62: I Will Handle It

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"I will handle it, YN."

You looked away from him, not wanting to talk. But he continued his march up there and took a microphone to begin a speech.

"Alright, listen up everyone. What they said just now is pure speculation, nothing  more." He began, "I have nothing to be ashamed of and have done nothing that I should be vilified for."

He looked at you as he spoke that sentence.

"As someone who aspires to be student council president, I'll gladly stake my position!"

"...What?" Everyone in the student council, including you, wondered out loud at once.

"That's quite an interesting statement to make." Yumeko noticed.

"Innocent until proven guilty. You have no proof." He scoffed.

"Oh, that doesn't matter at all." Yumeko chuckled. "Proof? This isn't a trial. Nevermind that. Why don't we settle this by gambling!? We'll each stake our respective claims! The views of the winner will prevail. That's how this academy operates. So, how about it?"

"Oh my... don't be so stupid, Kae..." You muttered as you put your forehead in your hand and shook your head. But you thought you knew where this was headed. No one in the damn council could resist a bet. Especially coming from the viper in the garden.

"Declined." He sneered as you let out a breath of relief. "You think an esteemed student council member like myself would just comply with these idiotic accusations? First of all, you have no standing. Such a bet is only valid between those of equal standing."

Oh here we go on this... You sighed for another reason. He was ranting now.

"You should know your place, you house pet!" He looked down at her, superiority coursing through his veins. After all, he had fucked a princess of Japan. He was going to be the next student council president. He was one of the best gamblers here. And she was a lowly Mittens.

Runa laughed wildly at this. It was just her thing.

"Well, if you don't want to do it, it can't be helped." Yumeko shrugged as she removed her tag and held it. "An official match it is!"

Everyone was shocked. Floored. Flabberghasted. Even Kaede's stupid fake glasses fell off of his face.

Then, you heard a familiar voice.

"No... stop! Hold up a second! Yumeko wait! Weren't you saving your official match to take on the student council president!?" Itsuki called out.

A scowl fell on your face and you saw Kaede look away.

She shouldn't speak. You thought to yourself. If she has another life plan ever, I'll make sure it's awful.

"What?" Yumeko tilted her head. "When did I ever say such a thing? Even once? I'm not really the patient type, you see."

You snorted. She was right, she never said it. In fact, having spent the night with Yumeko, it seemed as though she just went with the flow of life. She did what she wanted.

"Now then, Kaede..." She said his name sickeningly sweetly, "Let's get our gambling freak on!"

"See? What did I tell you?" Runa turned to you, "It's all proceeding without a hitch. That's precisely when you get the rug pulled out from under you. Just like I told him. We'll have public humiliation, no problem!"

"I didn't want it for him, Runa..." You groaned. "That's just painful to watch."

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