The Sleepy One

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Sleepy Cameraman was sleeping on the sofa in the alliance base as usual and everyone was annoyed by him but there was nothing really that they could do since he had already completed all of his missions and work. This was a very common thing for him to do and he usually didn't care about the annoyance from others since his work was complete and he had nothing else to do.

"Hey bro, you seem to be free right now. Would you like to hang out with us?" Some alliance members ask Sleepy Cameraman.

"No thanks, I'll pass." Sleepy Cam replies and falls asleep again.

"Hey can you help me with this?" A random Speakerman asks.

"Go ask the others." Sleepy Cam replies without even turning his face towards the guy.

It was late in the evening and everyone was beginning to head home, but Sleepy Cam stayed back at the base and continued sleeping. Suddenly, another Cameraman approached him.

"Hi, can I sit here?" That Cameraman asks politely.

"Sure..." Sleepy Cam replies, yawning and slowly sitting up.

The Cameraman sits down next to Sleepy Cam and notices him working on his laptop which has its screen obscured from the Cameraman's view.

"You seem to sleep a lot, I've noticed." the Cameraman says.

"Yeah..." Sleepy Cam replies in a very tired tone of voice as he proceeds to continue working on his laptop.

While they were carrying out their conversation, Sleepy Cam suddenly passes out from exhaustion. The Cameraman is really startled and concerned and starts to shake his body in a desperate attempt to wake him up.

"Hey?! Hey! Sleepy??? Are you okay?" The Cameraman shouts loudly and shakes Sleepy Cam's body in concern.

"AH?! Eh....I...uh...fell asleep again??" Sleepy Cam snaps back to reality and sits up in a sudden daze.

"What happened, why did you suddenly pass out like that?" the Cameraman questions with full concern for his friend.

"'s just an old condition of mine..." Sleepy Cam explains exhaustedly, clearly in a tired and half asleep state.

"What did you say?" the Cameraman asks in disbelief.

" I am diagnosed with narcolepsy. Lmao." Sleepy Cam replies with a yawn despite his statement being such a serious one.

"So that's the reason you always try to finish your work quickly and take naps every time?" the Cameraman inquires.

"Yeah I guess...It kinda sucks, lol." Sleepy Cam replies, barely holding himself back from bursting into a fit of laughter.

Cameraman just stares at Sleepy Cam in silence for a moment, unsure how to respond to his statement.

"Haiz... I'm so tired. Let's me borrow you a bit." Sleepy Cam hugs the Cameraman ad then falls asleep.

"Erm...What..?.." the Cameraman remarks, surprised by this unexpected action but soon he himself is exhausted and tired as well. He also succumbs to the tiredness and falls asleep in Sleepy Cams arms.

When everyone arrives at the base, they notice a peculiar sight. Cameraman and Sleepy Cam are cuddled up together in a very endearing manner. Everyone can't help but giggle at this cute sight and also finds it rather amusing.

"At least they didn't do anything sus." Camera man 204 remarks to TVman 204.

"Haha. Mr. sleepless has now gotten himself a second partner?" TV man 204 replies with a mischievous grin and chuckles as he finds the entire situation hilarious.

(What do you guys think the Cameraman should name? I want the opinion from you too, user36243467)

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