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(Previously, Nico warned about a possible crossover in the next episode as Muse heads to Tokyo. Soon after, she decided to communicate Muse via Skype and explain to them more details.)

Hanayo: They're coming next week on weekends!!?
Nico: DUH! Tokyo is the site of most if not all major auditions for the Love Live Preliminaries. The comittee invites EVERY school idol group within the Top 100 to come here. We went through that, remember?
Honoka: Wait....so....AQOURS MADE IT TO THE TOP 100 then?!! Great!!
Nozomi: It definitely is a big deal! Nicocchi, you have a plan for this?
Nico: I do...especially since their arrival comes on the weekends...
Eri: I thought you hate Aqours. Why do you seem to care?
Nico: BE-CAAAUUUSSSE I don't want to them to see me. The last thing I want is going outside and then they suddenly show up to bother me.
Eri: Oh right.
Rin: Awwww come on!! Why not?!!
Nico: Think deeply. If we get seen outside, I swear they'll come at us and it will be a bad thing for us.
Honoka: But...how can you say that?!! I wanna see Chika -
Eri: Honoka....please don't. Nico has a point. If we make any public appearance, an entire crowd might follow us like crazy.
Maki: It is not just Aqours, by the way. Every single idol group with the same amount of passion for us will show up. Think about that.
Umi: Eri is right. Honoka, stay here. You will end up distracting them.
Kotori: Honoka-chan, didn't we agree to leave no legacy behind so that every school idol will form as they see fit without our intervention? You said something along those lines remember?
Honoka: .....oh right....yeah, I remember. Sorry, just got caught up emotionally and all....
Nozomi: Don't feel bad about it. They will air an episode about their travels here, I'm sure! So no need to worry!

(After further discussion, everyone agreed to not show up in public for next week. Instead, Nico suggested them to do something like play SIF, play games or something, and do as they do things normally.)

(However, Honoka acted strangely days before the aforementioned Aqours arrival.)

Kotori: Umi-chan....don't you find Honoka acting weird?
Umi: You woke me up to ask that? What made you think that?
Kotori: Well...she's been travelling a lot lately. LITERALLY A LOT. Ever since yesterday, I tend to see go to various places all over Tokyo, from Akihabara Train Station, to a large clothes shop.
Umi: Really?
Kotori: I tried to talk to her what she is up to, but she either refused to answer me or even seemed like trying to ignore me. I am worried.
Umi: Really suspicious then. Alright, let me volunteer to keep an eye on her.
Kotori: Thanks....

(Finally, the day has arrived. As planned, everyone stayed inside their homes. Hanayo and Nico are both busy monitoring the Auditions today. Nico herself texted everyone a message when they wake up.)

Nico Text: "Are you awake? Today is the day so remember not to go outside, alright?"
Umi: Nico really is making so much effort, huh?

(Umi, however, had to check Honoka for Kotori's sake. She went to her house as early as about 7 AM. She found something surprising.)

Honoka's mom: Yawwwwnn!! Oh! Umi, you are so early!
Umi: Sorry for the intrusion but...I want to see her...
Honoka's mom: Oh?! I am sorry but you are late! She already left which is actually very odd!
Umi: Huh? When did she leave?
Honoka's mom: About an hour ago? She actually woke me up to tell me that. She said she has to meet someone important so I allowed her to go.
Umi: Meet someone? Did you notice anything funny about her?
Honoka's mom: Ummmm....she brought a big bag with her....what else...I think she took out a mask or something....hmmm....I don't recall...
Umi: May I please investigate her room?
Honoka's mom: Yeah go ahead. I am worried for my daughter. You helping out will be a great help!

(Umi investigated Honoka's room. She found nothing strange at all after a thorough inspection. Then Honoka's sister showed up.)

Yukiho: Yaaaawwwwnnn!! Oh! Good morning Umi!
Umi: Good morning! I am here cuz I am watching out for Honoka and all.
Yukiho: Ahhh, so you noticed. I am bothered by her antics lately, too. Actually, I have to ask you something.
Umi: What?
Yukiho: Are you and big sister up to something? One time yesterday, I saw her doing something in her room. She seemed to be packing a lot of clothes in a bag.
Umi: Clothes?
Yukiho: Yep! When I asked her about it, she seemed completely surprised. She said to me that she and you will be attending the Tokyo Auditions to watch the latest idol groups. Is that the case?
Umi: What.....could it be.....tsk!! HOOOOONOOOOKAAAAA!!!

(Immediately, Umi contacted everyone to talk to her on Skype. The others got her message soon and they opened up.)

Hanayo: Something wrong?!
Nico: What happened? It's strange for you to call us all like this.
Umi: Guys, we have a problem! Honoka is preparing to meet Aqours! My investigations with her family and her room lead to that conlcusion!
Maki: What did you just say?!!
Kotori: Ehhh?!
Nozomi: Oh no!
Umi: I am serious guys. The fact she isn't around is more susupicious.
Nico: GODDAMN HER!! Alright, you guys must stay put! I will follow her and catch her!
Kotori: Can I help out too?! I am just as good as wearing disguises as you are! Also, I know different paths and escape routes around Tokyo just as well as you do, thanks to my previous Minalinsky job.
Nico: Hmmm...alright. Meet up with me at the train station -
Umi: Let me go, too! I am the only one who can control Honoka!
Eri: I have to go as well! In case Umi fails, I will handle Honoka since she sees me as another authority to listen to!
Rin: Let me go too, nyah!! I am the fastest and most athletic person in Muse! Catching Honoka is guaranteed if I join!
Hanayo: Ummm...let me join too! I have connections with some school idols and with some of the Otonokizaka students who can help out to spot them.
Maki: I want to stay....buuuuttt...it seems everybody is coming and I doubt you can fix things on your own (blush) -

(Apparantly, after many arguements, Nico decided to make use of everyone to catch one person...while avoiding six in the process....)


Nico: Is everyone at their respective places, over?
Everyone: Yep! (talking through text.)
Maki: Rin, Hanayo, and I are standing by at Akihabara Train Station.
Umi: Kotori and I are at a shopping district. It has a lot of shops including the one where Kotori used to work at.
Eri: I am sitting somewhere near UTX.
Nozomi: I am at the Temple Shrine. Where are you by the way?
Nico: At Otonokizaka. Anyway, listen: our main priority is to LOOK FOR HONOKA AND CATCH HER, GOT IT? NOT TO WATCH OVER AQOURS OR ANYTHING. Honoka could be anywhere which is why I placed you guys at places where she most likely will be.
Maki: This is gonna be a chore.
Umi: Yeah, we got it....

(At MakiRinPana's post, the three discuss their "mission" whilst standing by the pillars.)

Rin: Your dark green wig and glasses suits you, Maki-chan!
Maki: Thanks. Your long, blue wig also fits you as well.
Rin: Awwwww....
Hanayo: I am glad Nico gave us more varied and convincing disguises this time. Unlike the typical trechcoat-sunglasses-medic mask she makes us wear, we look totally unrecognisable now.
Maki: Yep! Nico is totally serious about this, otherwise she would have not spent so much effort to get us to wear this. She's amazing.
Hanayo: You like her because of that, right? (smile)
Maki: Hmph!! You all already know that already!
Rin: This place has a lot of old memories, nyah.
Maki: Yeah...from Kotori attempting to go abroad, to Kotori getting late in our WonderfulbRush debut, to Honoka getting in the wrong train when we were travelling abroad to America...
Hanayo: I think Honoka is gonna come here for sure!!


Hanayo: There they are!!
Rin: Oh my god! They really are the real deal this time!!
Maki: Seeing them with my own eyes in the flesh is making me feel....weird...
Hanayo: I'll text Nico that they're here!
Rin: If things aren't complicated as it is now, I would have definitely screamed in hype by now!
Maki: So am I. Right now, I am doing the best I can to hold back my hype for everyone's sake.
Hanayo: They all look so excited! Now that I think about it, them seeing our big city is like a new world for them! They sure do come from the province, huh?
Maki: Geez....Yoshiko is doing that chuuni pose again...and I am seeing this up close...I love her getup though....
Hanayo: Our disguises are effective!!

(They witness Chika acting like a "Tokyo Girl")

Maki: She's crazy.
Rin: I feel so hopeless for her....
Hanayo: Yeah.....wait, has any of you seen Honoka?!
Maki: Surprisingly, she isn't here at all. I've looked at everyone and she isn't there.

(Soon after, as part of Nico's plan, MakiRinPana followed Aqours closely while searching for Honoka, and then rendevous with the others if they meet up)

Maki: We are literally BIG TIME STALKERS, at this point. I feel so bad for myself.
Rin: Oh? I know that you have been stalking people too, right? You stalked Honoka, Umi, and Kotori when it looked like you wanted to compose for them, nyah? And also, Nozomi said how you stalked her and Eri to her house -
Maki: SHUT UP! (covers Rin's mouths)
Hanayo: Please be a bit more quiet guys....

(Meanwhile from afar, Umi and Kotori are observing Aqours from their posts.)

Umi: I am seeing Aqours now, Nico. And looks like MakiRinPana are on their tail.
Nico: What else?
Kotori: No sight of Honoka. Also, it looks like Ruby and Hanamaru just seperated from the group.
Nico: They are totally distracted, I pity them. Text me again if anything else happens.
Umi: Roger.

(Umi and Kotori continue observing. Chika makes a quick trip to a "Muse merchandise".)

Kotori: They're so cute, Umi-chan!
Umi: You think everything is cute, Kotori, geez.....
Kotori: Look! Chika is checking our idol merchandises!
Umi: Hehe...well she kinda did get to see "us" finally....sort of?
Kotori: Hey, Umi-chan! You like Riko, right?
Umi: Yeah....cause we are both super similar beyond common sense, why?
Kotori: Want me to ask for her phone number?
Umi: NO NEED! Kotori, I ain't ready for that. Also, DON'T COMPROMISE THE MISSION!!

(Maki, Rin, and Hanayo catch up unnoticed.)

Kotori: Hey, guys!!
Maki: I can't believe we made it unnoticed!!
Umi: Report!
Rin: No sign of Honoka anywhere!!
Hanayo: Yoshiko and You are both seperating from the group, that we lost sight of them!
Umi: I can't believe Aqours would totally lack discipline coming here already!!

(The five of them continue observing Aqours.)

Umi: Wait...Riko is acting really strange...ah nevermind, probably went to the bathroom.
Hanayo: Ohhhh...I really want to meet them had everything been not so complicated and the fact that we are looking for someone....
Maki: I find it so odd Honoka isn't showing at all. It is hard to believe that she is actually good at hiding or even knows what we are doing.
Kotori: Totally, yeah.

(Meanwhile, Nozomi is standing by near the Temple Shrine, specifically at a corridor - and no, she ain't wearing her shrine maiden outfit.)

Nozomi: Nicocchi, where are you now?
Nico: I am at one of the house blocks beyond Otonokizaka. No luck at all, I can't find Honoka anywhere!! How about you?
Nozomi: Right now, I am seeing two girls practicing at the shrine judging by my binoculars. I can't hear them clearly though from where I am at.
Nico: Continue watching.
Nozomi: Those two girls look just like your younger sisters.
Nico: What the hell are you talking about?
Nozomi: Hehe...nothing!!

(Nozomi continues to observe. Aqours is now arriving at the Temple, meeting the two mysterious girls.)

Nozomi: Looks like Aqours are coming....and...I see them climbing those stairs we and Honoka always take...
Nico: They are totally trying hard to copy us.
Nozomi: Can you be a bit open-minded?
Nico: How can I when they haven't realised yet the errors they've been doing?

(The rest of the girls except Eri catch up and find Nozomi at her hiding position. They did via a secret shortcut.)

Kotori: Nozomi, we are here!
Nozomi: Ah, guys! You followed them didn't ya?
Rin: Totally! So far, they are so enjoyable to look at....but Honoka is nowhere near.
Maki: Look guys, Aqours are dealing with two people.
Umi: Oh? Yes I am seeing them right now! Who are they?
Nozomi: My guess is someone they don't know. Looks like they just met for the first time.

(While they observed them, Nico suddenly texted.)


Umi: I have seen this inn before! But why there....
Nozomi: Who knows, but we have to go!!
Rin: Aww come one!! I want to see Aqours more!!!
Maki: But we have to go! Honoka is definitely gonna cause trouble if they see her.

(Once again, the girls ran off to the location where Honoka has been spotted, successfully evading the sights of Aqours. They arrive just in time before Honoka got away from Nico. Umi dealt the surprise ambush.)

Honoka: EEEEEEKKKK!!!? NOOO!!!
Maki: Resistance is futile. Now talk!
Honoka: Let me go!! I wanna see them!!
Umi: And put us and the fans at risk?!! Honoka, aren't you thinking straight?!!
Honoka: I am!!! I did my best to just photograph them from a safe distance!
Everyone: EEEEHHHH?!!!
Honokq: I wore a disguise so I am not recognised! I wanted to see them, but I know as much as you guys that I can't be seen. Besides, I asked help from someone to help me get close enough to them without risking my own identity!
Nico: What are you talking about?
Kotori: Help? As in....

(Soon, a black limosine arrived.)

Eri: Sorry, I'm late!!
Nico: Eri, where have you been - huh?!!
Yuuki: Hi! I miss you all!!
Erena: Yo! Good thing we found Eri hanging out near UTX. We thought of picking her up since she seemed troubled.
Everyone: A-RISE!!!?

(Yep. A-Rise turned out to be helping Honoka hide all this time! They started explaining....)

Umi: Wait, so you guys helped Honoka in all this?!!
Tsubasa: She texted us to help her so I had her ride on a limousine with me throughout the city!
Kotori: So....Honoka has been travelling all over the city all this time!!?
Tsubasa: Yep!! And she got to take pics of Aqours up close without getting noticed! A drive-through paparatzzi ride!! What do ya think?!!
Nico: Tsubasa, why!!? Why did you help her when you know very well the risks involved -
Tsubasa: (smile) Because I feel the same way that Honoka feels. Even more so than all of you considering we A-Rise are an older and more experienced group.
Nozomi: Oh right, I get it....
Kotori: Please explain...
Yuuki: Muse, we A-Rise have been observing Love Live from the moment we lost our popularity. Even though we are professionals now, we never forgot the very stage which brought us to shine in the first place!
Erena: And it just so happens that Honoka had the same mindset as we do.
Tsubasa: You see, Honoka called me four days ago, she told me how she is conflicted whether she should see Aqours or not. I told her I feel the same way. Thus, I had the idea that both of us could "spy" and photograh Aqours together!
Nico: (whispers) Or maybe you are just taking advantage of her request to get close to her, lesbian bitch.
Tsubasa: Is there a problem Nico? You seem to be whispering bad things about me! (smiles)
Nico: NO!! Uhhh...what are you talking about!
Eri: Yeah, I cannot believe you guys would do all this either. But you should have contacted us at least...
Yuuki: It would be boring if we did.
Muse: 😑😑😐
Tsubasa: Ok, we will be going then!! I heard Aqours is gonna drop by at the inn so I suggest we all leave and let them be! Bye!

----- Aftermath -----

Nozomi: God, it looks like we just found ourselves in an unexpected adventure.
Maki: And we learned something.
Honoka: I wanna apologise for all the trouble I caused.
Umi: We forgive you. Just don't keep secrets!!
Honoka: Hehe...ok...that means we have to go before they come to that inn...
Nico: Honoka, hate to say this but, want to pay them a visit at the inn? I no longer mind if you want to meet them now in person, especially if you put on a disguise -
Honoka: That is enough for me now! I am satisfied with what I have seen already of Aqours. I don't want to bother them anymore!
Eri: You serious?
Honoka: I have gotten all the pics I needed! I would rather watch the  next episode so we can get a closer view of what they were up to!
Everyone: 😊😊😊😊

(After a wild chase, everyone returned home. When they did, everyone took a look at Honoka's pics and treasured them. Eri, who had failed to get an actual look of Aqours, asked immediately for copies of the pics.)

(Overall, everyone had a fun time! Almost.....)

Chika: Hey guys! This is the inn we are staying at!
You: Nice!
Yoshiko: Ruby? What's up?
Ruby: Ummm...we should get inside that inn as soon as possible. I have this weird feeling that someone has been watching us and I am scared!
Hanamaru: What makes you say that?
Ruby: I thought I just kept seeing a black car following us somewhat...freaky...
Riko: Chika, lets get inside. I bet Ruby is tired enough that she is hallucinating.
Chika: Alright. Guys, lets get inside! Ruby, try to have fun and play as much as you can!
Ruby: Uhhh....okey...
Yoshiko: Let me speak at the windows then....I shall call my demons and shinigamis to cast a barrier on this inn in case we do get watched -
Riko: NO!
Yoshiko: Why?!!!


A/N: As you can see, I had a lot of trouble trying to choreograph how this will turn out since you know, it's Muse's homecity. I had no idea why I had to write this other than my heart is begging me to do it. So....you think its okay or is it outright corny?

This part is actually just a summary of my original draft.

Next page will be Muse ACTUAL REACTION to Episode 7. Stay tuned.

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