Chapter 11: Ten'nôna

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Oetsu: 71 hours... 48 minutes... Just about 3 days and nights... yer game was on point. Ya' got the skills to pay the bills. Ya' pass with flyin' colors, Renji-chan~. But... You got served... Ichigo-Chan~.

Ichigo: Gi... Give me... A sec...

Oetsu: Nah, not happenin'. That's that... That was some epic fail. So whack...

Ichigo: I... Can keep going... I'm... Not done yet... You never said there was a time limit...

Oetsu: That may be true... But my patience has reached its limit... We've moved beyond whether or not you're capable... fact is, Asauchi deems you unworthy... It's as simple as that... It's outta my hands... Game, set, match. Wack, so wack.

Ichigo: Hold on !!

Oetsu: You're gettin' to be an eyesore now... Always the bridesmaid, never the bride... these past three days have proven one thing to me... Renji-chan is a true shinigami... And you're a wankster... the least I can do, is show you the way out... Git outta here, go home.

Ichigo: ... Wa...

Oetsu: Mera-chan, show 'im the door...

Ichigo: No... Don't do this... !! HEY !!

Oetsu: And one last thing... Don't ever show your ugly mug in Soul Society ever again. It's only a place for Shinigami... Not some zanpakutô-less human... Get in where you fit in...

ichigo: What an ass... After coming all this way... You really think i'm gonna leave just like that... And what'll happen to Zangetsu if I leave ?

Oetsu: Not my problem... he ain't gettin' fixed, either way... or rather, I can't be assed to fix 'im... remember what I said...

Oetsu: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, I ain't the 1 fixin' him no mo'... I don't supply poser shinigami with my blades...

Ichigo: SCREW YOU !!

Oetsu: have a pleasant trip ! Ichigo-chan~


Oetsu: You need to step yer game up, ichigo-chan... Asauchi deemed you unworthy... Which means you've been able to hold your own this entire time without Asauchi's aid... Do you truly understand the repercussions of that ? It's time for you, to start from the ground up again... You need to crawl before you walk... And if that means never coming here again... Then so be it...

Oetsu: Not a single word... Figured you, of all people would throw a shit storm, and stick up for yer buddy after he put in so much work...

Renji: ... ... ...

Oetsu: Which means, you realized it too, didn't you ? No matter how much blood, sweat, and tears he puts in... It's futile...

Oetsu: I... I can pinpoint the location of every Asauchi I've ever built... Every shinigami is given an Asauchi... With due diligence and training, they forge it into their own, unique zanpakutô... That is the fundamental basis and link that is shared between a shinigami and their zanpakutô... It is infallible. Officers, as well as captains... It applies to those in the Zero Division as well... Even vultures like Zaraki Kenpachi, who have the balls to steal an Asauchi from a corpse...

Oetsu: I can trace and pinpoint them all... Since the establishment of Soul Society, no Shinigami is capable of releasing their zanpakutô without my Asauchi... Not a single one. That's how I knew... It was futile for him to go any further... I knew, you knew... he was the only one in the dark... before he can go any further he had to... Realize, where his roots lie...

Renji: ... No exception...

Oetsu: ... Has he, even once... Ever claimed to be a shinigami ? Now get over this and go. There are people waiting for you.

Your POV:


Renji: Oomph ! Man, this is cold-blooded !!

Rukia: Moron ! Why are you so out of breath ? We're merely staring at each other !

Renji: Listen, smartass... This totally isn't my speed... Standing around like a statue, and pointing my blade at a friend isn't my idea of a good time...

Rukia: Wh- What makes you think I enjoy pointing my blade at friends !

Renji: My point exactly... I'm not the only one sweating buckets here...

"Well, you two better get used to it, and quick. It's only about to get worse as you progress. Buuut, you did a good job at adapting to the Reishi concentration around here."

Rukia: Kinda... That sensation of feeling like I was being crushed by something no longer exists, but... It still feels as if I'm moving around in water... There may be more subtle ways this dense Reishi concentration is affecting us...

"I honestly don't know much more on that matter than you."

Renji: I thought you would... What have you been doing for these last days anyway ?

"... ... ... ..."

Renji: ... Dude ?

"... Rule 1 of Ichibe's training: Do not talk about Ichibe's training..."

Renji: What ?

"Second rule of Ichibe's training..."

*Beep beep beep beep*

"Yes ? Oh, is that so ? Yes, they're here... Understood."

Rukia: Who's that ?

"Tenjirou. You know, the hot spring demon guy."

Renji: Right... 'Should I be worried at all that I can't for the life of me remember what he looks like...' That dude with the pompadour 'do... Wait... How and when did you get his number... And when did you get a Denrei Shinki, for all that matter ?

"Wouldn't you be more curious about what the news are ? Good news, for once. Byakuya has finally regained consciousness."

Tenjirou: You sure take long baths... hands down the longest anyone's marinated in those waters... So, what's the word ? Feelin' a bit woozy ?

Byakuya: There is no need for such concern... I still lack the strength needed to feel "Woozy"... But since I have made it this far... The time has come for me to regain the requisite stamina needed, to once again feel woozy...

Renji: So he's finally back ?! That's awesome news ! But... That means... Once he's eaten and has his blade prepared, he'll have to go...

Rukia: There...

"There ?"

Renji: Going through that... Was a nightmare... By far the worst experience of my life...

Rukia: I concur. You were literally stripped of your dignity... Just thinking about it gives me the shivers...

Renji: 'OI ! Renji !! Block the memory ! Block the memory !! Stop ! I don't want to relive that !! RENJI !!'

Renji: Huh ?

Senjumaru: Don't "Huh" me, I know you heard me just fine... Your fundoshi. Take it off. Now.

Renji: Hey, hey. I thought we were simply being fitted for new shihakushôs. You should be able to do that while I keep my fundoshi on.

Senjumaru: I see... Okay. If that's how it's going to be... I'll simply take your measurements after I detach Little-Renji from you...


Renji: 'SNAP OUT OF IT RENJI !! Haa... haa... You're lucky... You seem to have only recalled everything that happened before you took it off...'

Rukia: But still... For you to go through something like that is something I can live with... The though of Big brother being put through the same tribulations...

Renji: 'Something... You can live with ?'

Rukia: Poor big brother...

Ichibe: UUUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! Gossiping like some hens are we ?

*Zero Division, Manako Oshô (Monk who calls the real name) Ichibe Hyosube*

Ichibe: When you two first arrived here the Reishi density overwhelmed you to the point that you were motionless on your knees gasping for every breath, and he had to carry you all the way here !

"They've really come a long way since then. How about we move the training into the inner sanctum ?"

Ichibe: It's up to them. What do you say ?

Renji/Rukia: OF COURSE !!

"... Thinking of it, what happened, and what's gonna happen with Ichigo now ?"

Ichibe: Oh, his Zangetsus have been reforged already. He'll soon be here for training too.

"That's nice. I can't wait to see what it looks like."

Ichibe: You won't have much occasion to. You're just about to go to the next level.

"Next level... ?"

Ichibe: Follow me for a moment. Your presence is required... Up there.

Tenjirou: OORAH !! We're good to go !! You dot all your I's and cross all your T's, Ichigo ?!

Ichigo: Yeah !! ... ... ...

Senjumaru: What ?

Tenjirou: Whatcha lookin' for ?

Ichigo: That... Thing ? You know, that pole that we rode on when we came here.

Tenjirou: We ain't got it. Yer takin' the scenic route back.

Ichigo: What ?!

Tenjirou: Don't "What" me. Senjumaru ! The stairs !

Senjumaru: Hmph.

Tenjirou: I dun mind sendin' ya down by that pillar, but it ain't somethin' we can keep usin' on a whim ! So... Yer gonna have to go down the good ale fashion way ! It ain't that much of a walk ! Go at yer normal pace and... You should get there in about a week !

Tenjirou: 'Here it comes !'

Ichigo: A week ?! You've got to be shitting me ! The quincies would have wiped them out by then !! What if they attack here ?!

Ichigo: ... got it. It should be all right.

Tenjirou: ... Oh ? Is that right... It's quite long... You sure 'bout that ?

Ichigo: Make up your mind. You're the one who said it wasn't much of a walk. If it'll take me a week at normal pace, then if I go at breakneck speeds, I'll get there in about half a day ! I'll make it work somehow !

Tenjirou: ... ... ...

Ichibe: BUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! There you go ! Finally able to maintain your poise and composure ! You don't have to worry about making it in time anyway ! That's because the Quincy... Already begun their assault 3 hours ago.

Ichigo: ... ... ... TELL ME SOONER, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD !!

Ichibe: What was I supposed to say ? You were still training three hours ago.

Kirio: Where's Ichigo-chan ?!

Tenjirou: Ah, he just bounced...

Kirio: Ichigo-chan !! if you get hungry halfway there, eat this ! It's a jelly-filled donu- It's a rice ball !!

Ichigo: Oh ! If I'm running on empty during the fight, I'll sneak away and grab a bite ! You are the best !

Kirio: ... That boy... He's a totally different person.

Tenjirou: Yeah...

Kirio: he's gotten stronger. You can tell, just by looking into his eyes. That fluctuating and spiking reiatsu of his... Almost seems like a lie now.

Ichibe: No, no. He didn't get stronger. He simply matured. In other words... He's gotten stronger...

Tenjirou: Right, thanks for clarifying that.

Ichibe: No, no, I'm not just talking about brute strength here... His spirit... His repertoire... have gotten stronger. Ichigo has finally become, an authentic shinigami.

Tenjirou: ... Heh. And here I thought we'd be hearing some bullshit about "Not letting you go with" at that point ! You also matured, boy ?

"... Looks like it. I have full confidence in Ichigo's abilities. With him going, my presence down there... Will not be required."

Tenjirou: Ya hear that ? The brat starts to understand where he's standing !

Ichibe: Soon you won't be able to undo that choice, you know ? Is that really the way you want to follow ?

"... I wouldn't be just standing there if that wasn't the case. I have no need to go to Yhwach... I am sure he will come to me. And at that time... I'll be ready to welcome him."

*Zero Division, Ten'nôna (Emperor of nothing), Y/n L/n*

Ichibe: If that were to happen... You know the plan.

"Of course. If bad comes to worse, then... I shall be the last line of defense."

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