday.

Gauri: see you on Friday, bye.

Pinky: bye baccha.

Gauri cut the call and thought of what Pinky had just told her. Even if she was upset with Om for abruptly ending their marriage out of nowhere with no reason, no explanation, no nothing - she might as well pretend to get along with him for the sake of her children's happiness. That's what she wished her father and real mother would have done when they were married.

Gauri shuddered at the thought of her parents' failed marriage. Their marriage affected everyone - her parents, her siblings, her parents' friends, relatives and herself. If her parents could have at least put in the effort to pretend they were happy in front of everyone, maybe Gauri wouldn't be scared to think of her childhood that much.

Gauri sighed, keeping her phone to the side and sat on the sofa in her living room. She sat there for a little bit, thinking about what to do. She was all by herself so she could complete that article for her work. As she was thinking of what to do, Gauri's mind wandered off to her marriage with Om before it failed. Even when the kids weren't at home, she always had Om for company and to complain to and to blabber nonsense to and he would patiently listen to her.

Gauri was watching TV in her and Om's room whilst typing up an article for her job. She sighed and kept her head on her bed's headboard. She needed someone to talk to. Unfortunately for her, Om was attending some online work meeting which was taking forever and her three darling children decided to spend time with their friends instead of her.

As Gauri focused back on her show and article, Om entered the room and immediately sat next to his wife, resting his head on her head.

Gauri: finally your meeting is over!

Om: aha yes. It was a very long meeting.

Gauri: I know but it's over now.

Om: true....arre you haven't finished your article yet? Isn't that the same piece you were writing up before my meeting started?

Gauri smiled innocently at her husband. Om raised an eyebrow and Gauri knew it was time to act cute to defend herself.

Gauri: so it would be all finished by now but...this house is too quiet, no one wants to spend time with me, I can't do my work unless I have someone with me and this show is so boring.

Om: then change the show.

Gauri: there are no other good shows on!

Om: Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney plus....we didn't buy these subscriptions for nothing!

Gauri: I already looked and nothing was interesting. But now that you are here, I can do my work.

Om chuckled, kissing the top of her head.

Gauri: I want another baby.

Om: you mentioned this the other night Gauri, do you really want another baby?

Gauri: yes Om I do! My kids are so grown up that they can't even hang out with their mum! I want another baby who will at least love to hang out with me, will look like me and they will be a mama's baccha.

Om: Gauri, you really want another baby that badly?

Gauri: yes! But we are not having another baby unless you are completely fine with it and we don't have to ask the kids if they are fine with it do we?

Om: I am completely fine with it as long as when you are pregnant, you won't try to kill me like you did the last three times.

Gauri: I won't promise.

Om: and we should probably ask the kids if they are okay with a baby in the house. I think they will be though.

Gauri: yay thank you Om. I love you.

She said, pecking his lips. Om smiled before saying: I love you too, now finish your article.

Gauri: you can write it!

She said, getting up from the bed and walking out of the room, leaving Om with her laptop.

Om: I am not doing your work for you and is that my missing blue shirt?

Gauri from a distance: yes you are and no it isn't!

Om laughed.

Sometimes Gauri would be lying if she said that she didn't miss Om's company.


"Prinku said she'll give Aneesa and Neela the restaurant coupon and they'll give it to us at school tomorrow."

Kanishka said to her siblings the moment she got off the phone with Priyanka. Kairav and Kabir nodded, whilst Kaila focused on her dolls. Pranati had thankfully gone home after trying too hard to be best friends with the kids. The kids were not in the mood to be friends with Pranati, especially after the morning conversation they had with her.

Kairav: I'm going to the corner shop, anyone wants to come?

He said, getting up and taking his phone and wallet off his desk.

Kanishka: I want to stay here but get me a milkshake!

Kabir: I'll come!

He said, getting up from his bed, standing next to Kairav.

Kairav: give me some money then for your milkshake.

Kanishka groaned and said: just pay for it with your own money, I'll pay you back.

Kairav: fine but get a job!

Kanishka: you got a part time job at Starbucks which means you are earning money for all of us, why do I have to get a part time job?

Kairav rolled his eyes at Kanishka. Kairav was the only one out of his siblings to have a part time job. His parents didn't force him into getting one. He just got one so he could earn his own money and his parents supported it. Kairav enjoyed having a part time job at Starbucks - he just didn't like his siblings trying to get free drinks from him. Kairav and Kabir were about to leave when Kaila decided to say something.

Kaila: get me chocolate please bhaiya.

Kairav: of course Kaila. At least Kaila says please!

He said, looking at Kanishka. Kanishka rolled her eyes again before Kairav and Kabir went out of the room. Om was folding clothes that he had set up for drying earlier, when he saw Kairav and Kabir about to go out.

Om: where are you two going?

Kairav: corner shop.

Om: is it the one near this apartment building?

Kairav: yes, do you want anything?

Om: I do, I just need you guys to get some bread for me. Here is some money.

He said, about to reach for his wallet.

Kairav: I'll pay for it dad, I'm already paying for Kanishka's milkshake and Kaila's chocolate.

Om: when you get Kaila's chocolate, give it to me and I'll put it in her lunchbox tomorrow. You know how she is if she has chocolate now at this time.

Kairav: true. Yeah I'll give it to you then.

Om: and are you sure you don't want me to buy?

Kairav: nah it's fine I'm happy paying. Now we have to go else the shop will be closed if we stay here any longer. Come on Kabir.

Om: be quick you two.

Kabir and Kairav: okay dad!

Om: and Kairav, get Friday off from work for the engagement.

Kairav: okay dad.

He said as he and Kabir left the apartment. Om smiled at those two before going to the room where his two girls were in.

Om: how come you two decided to chill in Kairav and Kabir's room?

Kanishka looked up from her phone and smiled as she said: because their room has better wifi than our room.

Om: really? I did not know that.

Kanishka: well now you do.

Om: okay well Miss Wifi stealer, time to put your pile of clothes away.

Kanishka: do I have to?

Om: yes and you too Kaila.

Kaila: no!

Om: yes!

Kaila: no!

Om: yes!

Kaila: no no no!

Om: yes yes yes!

Kaila pouted at her dad and Om pouted at his youngest daughter. Om could never get over how similar Kaila and Gauri were in both looks and personality. Gauri really got her wish of having at least one child to look like her...and act like her.

Om: jaan, you have to put the clothes away.

Gauri: why?

Om: because I washed them, dried them, ironed them and folded them. You can put them in your side of the closet.

Gauri: why have we got to share a closet?

Om: because two closets in the same room would take up too much space.

Gauri groaned as she finished filing her nails.

Gauri: I don't want to put them away.

Om: you have to.

Gauri: no.

Om: yes.

Gauri: no.

Om: yes.

Gauri: no no no!

Om: yes yes yes!

Gauri: Om, please do it for me just this once. Pretty please.

Om sighed and gave in. Gauri smiled as she got her way and Om kept the clothes away. He looked at his wife and pulled her cheeks.

Om: happy?

Gauri: very. Thank you!

She said, hugging him tightly. He hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.

Kaila was definitely going to give her future husband a hard time with her mother's personality. That's if he ever allowed Kaila and Kanishka to even marry.

Om sighed at Kaila and said: I'll do them for you then.

Kanishka: if she doesn't have to put her own clothes away, why do I?

Om: you're 15, Kaila's 3, I think it's self explanatory.

Kanishka groaned as she got up to put her pile of clothes away. Kaila smiled at Om and he smiled back at her before going to put her clothes away for her.


After a long day at school, it was finally time to go home. The kids had a better day at school than they did a day before because they didn't see Pranati at all and this time no meetings with the principal were conducted.

Om was waiting for his kids in the school parking space when his eyes widened at the scene in front of him. Gauri had already collected Kaila and Kanishka with Kairav and Kabir following them. Om got out of his car and came in front of Gauri.

Om: how come you are here today?

Gauri: I promised Kaila and Kanishka to take them out for hot chocolate.

Om: accha. You can take them out then. Kabir, Kairav, you're not going with them?

Kabir: Kaila said that it's only for girls.

Om: of course she did.

He said, chuckling. Gauri simply smiled before saying: I'll take the girls out now and am I okay to have the kids stay at my place from today?

Om: I mean I would rather have them with me but since your Shimla trip is cancelled, I guess it's only fair for you to have them.

Gauri: thank you, so can you drop off their stuff at my place later?

Om: of course.

Kanishka, Kairav and Kabir smiled at the two getting along for once whilst Kaila played with her mother's necklace. Kanishka was surprised that they had not started arguing yet. Kanishka then remembered about Priyanka's idea for today's evening.

Kanishka: mum, can you take me and Kaila for a girls' date some other day?

Gauri: are you sure because I don't mind taking you two out today?

Kanishka: yeah I'm sure. Voh actually me, Kairav and Kabir have something important to tell you and dad.

Om: not Kaila?

Kairav: Kaila too if she isn't in Kaila world.

Gauri: where and when do you want to tell us this important information then?

Kanishka: today, ideally now and can we go to your place?

Kaila: can we have ice cream please?

Gauri: fine, okay and yes to Kanishka.

Om: and no to ice cream.

Kaila rolled her eyes at Om before everyone made their way to their respective cars. The girls went with Gauri and the boys with Om. As Om and Gauri drove their cars, they started thinking about what Kanishka, Kairav and Kabir wanted to tell them.

Precap: the big restaurant drama

How was this guys? I hope you enjoyed the chapter and in the next chapter we will have the big restaurant drama. What will happen and will Om and Gauri put on a good act in front of Priyanka's future in-laws? Will Om and Gauri survive a whole wedding season with each other?

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