Chapter 12: Fall of 0

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Yhwach: Let us be on our way, my sons. It is time to be one, with me...

Yhwach: Kurosaki Ichigo... My voice should be reaching you. Kurosaki Ichigo. You, who guided us to the light. I am grateful. Thanks to you, I can invade the Soul King's palace.

Yhwach: the clothes that you are wearing right now... It is called the "King's key"... To forcefully penetrate the 72 layers of barriers between the Royal palace and Seireitei, and more so, to protect you from the friction... It has wonderful resistance, and magnificent defensive abilities. For a shinigami, there are no better clothes. However, thanks to those tremendous defensive abilities, once you pass through the 72 layers of barriers... They cannot be closed off for 6000 seconds !

"They... Are coming."

Yhwach: ... So. This is the Soul King's palace.

Jugram: You have my deepest condolences. Your majesty.

Yhwach: What is it, Haschwalth ? Having gazed upon a decrepit gravestone, have you felt some minuscule fraction of emotion ?

Jugram: ... My deepest apologies...

Yhwach: Here we go.

Jugram: Yes.


Tenjirou: Whoa whoa whoa ! Doncha' know what this place is ? The one and only palace of the Soul King. Ain't no walk-ins allowed, scrubs.

Yhwach: Zero Division, first officer. Divine general of the East, Kirinji Tenjirou. Do you think someone of your caliber has what it takes to even impede me ?!

Tenjirou: I wouldn't standing here if I didn't !!


Soldiers: H- HOT !! IT BURNS !!

Tenjirou: How's that, ya' bums ?! D'ya like the water temperature here ? We're pretty famous for it !! Water that leeches out your blood and reiatsu !! If it's to hot fer ya', just say the word ! I'll turn it down a notch... PSYCHE !! Gleam !! KINPIKA !! (Gilded splendor)

Tenjirou: ...' What the hell's goin on... ?! I can't land... A single blow on him.'

Yhwach: It seems we're at an impasse... In which case, I'll just let myself through.


Tenjirou: 'Shit ! Not again... It's not like he's evading me, and it's not some illusory trick... So why can't I touch him ?! What the hell is actually happening here ?!'

Senjumaru: It's been a while... Yhwach... I can only interpret your self-invitation into the royal palace, as a sign that you've completely lost your sanity after defeating Genryûsai. Such insolence. You ought to be rust... On the Soul King's blade.

Senjumaru: 'What ? He's not even trying to dodge right now... So why is it... That I can not hit him ?!'

???: Whooth the... Intholent one now ? You lot are, by far more intholent. As proof, just examine your own attacks... They're twisted, turned, and just generally all over the place. They will never reach hith highneth.

*Sternritter "W" [The Wind] Nianzol Weizol*

Weizol: Tho like I thaid, it'th impothible. My Schrift ith W... Nianzol Weizol, the Wind. All the "Enemieth" I've theen... have all twithed, thurned, and avoided me right before my very eyes... That'th why the pointy hair dude back there couldn't touch me with hith hot water... Nor hith weapon. Not a thingle one... Of your thwords... Will touch me either.

Tenjirou: So that's how it is...

Senjumaru: I see. Loose lips, or in your case tongues, sink ships... Brat. You said "All the enemies that you've seen". So, that implies that the enemies you don't see won't twist, turn, and miss.

Weizol: I... Get that a lot. i'm not very eloquent.. Thath why my vocabulary thucks... "The enemieth that I've theen" are... Any enemieth I can thee with my intuition... Even if I don't literally thee them, enemieth will thill be enemieth, right ? No matter where nor how... The attack comith at me... It'll thurn from my entire body.

Weizol: I'm thorry for being tho ineloquent...

Senjumaru: Let it bother you not... We all have our flaws and frailties... But tell me, by "Unseen enemies", did I ever say, that I specifically meant those guys ?

Senjumaru: The closer the enemy... the closer they are to your very skin... And the harder they are to see. The robes you have over your body right this moment, in the time you were fooling around with those soldiers... I retailored them, with my very own fabrics.

Weizol: You're... You're lying...

Senjumaru: What is there to lie about ? My reputation has been built on being a fast worker... My title of "Senjumaru" isn't just to boast, you know.

Weizol: Thith... Thing won't...

Senjumaru: Small fry like you should be grateful... To be bale to wear such an exceptional piece tailored by your truly. Which reminds me... Don't you even dream about taking it off... 'Till you die.

Senjumaru: Now that I think about it... We were on the topic of... bad habits, were we not ? To forget to remove the needles after tailoring... Would be an incurable vice of mine. My sincerest apologies... For being the one that is bad with words.

Senjumaru: Well... It appears like... Blades will be able to reach you now

Yhwach; is that what you truly believe ? If the likes of the Soul King's warriors are the adversaries... My soldats are more than enough. And as for you lot... My elite force... Shall be your opponents.

*Sternritter "M" [The Miracle] Gerard Valkyrie*

*Sternritter "X" [The X-Axis] Lille Barro*

*Sternritter "C" [The Compulsory] Pernida Parnkgjas*

*Sternritter "D" [The Death Dealing] Askin Nakk le Vaar*

Askin: Woah there. Now that you mention, I seem to be the only one who was promoted from below... In that case, I better bring my "A" game...

Gerard: Yer damn right !! If you so much as appear to be dead weight... I'll personally cut you loose !!

*... Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy. Boil forth and deny ! Grow numb and flicker ! Disrupt sleep ! Crawling queen of iron ! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud ! Unite ! Repulse ! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness ! Hadô number 90... KUROHITSUGI*

Gerard: WHAT ?! What is that ?!

Senjumaru: Well... It would seem like he deemed you unworthy of standing here...

Tenjirou: What a bummer.

"... They stand no chance... With a blow like that, just to ascertain of the enemy's abilities... This battle will mark the end of the Zero Division. But do not worry, my friends. Were you all to fall to Yhwach... The Soul King shall remain unharmed, under my watch."

Yhwach: Well, now... Would you be so kind as to let me pass, Hyôsube Ichibe ?

Ichibe: Calling me by my name in such a familiar tone... May just result in your voice going hoarse...

Ichibe: from here ! To here ! Within this distance... Is where I shall defeat you !

Yhwach: ... That calculation is just a bit off... I'll have you dead in three paces less, Hyôsube Ichibe.

Ichibe: I just told you... My name isn't something you can toss around so casually...

Yhwach: GUH... UGH...

Ichibe: Senri Tsuuten Shou (heaven-piercing palm of a thousand Ri). Anything that comes into contact within a 1000-Ri range will be sent flying without prejudice.

(1 Ri = 3927m)

Yhwach: ... ... ... ?!

Ichibe: You see... I warned you... You might just get your throat crushed... When you've returned from flying 1000-Ri... Make sure you've repented.


Yhwach: ... ... ... I WILL... BESTOW MYSELF WITH THE "VOICE" ONCE MORE !! ZANKUTO BOUGEN !! (Great Holy Bow)

Ichibe: ... To have shot your own body with arrows to force yourself back here... You are indeed truly terrifying... My, my... Ah, you leave me little choice... But to make your life forfeit...

Yhwach: Your demeanor... Seems to have changed quite a bit.

Ichibe: Is that so ?

Yhwach: You were so full of glee before. But once you made up your mind to kill me... Your expression has turned rather ghastly. But even so... Is this all you're capable of ?!

Ichibe: So... You've forfeited your arm. My brush cuts not through flesh... But through the essence of "Name"...

Yhwach: ... Ugh... !

Ichibe: The "Name" of your arm... has now been cleanly split in two. From this day forth, it will only be a mere shadow, of what they once were. Your arms have become heavy, have they not ? Your physical strength has been halved, as have your abilities. Your arms can now only achieve half of what they once could.

Ichibe: Even such a thing as swinging your sword around... Has now become a chore.

Ichibe: Like I said, clean in two.

Yhwach: GUHH !!

Ichibe: Oi... The Yhwach that has now been cleaved in two... the Quincy leader that has had his abilities reduced by half. How does it feel... To be torn asunder... By your most hated leader of the shinigami, with only half the effort ?

Yhwach: How do I feel, you ask ? Do I look like I'm suffering to you ? The leader of the very squad that watches over the shinigami... Fears my power such that he has to have it halved. Could there be a feeling better than this ?

Yhwach: Still, it's a real shame... That even if half of my power is gone, I still have the ability to restore it back to myself.

Ichibe: ... ?

Yhwach: If you cannot comprehend, I'll spell it out for you. One person, cannot simply take a single thing away from me on their whim... Not even with those abilities of yours. Hyôsube Ichibe... If you didn't know before, know it now. Everything in this world... Exists for my taking !

Ichibe: My, my... You're the kind of man who takes the kindness of others for granted... For the sake of preserving your dignity, I specifically chose to take away only half of your abilities...

Yhwach: Come again ?

Ichibe: If I crushed you whilst you were at full strength... The reputation of the Quincies would forever be tarnished. Well, whatever... If you're dead, your reputation isn't worth a damn anyway ! Hyappo Rankan ! (One-hundred step banister)

Ichibe: Ah, is that what you call the Blut Vene Anhaben ! (Wearing the blood vein) "Blut vene Anhaben"... A defensive barrier that extends outside the body...

Ichibe: Fascinating ! Urahadô, san no dô (Hidden Hadô, third path) TEPPU-USATSU !! (Iron wind strike)

Ichibe: You are mine !!

Yhwach: Really now ? Blut Vene Anhaben erodes at everything that comes in contact with my body and uses it to expand its coverage. If you insist on getting so intimate... It will eventually consume your entire body ! Looks like the left side of your body is done for, Hyôsube Ichibe !!

Ichibe: You oblivious fool... Do you really think the left side of my body... Can be so easily overcome ?

Ichibe: Jeez, you... First storm in and violate the Royal Palace... then proceed to violate the Royal squad, who are servants of the Soul King himself... I would appreciate it if, you could keep your insolence in check. Or I shall be judge, jury, and executioner. Paint it black.

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