61: Listen

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"Listen. That's the real me you just heard." Yumemi began, surprising you. "What I was really thinking, who I really am. I am sorry for deceiving you all this time."

You glanced over at Kaede. He was taken aback.

Yeah, I would be too if I was a liar like him. Yumemi is ultimately a very honest woman. Sure, she has her own personal secrets, but if it comes down to it, she'll admit her faults. Kaede never would have told me if he didn't have to. Yumemi chose to play her tape. You thought halfheartedly. But if you were being honest with yourself, your anger for Kaede had died down. Maybe you were ready to talk to him. Now, not being the best time however.

"And I want to thank you for cheering me on until now." Yumemi concluded.

Everyone was silent. And then, you heard it.

"WE LOVE YOU, YUMEMI!" A male called out. "We don't care how you feel about us, Yumemi! We didn't fall in love with you because you love us back! We just love YOU, Yumemi!!!"

"Yeah, that's right! We're rooting for you always, Yumemi!" another voice chimed in.

"I still love you, Yumemi!"

"Your honesty is refreshing!"

"Don't give up!"

You chuckled and elbowed Runa.

"Funny turn of events, eh Ru?" You whispered as she shook her head.

"Funny, but not fun." She scowled. "I wanted public humiliation."

"You always want public humiliation. I want redemption stories sometimes, you know." You laughed.

She elbowed you back and looked sideways.

You shrugged, indicating your hesitancy about that redemption. As everyone screamed for an encore, you thought about your own actions. Would you have the same support that Yumemi got?

Then, as the stage and audience babbled on about the culprit of the letter, you suddenly had a very bright light shining in your direction.

"Come to think of it, I guess I do have someone in mind." Yumemi had an evil grin on her face.

Oh don't do it... You smacked your own forehead. Don't lie about it.

"Not that I'm saying it's definitely him... but I'd like to hear what he has to say. Student council accountant Kaede Manyuda." Yumemi grinned like a cat with a fish.

Kaede crossed his arms and held a negative, yet somehow neutral face. He wouldn't be bullied by the idol. You turned to see how he would handle it.

"That's right!" Yumemi's assistant called out. "He set up this event in the first place! Filling this venue with fan club members should've ensured our victory. The only one who could've made it all fall apart for us is Manyuda-kun."

"That's just stupid." You verbalized, louder than you wanted.

Kaede held his hand up slightly, to alert you that he would handle it. But internally, he had a shit-eating grin on. Perhaps you weren't talking to him, but you had defended him. And you had defended him from one of your favorite council members.

"You're a wanted man, Kaede!" Runa laughed as Kaede stood up, ready to handle the situation and prove to you that he could take care of the situation. After all, to him, it was now very obvious that you had played a role in it.

"Kaede! You--" Sayaka spoke angrily, but she held no authority over Kaede.

"Just shut up." He spoke rudely to her, as usual and began to walk to the stage. "They won't settle down unless I go down there." He paused as he walked in front of you. Then, his voice dropped to a whisper.

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