Chapter 13: Monk of black

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Yhwach: 'So... That blade is from a transformation of his writing brush... It's so thick... And massive... But I don't sense any reiatsu from it or anything...'

Yhwach: 'What was that... ? For an instant, just now...'

Ichibe: You seem perplexed... Could it be a brush or a blade ? Having a hard time distinguishing the two ?

Yhwach: What the hell is that blade ?! Even though it's splattering ink everywhere, I can't slice through it at all ! Is that the very same blade... You've had up until now... The one that sliced my "name" in half ? Regardless now, I already know...That both my "Name" and my power that you've cut in half, I can return them back to how they were, with my very own strength ! You cannot defeat me with that blade of yours... Because now, with this here, my- ... ... ... ?!

Ichibe: Hrm ? Your what ? Go on... I believe you were about to... Enlighten me as to what that sword's name is... You wouldn't know. Or, perhaps you so... the fact that blade, actually has no name.

Yhwach: ... ...

Ichibe: Anything that has been blotted out by Ichimonji... Loses its name. And that without a name has no power. With a nameless blade... And a nameless cross... The prospects of you killing me seem rather dim...

Yhwach: In that case, I shall steal your power too !! Not with a nameless power, but with my body's very own power !! SANKT ALTAR !! (Holy altar)

Yhwach: 'It didn't... Steal his power... ?!'

Ichibe: Oh, now, don't go making that face. I did get my power stolen, I really did. But the power I lost... You cannot make it yours. My power is... Black.

Ichibe: Once Ichimonji is set free... then among all shinigami, all quincies... living or dead, it doesn't matter... Every last bit of "Black" in this world... Bends to my whim.

Ichibe: Yhwach. Or rather, the one who was once known as Yhwach. It must be hard to lose one's name. I will bestow unto your pitiful self... A new name. Shinuchi. Shirafude Ichimonji. (True hit, white brush)

Ichibe: ... if one were to call it by its most recent terminology.. I suppose it would just be "Bankai". To put things in perspective, long before what is now known as "Bankai" existed in this world... The first "Evolved zanpakutô" was born. This blade... Had the ability to give a new name, to everything that had been blackened out by Ichimonji.

(Kuroari/Black ant)

Ichibe: Well then... How are you feeling now? You were formerly known as "Yhwach"... Kuroari. Your current abilities... Are now equivalent to those of an ant crawling on the ground. A life that is fragile and fleeting.

Kuroari: ... This... To go this far...

Ichibe: yes. This is as "Far" as we will be going. This is how "far" behind, in terms of ability, you are. And so, this is as "far" as your life goes. Carry the weight of the lives of all the shinigami you've taken up until now... And be stomped upon, like the meager ant you are.

Ichibe: O' great king of insects... I bid you... Farewell.


Ichibe: You... You still draw breath... !! Not... Possible... Those words were...

Jugram: the power of his majesty... Is that which allows him to understand all that he sees from any given perspective. As such, that knowledge makes it all but... Impossible for his majesty to be bested. The letter "A"... That which signifies his majesty's power...

Jugram: His majesty... usually fight with "Closed eyes". it's not a matter of taking the enemy lightly or not. The sealed king of the Quincies will, regain his pulse after 900 years, regain his intellect after 90 years, and regain his power after 9 years. If... Those eyes happen to be opened within the "9 years for power"... His majesty would lose control over the power of his letter "A", and the abilities of us Sternritter may well be all but taken. However... His majesty, he who has been keeping his eyes closed all this time for our sakes... Has now opened them/

Jugram: This means, the "9 years for power" has come to an end. This is now the true power of his majesty. The time for our prayers, that have spanned across a thousand years, to be answered, has finally come.

Yhwach: "How could he survive that ? Why did my last ability just falter like so ? Why... Am I the one about to be destroyed ?"

Yhwach: I'm sure you're wishing you had all the answers to those questions. With these "Eyes" now opened... I can see everything from this very instance, all the way into the distant future. For everything I see, I can also understand. And so, all the "Abilities" that I know, will become my allies. How can I be defeated with that kind of power ? It is nigh impossible to even land a single blow on me. That is my power. [The Almighty]

Ichibe: You're going to... Defeat me ? Don't get too ahead of yourself, just because you shook off your "Black ant" name. It's not like the name "Yhwach" really ever meant anything to begin with. How are you going to defeat me with all the black still surrounding you ? You can know all you like but do not forget... Everything that is "Black" belongs to me !!

Ichibe: O' twilight... O' everlasting darkness... Come to my aid. Drink up... As you drink, your life will also soar away... Flowers shall bloom... Even on, the road of death. Where are appetizers, dye them pitch black... Split them into pieces of eight, and with black flames, let them burn black. And let us consume them down to the very last morsel... What is leftover, are pure, white bones... let us erect a grave, and mourn. Such that you will never, be born into this world again... Such that you will not become, our sacrifice.

Ichibe: I stole one-hundred nights from the Soul Society of one-hundred years in the future to make this... The grave markers that will mourn for you... The very black you are enveloped in will be sucked away... Your blood, your flesh, your bones, and everything in between, will be crushed into murky blackness and turned back into nothing. There will not even be a chance for rebirth.

Ichibe/Yhwach: Enjoy your decent into a pitch, black hell.

Ichibe: !!

Yhwach: I should have already mentioned that I am all-seeing. In the face of my abilities, there is absolutely nothing that can obstruct my "Comprehension" and "Counter-measuring". Everything that I see, is powerless before me. So, do you still think... That my name is devoid of meaning ? My name is Yhwach. The one who shall take everything, from you.

Yhwach: Just as I foresaw... I'll have you dead in three paces less. Squad Zero has fallen. Now you're next in line... Soul King.

Orihime: S- Sorry, Ganju... I missed the shield on you with Santen-Kesshun...

Ganju: Like I said, it ain't nothin' !!

Chad: It's too quiet.... What's going in on here ? Has the battle already ended ?

Yoruichi: ... This is...

Chad: the Zero Division ?

Ichigo: It's the monk... he helped train up us and stuff...

Orihime: I... I'll try to fix him up !

Ganju: That's crazy talk ! he's literally in pieces...


Ichigo: Monk ?!

*Ichigo... My name...*

Chad: What's up ?

*Call my name...*

Ichigo: I dunno... I can hear the monk's voice...

*Call my name... Ichigo...*

Ichigo: Your name... Hyôsube Ichibe.


Ichibe: Whew ! My my, you have my thanks !

Ichigo: ... ... What the f... H- How... What the hell's going on ?! Weren't you just dead ?!

Ichibe: Hm ? Sure I was. All of ones power resides in their names. By asking you to call my name... I was able to receive a tiny bit of your power and transform it to restore my body.

Ichigo: That sounds like a load of crap...

Ichibe: Is that so ? Given both our powers, it's actually a logical conclusion...

Ichibe: Ichigo... The Zero Division has been almost totally defeated by them... And I do not know if the last line of defense will hold. So... I implore you to put a stop to Yhwach. I may have had my body restored... But there is no time to wait for my power to replenish. The Soul King, is the linchpin of the world... if the Soul King dies, Soul Society, the real world, Hueco Mundo, and everything else will collapse and fade into oblivion...

Ichibe: My humblest apologies, for burdening you with such a task... Please protect the Soul King, Ichigo !

Yhwach: ... O, Soul King. At this late hour, there is nowhere left for you to run. An imperfect god you are. Now, allow me to end this long, never-ending disgrace... Or rather... Perhaps, you had already foreseen the sun that would rise this day... ... ... ...

Jugram: Your majesty ?

Yhwach: ... Fire a shot, Haschwalth.

Jugram: Yes, your majesty. Heilig Pfeil !!


Jugram: It... Stopped in midair ?

Yhwach: Show yourself...

???: You are in no situation to make such demands, neither the state nor the place... And certainly not in the power to do so.

Yhwach: You... I must comment you on your perseverance and stubbornness, if anything. It is the first time that someone I already vanquished stand in my way once more.

"As for me... I am quite sad. Sad for you... having to wait 1000 years for your power to return, going as far as to invade the Soul palace and massacre the rest of the Zero Division... All of that to die by my blade just meters away from your goal... That is sad."

Jugram: Your majesty...

Yhwach: Step back. You claim I will "Die by your blade", but the thing is, I don't see any blade by your side...

"Oh, right. I should've precised that... This blade of mine... I was informed that it was not suited for that...

Ichibe: So this is your sword...Saisentan, is that it ?


Ichibe: Hm hm... It certainly is a fine blade, and its name fits it... But...

"... But... ?"

Ichibe: This is not, never was, and will never be, a zanpakutô.

"What ?! But I..."

Ichibe: I know. You created it using Shinigami reiatsu, and therefore gave it a zanpakutô's properties. But by essence, this blade is no zanpakutô. In fact... This is a Quincy weapon.

"Excuse me... ?"

Ichibe: If I'm not mistaken, you created it by training alongside Kurosaki Ichigo, when he obtained his first Zangetsu... Can you connect the dots ?

"Ichigo's first real sword... The one born from his quincy powers... But then, what about the releases ? The Bankai ? A quincy weapon couldn't do that."

Ichibe: Correct. But it still doesn't make it one. Think about it. You created it and its name after learning that each zanpakutô possess a different release when its name is called forth. The ability went after that as well. You Bankai appeared after you learned of their existence... Your blade could do all of this, solely because that's what you wanted it to do.

"Then, what... Does that mean I cannot use it to fight Yhwach ? That it will absolutely not work ?"

Ichibe: I never said that. Even though, the tide of the fight would definitely not be on your favor with that... But there is a solution. And, to be frank, no one but you can make it work.

"What is it ?"

Ichibe: ... Oetsu will have to work overtime again...

"The strongest zanpakutô, that can become anything. For the strongest ability, that can absorb anything. This is the blade that will be your doom, Yhwach... Asauchi."

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