A Lemony Lesson

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Hickory: So I was like, "Yeah," and then he was like, "No way!" and then, I was like, "Yeah way!" and he was like, "Oh my gosh, like seriously? No way!" and then I was like, "Yeah Dickory, heeey," and then, he was like "Hickory, please." You know, I really miss Dickory It's been like... one hour, twenty-seven minutes, and thirty-four seconds since I last saw him.

Queen Essence: You counted?

Hickory: [sees Dickory and waves] Hey Dickory!

Dickory: Hickory! [they run towards each other in slow motion, until Hickory runs into Queen Essence]

Trollzart: So, I won last time. Where's my prize?! I demand a prize! NOW!

Mayor Angelene: Where did that attitude come from? Anyway Trollzart, last time you and Queen Poppy jumped into the safe zone before the rest of the contestants which means that you two get to pick the teams.

Queen Poppy: Oh my gosh, really? Cool!

Branch: Yeah, thanks to Cloud Guy.

Cloud Guy: SPRINKLES!!!

Mayor Angelene: So Poppy, you get to choose first.

Trollzart: How come she gets to choose first? What about me?!

Mayor Angelene: Well if you remember, Poppy fell into the water before you, so she gets to choose first.

Queen Poppy: Hmm... Branch, come over here, you get to be on my team!

Branch: [walks to Poppy] You've made a wise decision, Poppy. You won't regret it.

Trollzart: Well, I choose Trollex. After his brave cliff dive, I now realize that-

Queen Barb: Yeah, yeah. Enough with the six-hour speeches!

King Trollex: [walks to Trollzart] Yeah! Chosen first, that's awesome!

King Quincy: Yeah, well, there's a first time for everything. And, FYI, you were chosen second. [giggles]

Queen Poppy: Hmm... Branch, how about we choose Barb? He's strong, right?

Branch: Fine, whatever.

Queen Barb: [walks to them] Yeah, you better choose me! Now I don't have to beat you up.

Branch: [sarcastically] Phew! That's a relief! I was so terrified. [is kicked by Barb] Ow!

King Trollex: Hey Trollzart, let's choose Cloud Guy.

Trollzart: No way! Let's pick someone who is actually useful to the team.

King Trollex: Cloud Guy, get over here! You can be on our team!

Trollzart: What?! I didn't agree to that!

Cloud Guy: [jumps to them]

Queen Barb: King Quincy is tall. He could come in handy someday.

Branch: Quincy is a guy?

King Quincy: [walks to them] Yeah!

Trollzart: Queen Essence, buddy! Get over here!

Branch: Biggie, get over here! You have to be on my team!

Queen Essence: Yeah, I agree, Dickory.

Queen Poppy: Let's choose Smidge!

Queen Barb: Oh great! A tiny weak Pop Troll!

Dickory: Hey guys, how about we choose Hickory? He's cool, right?

Trollzart: No, not really. He's really [bleep].

(Poppy gasps in horror)

Trollzart: Let's choose Legsly. She has lots of extending fun.

Cloud Guy: [giggles]

Branch: That wasn't funny at all!

Biggie: Hmm, Delta Dawn or Hickory. Which one should we choose?

Queen Barb: Delta. She's cool. Plus, I don't feel like listening to Hickory's "Like, Oh my gosh, like no way!"

Hickory: Hurtful!

Dickory: Hey Hickory, that means you get to be on my team now! Come on!

Hickory: Well... hmmm... okay!

Mayor Angelene: Okay now. All of the contestants are assigned to teams. So each team, you have one minute to pick a team name.

Queen Poppy: Just because we're so epic, how about Team Epic?

Queen Barb: Yeah!

Branch: It's perfect!

Mayor Angelene: Okay, you guys are now Team Epic, and Trollzart's team, choose a name please.

Cloud Guy: CHICKEN LEG!!

Mayor Angelene: Okay, Team Chicken Leg it is!

Trollzart: What?! NO!

Mayor Angelene: Now that the teams are picked, we can move on to the challenge.

Branch: [sarcastically] Finally, about time.

Mayor Angelene: Now back on track: If you noticed, there are two large lemon trees behind all of you.

Delta Dawn: Hey, I found our tree! [kicks a tree]

Tree #1: Get off our branches, you little turd!

Tree #2: I'm an apple tree so just [bleep] off.

Queen Poppy: What the?! Those weren't there three seconds ago.

Mayor Angelene: No, they were not, and I'm talking about the trees over there that DON'T talk. Luckily, we had an app for that. Anyway, you guys have to take the lemons from your tree, and put them in your team's respective baskets. You must work together as a team for this challenge, or obviously, you will fail. The team to have the most lemons in their basket at the end of a three minute time period wins. Got it?

King Quincy: Well actually, I had a question about-

Mayor Angelene: START!

Branch: [climbs Team Epic's tree and gets to the top]

Biggie: Show off. [Branch throws lemons, they hit Biggie, King Quincy grabs them. Branch drops something brown on Biggie, leaving him shocked]

Branch: Sorry man, this stupid chocolate bar's in the way!

King Quincy: [puts three lemons into their team basket]

Trollzart: Let's use the useless one to our advantage. [kicks Cloud Guy up tree]

Legsly: OK, that was kinda harsh.

Queen Essence: Who cares? It worked, didn't it? Hurry up, Cloud Guy, give us the lemons!

Delta Dawn: Dignity doodly!

Legsly: Queen Essence, don't you know?? Cloud Guy doesn't speak English, only French and some other words.

Trollzart: We're so doomed!

King Quincy: [puts three more lemons into their team basket]

Trollzart: [groans] No! COME ON!

King Quincy: [adds twelve more lemons with help from Smidge]

King Trollex: You know, you could be a little nicer to Cloud Guy, it's not his fault.

Trollzart: Well, you're the one that chose him and he's such a [bleep].

King Trollex: I'll show you who's a [bleep]! [kicks Trollzart up the tree]

Queen Barb: Don't worry Delta, we don't need to compete. I brought my portable DVD player. Let's watch the best show ever!

Delta Dawn: You mean Desperate Housewives?

Queen Barb: Yeah dude!

Delta Dawn: [watches the show with Barb] No Shelley, don't cheat on Matt, he's a nice man!

Queen Barb: It's... so... sa-ad!

Trollzart: [lands in tree] Whew! Hey, I'm in the tree, but there aren't any lemons up here. No fair! The tree is rigged!

King Trollex: Bro, nature can't be rigged, it doesn't work that way.

Legsly: How are there no lemons in our tree?

Mayor Angelene: Twenty seconds left, and it looks like Team Chicken Leg is pretty much doomed.

Trollzart: Oh great. You know what, Cloud Guy? This is all your fault! Cloud Guy, you suck! [kicks Cloud Guy]

Cloud Guy: [spits out 31 lemons, score is 31 to 32, Team Epic is winning]

Queen Essence: What the hell?

King Quincy: Don't worry guys, we're still in first place, and there's only a couple seconds left.

Cloud Guy: [spits out two more lemons, score is 33 to 32]

Mayor Angelene: Time's up! And the score is 33 for Team Chicken Leg and 32 for Team Epic, so Team Not-So-Epic loses! One of their members is going home today.

Queen Barb: Wow, you guys actually lost to Cloud guy? That's really sad.

Branch: At least we did something. You just sat there and watched Desperate Housewives and that show is terrible!

Biggie: You guys are so eliminated!

Mayor Angelene: Speaking of elimination-and I don't mean my bowel movements-Team Epic, come with me to the elimination area. It's time for you to vote which contestant should leave. [switches to elimination area] All the votes are in, and it's time to see which contestant will leave the game... FOREVER. When I call your name, it means you are safe, and you get to stay for another episode. For every episode, you will get a little gift when you are safe. [shows plate of chocolate chip cookies] This time, we have a hot plate of chocolate chip cookies. So if you get no cookie, you leave the game. Now Branch, you received no votes against you, so you get to stay for another episode. [gives Branch a cookie] So are Biggie, Queen Poppy, and King Quincy, who also received no votes. [gives them cookies] Smidge, Queen Barb, and Delta Dawn, you all received at least one vote. Smidge, with only one vote, you are safe. [gives her a cookie] Queen Barb and Delta Dawn, you both received three votes and are tied. We will have to settle this with a tie breaker challenge.

Delta Dawn: And what might that be?

Mayor Angelene: Well, you are both standing on a small platform, suspended over a lake...

Delta Dawn: Hey, how did we get on...

Mayor Angelene: The first contestant to fall off the platform and into the lake below is eliminated. Oh yeah, and you can't come back. EVER. It's that simple. Go!

Queen Barb: You actually think you can beat me up! [slaps Delta, she almost falls in but grabs onto the edge]

Delta Dawn: Whoa, that was close! [Barb throws bowling ball at her] Ow. What the heck, sweetie?! [Barb throws an apple, Cloud Guy, and a dolphin at her] Was that a freakin' dolphin?

Queen Barb: Bye bye! [drops a piano on Delta]

Delta Dawn: Wait, wha-[a piano drops on her, she falls in lake]

Mayor Angelene: That's it. Delta Dawn, you are eliminated. That wraps things up, so tune in next time for another amazing episode of Trolls: Eyes on the Prize!


Mayor Angelene is Herself

Anna Kendrick is Queen Poppy

Justin Timberlake is Branch

Rachel Bloom is Queen Barb

James Corden is Biggie

Kelly Clarkson is Delta Dawn

Sam Rockwell is Hickory

Flula Borg is Dickory

George Clinton is King Quincy

Mary J. Blige is Queen Essence

Gustavo Dudamel is Trollzart

Anthony Ramos is King Trollex

Ester Dean is Legsly

Walt Dohrn is Cloud Guy and Smidge

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