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*t/n : just make sure u read the last chapter (07) bc I double updated last time*


When the bell rang signaling for the students to take a break from their class, Yoongi was busy putting away her belongings because she didn't know how to fit all the belongings she took out into the small bag that Jimin bought for her.

Suddenly someone appeared on her side so she could almost hold her chest before looking at the visitor and she stopped, she looked at who it was with her resting bitch face.

Namjoon, his classmate with a little brain, opened up to him. There is a little harvest.

"Are you really Yoongi's sister?" He asked.

Infairness is the courage of this fool even though Jimin threatened earlier not to approach me because I am Yoongi's sister. That was what was on her mind now as she stared at him.

"Yes." She answered sparingly.

"Wow, you look like him. You just look like Yoongi after wearing women's clothes, hehe." He said.

Yoongi just stared at him before she moved a little farther away, as she made it clear that she wasn't interested in talking to Namjoon.

First of all, she felt that she was allergic to the man, secondly, the heat of her head, thirdly, the stench of his breath when he approached her.

"Did you know that when I first saw you I was fascinated by you?" Namjoon asked.

Yoongi blinked again.

"Did you know that when you first approached me I wondered if you knew how to brush your teeth?"

The two of them looked at each other before Namjoon blew his hand and smelled it, he suddenly walked away from Yoongi after he smelled it, Yoongi just turned around before she took her cellphone, because Jimin left. He wasn't even included so she was especially upset.

She jumped up from her seat and walked away, she noticed that many people were looking at him before so she was surprised, she knew she was beautiful in his new look so really pay attention to her but she did not know why some of them were laughing.

As she walked down the corridor her stomach suddenly hurt.

Oh, when I look at you, why does my stomach hurt.

Yoongi quickly ran to the nearest public restroom, she immediately entered a cubicle because she felt her stomach was badly mixed because she had diarrhea.

But as she took off her shorts and power puff girls panties her eyes suddenly widened, as if her feeling was numb and her hand was shaking.

Until she shouted loudly, there was no one else in that restroom besides her at that time.

Even though her hand was shaking, she quickly shoved out her cellphone from her pocket, swallowed her pride and quickly called Jimin.

"You answer, you answer please." She said in a panic as she waited for her friend to answer it.

"Hello, Yoongi-- I mean Yoonji?" Jimin asked on the other line.

Yoonji couldn't answer right away because she didn't know how to say it, she was scared, nervous and embarrassed.

"Hey, Yoonji? What happened? Why don't you answer?" Yoongi has already heard her friend's concern for her.

"Yoonji! Where are you? Hey! You answer! What--"

"I think I'm going to die ..." Yoongi answered weakly.

"WHAT ?!" Jimin shouted. "Where are you? What happened to you ?!" Jimin asked in a panic.

Until the tears gradually fell out from Yoongi's eyes, when Yoongi accidentally sobbed, her friend who was supposed to be next to the counter panicked even more but was running fast away from that place.

"Yoongi! Where are you ?!" Jimin asked again as he ran outside, he could see the look all around struggling in case he saw Yoongi.

"Jimin, you'll always remember that even if I'm annoyed with you, even if I'm annoyed with you, you're the only one I consider my true friend, you're also my family ..." Yoongi said crying.

"Wait, what ?!" Jimin shouted, he stopped walking because apart from being horrified by what Yoongi said he heard her crying.

"Are you crying?" Jimin asked but Yoongi didn't answer, instead he cried even harder.

"I actually took your underwear then because I didn't wear anything, then when we got angry when we were in junior high school, I really rubbed your toothbrush in the toilet, I was also the one who hid your titanium gel then and I used it. I'm really sorry for all the sins I've committed, I don't mean Jimin, when I die I hope you still forgive me. " Yoongi said tearfully.

"Don't cry, where are you now?" Jimin asked, a little annoyed with his friend.

Yoongi was still crying, so Jimin stopped walking, he took a deep breath to calm himself.

"Yoongi, calm down first, take a deep breath, please tell me where you are now and what happened to you, please?" Jimin also tries to calm himself down.

That's why Yoongi did, "I-I'm in the public restroom now, near our classroom."

So Jimin quickly ran to their building, "What happened?"He questioned.

Yoongi looked again at the amount of blood in her panties, as well as at the blood spread on the toilet where she was sitting, "T-There's blood."

Jimin's chest suddenly throbbed, "What blood ?!" Jimin shouted, "What's wrong with you? Where are you bleeding? Did someone hit you?" It's an intriguing question.

"My b-belly h-hurts."

Yoongi suddenly cried again, "I think I'm going to die!" Yoongi cried out loud so Jimin panicked even more.

When Jimin got to the nearest public restroom he quickly looked at it, but he didn't see Yoongi, until he fell asleep moaning from the other restroom, that was of ladies.

Besides, he realized that his friend was already a woman, because he lost a bit in his mind due to his panic so he hurried in there, he almost opened all the cubicles when he realized that the one at the far end was closed.

"Yoongi!" Jimin shouted.

"J-Jimin?" Yoongi was a little nervous when she heard her friend's voice.

"Open it!" Jimin crawled into the cubicle where Yoongi was.

"W-What ?! I-I can't!" Yoongi shouted.

"Why can't you ?! You're going to die if you don't want to open it ?!" Jimin shouted.

"I-I have blood on me, you can't see!" Yoongi insisted.

"Where ?!" Jimin shouted.

Yoongi didn't answer so silence enveloped the two of them, Jimin was just stunned in front of the cubicle until he gradually marealized where Yoongi had blood.

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