Chapter 14: Ruler

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Jugram: ... A... Asauchi... ?

Yhwach: A nameless blade that is given to every shinigami... You really hope to defeat me with something of that caliber ?

"Oh no, I don't 'Hope' of defeating you. If I'm standing before you, it's because I 'Will' defeat you.

Yhwach: ... What is the catch ?

"You're all-seeing, figure that one out yourself. Or perhaps... You've finally got to realize, that something was blocking out your view ?

Yhwach: ... ... ...

"It's one of my favorite thing to do. Letting them rambling about how 'Nothing can beat my power !' or 'Nothing can escape that ability of mine !' Just to realize it never appeared to them that 'Nothing' was the most dangerous of all. You said it yourself sooner, haven't you ? 'There is absolutely nothing that can obstruct my Comprehension and Counter-measuring' or something by the lines of it."

"But, if you really want to know... There is no catch. This is an authentic Asauchi, although it has been specially tailored for me. And if it's proof that you want... I can provide."


Yhwach: What ?! Haschwalth !! 'Why couldn't I foresee this ?!'

"You seem perplexed. So, which question is on the top of your list ? Why couldn't your eyes follow, or... Why is he on the ground from a simple scratch ?"

Yhwach: ... I suppose that would be both...

"Well, first one has already been answered anyways, so... Tell me Yhwach... Do you know exactly how Asauchi are made ? I mean, you could've asked the sexy bastard down there, but I think the conversation turned short. Here's a hint: Like me last time, my power, or the materials... rather Hollow.

Jugram: Gnnnngh... Ungh...

"You're right ! Made from piled up Hollows. that's the base for every single zanpakutô. But then, why aren't them especially effective against you quincies ? Simple. To create a zanpakutô, shinigami pour their souls and reiatsu into the Asauchi... Something that would require to release reiatsu. Catch my drift ?"

Ichigo: I sure haven't. Your power's a mess.

Yhwach: ... 'You damn monk...' Ichigo. You are to be crushed atop the gears of fate. A small insect like you, has no need to curse his destiny... Be thankful... It shall be by these very hands, that you perish.

Ichigo: Yhwach... We came here to stop you. Although someone beat us to it, apparently.

Yhwach: Yes... I have seen all. You have come to stop me from taking the life of the Soul King, have you not ?

Ichigo: You've "seen all" ? What the hell is that supposed to mean ?

"Look at his eyes. The secret lies in there."

Ichigo: His eyes... What about them ?

Yhwach: These are the eyes that are all-seeing. The proof of a true Quincy. Before coming here, you met with the monk, and restored his body that I left in pieces. You guys then got a lecture from him, and proceeded on your way here. I saw everything... That you would in fact come here, and that the you who came here... Would be too late to change anything.

"Huh ?! Wait- When did ?! Behind ?!"

Yhwach: Do not fret. Such matter doesn't matter anymore.

Yhwach: The Soul King is dead. There is no longer anything at all that you can do to remedy this. None of you.

Ichigo: Stop standing idle when there's an emergency !

'Trust me... I'd move if there was an emergency.'

Yhwach: So you draw your blade in order to save the Soul King... Fine, draw it then. If it's you, you can do it. Unsheathe that sword... Bring Soul Society to ruin with your very own hands.

Ichigo: What the... Hell is this ? The sword is-

Yhwach: That's right... Just as I had foreseen. Ichigo... It must be that the blood flowing through your very veins, Quincy blood... Cannot forgive the existence of the Soul King. Come, Ichigo. Let us gaze together... Upon the destruction of Soul Society.

Yhwach: Don't make me repeat myself... You're too late. For you to show up here, and with your own hand... Deliver the finishing blow on the Soul King.

Ichigo: ... Why ? Why did I slash him ? Why couldn't I, just let go of this sword... ?

Yhwach: My schrift is "A". [The Almighty].Able to foresee all of the future, and the ability to steal... All power. I am also able to give my reiatsu, which dwells within my sword, to you. With my power flowing in you, it called out to your blood... You cannot forgive. You cannot forgive. If Quincy blood does flow through your veins... THEN YOU MUST KILL THE SOUL KING !!

Yhwach: Do you still have any reason to fight me ?! Now that Soul Society has been eradicated ?!


Ikkaku: What the... ?! The roof is caving in ?!

Yumichika: Is it an enemy attack ?!

Soifon: No, that's not it... I don't sense any Quincy reiatsu nearby. Something is happening... ?!

Urahara: ... This is... The Soul King has died... !

Shinji: Wha... 'The fuck is that ?! What the fuck is Zero Division doing ?! And where the fuck is Ichigo ?!

Urahara: ... I don't even want to think about it... But most likely, the Zero Division has been wiped out... And Kurosaki didn't make it in time... That is the most logical conclusion. At this rate, The Seireitei... No, rather... Soul Society... Hueco Mundo... Even the real world will all be destroyed...

Yhwach: The Soul King... Was created by Soul Society to bring stability to the staggering, chaotic mass of traffic caused by souls traveling in and out ! Now that he's gone, Soul Society will return to its former existence, as will the Dangai, Hueco Mundo, and even the real world !! Everything will crumble in the same way ! Ichigo ! That is all thanks to your doing !!

"Do not talk so lightly... Of what you know not, Yhwach."


Yhwach: The quaking... Stopped... What happened...

"So it is true... You truly cannot see me with those eyes of yours... Tell me Yhwach... When the king dies... Who do you think is next on line ?"

Ichigo: ... Next ?

"And not like 'Next to die'. I mean... Who do you think inherit the Soul ?

Yhwach: No... Impossible...

"A sword so powerful, that it can become anything... An ability so powerful, that it can absorb anything... When the blade and the wielder are as one..."

Ichigo: Quit spouting nonsense and get to the point !

"Fine, fine... If you really want me to be concise, then... I will resume that matter with two words. Rule..."

"Kamimashî. (God Soul)"

*Special war potentials. That's the name given by the Wandenreich to 5 individual, chosen for possessing a very specific quality of theirs... Unusual enough that they were classified as an "Unknown variable". Kurosaki Ichigo's is his "Latent potential". Zaraki Kenpachi's is his "Fighting Strength". Hyôsube Ichibe, his "Wisdom". Urahara Kisuke, his unknown "means"... And finally, L/n Y/n for his "Innate ability".

For even he doesn't know the full extent of his abilities, and as he seems to grow continuously stronger and stronger...*

Ichigo: The hell...

"This possibility has been approached as well. The possibility of the entire Zero Division being wiped out... So a plan to preserve the Soul King as the linchpin of this world has been imagined. And that plan was, to let me entirely absorb the Soul King's powers."

Yhwach: ... Is that how it is. To think that this could escape my eyes. You bastard !! So you became the Soul King himself ? Answer me !! Why are you meddling in this affair !!

"... Call this humanity's stubbornness, I suppose... And, one last thing. I would highly advise you not to cross blades with me. That would only result on burdening yourself even more..."

Yhwach: ... I never thought that you could prevent this single-handedly... Cannot comprehend... Is this to say that the will of the Soul King no longer resides within yourself ?

"His will ? Hardly. What will would be kept in such a 'Decaying grave' ?"

Yhwach: If that's the case... Then I will just destroy along with the Soul King !!

Ichigo: Don't you even think about it !!

Yhwach: Ichigo... Why do you stop me ? You are the one who cut down the Soul King. The Quincy blood flowing through your veins should be unable to tolerate his very existence. Hence, you... Should not have a single reason to stand in my way !

Ichigo: I came here to stop you... i'm here to stop you, and protect Soul Society... the real World... Hueco Mundo... All of it, that's why i'm here.

Yhwach: You will protect it all ? Such arrogance... You truly are under the impression that there is none but you who is capable of doing this !

"But he his not. And even so, it's just not him to run away with his tail between his legs, and do nothing. That's just who he is. Something you completely failed to comprehend. Let this be... Your final lesson. Kamimashî..."



Jugram: HNGH... !! Haa... Haa...

"Haa... Why does it always has to be so much casualties..."

Jugram: Even if it means my death... You will not lay your hands on his majesty...

"Your death ? No, you got it wrong. I'm not gonna take your life. However, what I will take... Is everything else."

Jugram: What... ?

"Kamimashî's ability... Is aptly named 'Sesshô" (Regency). Everything that it cuts... Falls under my rule. And as such..."


"I would advise you lot, to not stand on that ground. For it is already, under my rule."


"This truly is an excess of power. I've yet to make it really mine. But at least, this will be free of interference now. isn't that right ? Yhwach."

Yhwach: is that so ? "Let the soldiers squabble amongst themselves, while the fate of the world is decided by the rulers..." Is that what you're thinking ?

"With but a simple difference. There are no two suns in the sky, nor two sovereigns over the people."

Yhwach: if that is the case... Then i'm going to take everything from you and the Soul King, and make it my own... Before you can master all of it.

"I see... Yhwach, king of the Quincy... I suppose introductions are in order now. Aleph Null... Aleph one... Aleph Ayin... Epsilon null... Cantor's Ordinal... Feferman-Schutte's Ordinal...

Yhwach: What in the name of...

"Greetings. You may call me... Omega."

Yhwach: O... Omega... ?

"Isn't that how you Sternritter address yourselves ? I thought I would do the same. 'Ω', the [Absolute Infinity]."

Yhwach: ... Hm. I see what you're trying to pull here.

"Indeed. I cannot begin to put into words the kind of headache trying to understand your abilities caused me. So I thought it would be more appropriated to return the favor, in kind and nature."

Yhwach: The [Almighty] and the [Absolute]... Two abilities aptly named. But, there is one last thing I would like to clarify...

"What is it ?"

Yhwach: That "Regency"... You said anything cut by your sword falls under your rule... if that is so, what happened to the arrows Haschwalth fired before you released it ?

"To the core of the subject, I see. Asking me to uncover the biggest treat right now... well, I don't think it would change anything anyways. But... let me answer your question with another question... Do you know what it means, when a Shinigami become able to use their Shikai without calling forth its name ?"

Yhwach: ... That they have attained Bankai...

"Correct. Then... What would it mean if one were to use his Bankai without calling out its name ?"

Yhwach: ... No...

"And now I can't help but feel a pang of guilt for Ichibe... No matter how hard, no matter which one he tried... He never could choose its name. Only once I came up with one of my own, it could become reality."

"Please, allow me to use my old weapon as explanation... First stage, Shikai, Saisentan... Second stage, Bankai... Saisentan no Shômetzu-Zai... And this... is to go... EVEN FURTHER BEYOND !! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-


"And finally... Third stage, Tenkai... Kami No Seitokuken. (Divine Birthright)"

Yhwach: ... What is... the difference...

"... Only through contact... Then by eyesight... And finally... As I indicated... Absolute Infinity... I am now both the king and the soldier, the judge and the charged... The nothing and the Everything. I am Absolute."

Yhwach: ... But... if you used it before absorbing the Soul King... Then...

"Sorry to say that, but you are incorrect. This power, I did obtain it through this method... And nowhere else."

Yhwach: ... ... No...

"Three days... It is the time it took me... You understand it now, don't you ? The moment you stepped inside this Palace... No, even before... To the moment you set foot in Soul Society a second time... Everything has been going, not as I planned... But as I arranged. Such is the meaning of 'Absolute'."

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