EPISODE 6 - First PV

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Honoka: Remember when we tried to make our first PV?
Hanayo: I think everyone does.
Umi: Why wouldn't we?
Eri: I totally remember cuz I was in the center of it. That Bokura wa no Live, Kimi to no Life PV came out without drama. I was an alpha bitch that time, turning down all your offers to join until the last moment. I'm glad I put on that red uniform and performed in the green field out there with you guys.
Honoka: Uhhh...I am talking about the Korekara no Someday PV, Eri-chan. The one where we wore party costumes. The one where Nico helped a lot in choreographing it. You and Nozomi weren't there yet at the time.
Eri: EHHHH?!! Oh...sorry...I thought you meant what I was thinking.
Maki: Eri, we're talking about that PV where Nico was our most recent member at the time...(whispers)...and where we first held hands in a performance...
Eri: Maki, what did you just say? I didn't hear that last part -
Kotori: Why do you ask that, Honoka-chan?
Honoka: Because I heard that the next episode will be about Aqours' First PV!
Umi: Oh really?!
Honoka: Yep! Let's get together now then and watch....huh?
Nozomi: What is it?
Honoka: Guys, where's Nico-chan?
Everyone: Eh?
Rin: She is not here, guys!
Maki: Ummmm...she isn't gonna come.
Kotori: Oh? Maki you know something?
Maki: I just contacted her yesterday. It wasn't fun to be honest....

---- Flashback: At Nico's apartment ----

Maki: Hey, Nico!! What the hell is wrong with you?!!
Nico: I just watched Sunshine's sixth episode!! A LOAD OF CRAP!!
Maki: Stop it, Nico!!! I am ashamed to see you get so irritated at them. You are going too far...
Nico: THEY ARE THE ONES GOING TOO FAR!! Let me tell you, this next episode will be filled with nothing but COPYCAT IMPOSTERS!! Hmph!!! Tell the others that I will not watch this episode with them. Bye!!

---- End of Flashback ----

Maki: Nico is not coming this time. She's very bitter about the entire episode.
Honoka: Huh? Is it that bad?
Kotori: I feel bad for her.
Rin: Why is Nico so bitter with Aqours, huh?
Eri: Looks like we have to move on and watch, guys. We can't afford to stop now.



Everyone: What the hell?!!!
Honoka: NOOOOO!!?
Umi: Geez, do we have to go through this again? I get it now why Nico is so pissed.
Maki: Crap.
Kotori: Are they gonna do what I think they are gonna do?

(Mari mentions her family is already funding as much money as they can to keep the school open.)

Honoka: Amazing! They are lucky to have such good people!
Umi: Just because someone is funding to keep Uranohoshi safe does not guarantee it will stay safe. Student quota is still the main judge.
Maki: Oh right, Mari's family is rich so it makes sense. Thank god.
Eri: Hold on a sec.....WHY DID I NOT THINK OF THAT?! Maki's parents would have helped us out in the same way -
Maki: I don't think my parents would have cared to help. Besides, our idol activities saved anyway so there was no need to do that.
Eri: Oh....

(Mentions of them possibly getting transferred to a sister academy...)

Rin: Transfer, huh? It almost happened to all of us.
Honoka: My sister actually used to consider enrolling at UTX Academy where A-Rise is.
Nozomi: Somehow, I feel they might be foreshadowing a lot of possibilities here....

(Chika will use Aqours to save the school JUST LIKE HOW MUSE DID!!)

Eri: (facepalm) Oh. My. God.
Honoka: COOL!! Chika should copy our methods!! She should start recruiting Dia, Mari, and -
Everyone: (looked kinda depressed)
Honoka: Huh? What's wrong?
Kotori: I dunno....they are thinking this is easy to pull off...
Umi: I get it now why Nico is offended by this episode. It is like Aqours is trying too hard to be Muse 2.0.
Nozomi: I can only pray that the fans will understand......
Eri: I am worried for them too. A lot of bashers are gonna start popping up soon....
Maki: I will be honest....why does every school idol needs to be obligated to save their schools.
Hanayo: Because of us and A-Rise. Apparantly, both our groups are indirectly responsible for all this since we popularised the idea.
Everyone: ............

(Running out of ideas to promote their school: SINCE THERE IS HARDLY ANYTHING SPECIAL ABOUT NUMAZU OR THEIR SCHOOL!)

Honoka: This is just.....too painful to watch.
Hanayo: Otonokizaka, our school, used to be this boring. Nothing stood out for our school back then.
Eri: I am already feeling really bad for them.
Umi: I probably feel just as bad as Nico is. Everything is TOTALLY COPYING our experiences.
Rin: They are totally gonna get a load of bashers, nyah.

(Sky lantern festival.)

Honoka: Beautiful!
Hanayo: They are so lucky to have very a supportive community early on. That I think is what makes them different.
Umi: Gosh, I wish had one back then. I love sky lanterns.

(Chika realizes that what is special about their town are the wonderful people in it.)

Maki: Hate to break her hopes.....but Chika should realize that the people there are nice because it is a rural city in the countryside. It is nothing like urban cities such as our own, Tokyo. Here, nobody even cares about each other.
Nozomi: I actually agree. I feel this is gonna be bad for Aqours. They are not aware of the sheer difference between us and them.

(Aqours make their first PV.)

Honoka: Amazing!
Rin: The song is already nice, nyah!
Hanayo: They are kinda good for starters.
Eri: As a ballet dancer, I have to give an honest judgement: I don't like their performance, sorry. Their dance steps are a bit slow and lacking.
Kotori: The costumes are okay though.
Maki: Honestly, I feel that the background looked way better than their actual performance. Nico pretty much said the same thing.


Maki: Let me tell you guys. If Nico was here watching with us, all I could imagine she could do is shouting, insulting, bashing, and complaining while she is watching.
Rin: Right...Nico-chan is better off not being here.
Umi: She has a point. Honestly, this episode is not very good. It is giving everyone the impression that Aqours is trying to be like us and even try to replace us.
Kotori: If only people understand that a lot of other idol groups are doing same thing Aqours are doing right now.....
Eri: I really hope that Aqours start realizing things....this is not gonna end well for them.
Honoka: Why is everybody so down with this episode?!! This episode is fine! I do not mind if it seemed too similar with what we all went through! Aqours has to shine!!!
Maki: Honoka, the way they are doing it is the only thing that is wrong.
Honoka: ......I will still support them though.....

--- Nico sent a text message ---

Maki: Hey guys, pay attention! Nico just texted.
Honoka: What did she say?
Nico: To everyone in Muse, I just wanna say I will watch again with you guys next episode. I just saw the preview - it looks like those copycats are gonna come here in Tokyo next week.
Maki: WAIT, WHAT?!!!
Everyone: WHAT!!!!!!?


A/N: Surprise, lol! You thought I will never update this after almost a year? I actually thought too, lol, but I ended up updating anyway because Season 2 is here and is motivating me to get back to my roots.


Here's the thing though: I am uncertain about releasing the next chapter yet. IT ALL DEPENDS ON HOW MANY VIEWS THIS VERY PAGE TAKES, since I wanna know if anyone out there is still active or actually cares about this book. Thus I have a challenge for you: If this page gets more than 50 views, not only will I be motivated to release the next reaction chapters, I might even release the Season 2 reactions in a different book! Yep, I'm serious!

Guys, you might notice that I shortened and summarized this chapter and that it is a bit disorganized. It is because I am in a hurry to publish this - wifi ran out so I had to take the chance when an open wifi is available.

So yeah...ummm...I hope many people do read so that I can check you all out in the next pages. See ya!

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