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I wanted nothing more than to shrink into the side of Vlad, but he held my arm tight keeping me from hiding. "You are the most magnificent creature here," Vlad said, I looked out at the sea of hungry eyes. Each and everyone was a vampire, I was the only human. "I shan't let them hurt you." A great, pale figure approached us, he was dressed in purple and a gold. 

"So this is your pet," he said roaming his eyes over my tiny figure. 

"I am not a...." Vlad cut me off. 

"Yes, this is her."  

"She's remarkable, such a fine creature, I envy you Vlad I do," he said. 

"Maybe we could open a vein and all of us can have a small taste," a woman said approaching us. She looked like a phoenix, she had gold swirls covering the bottom of her dress. Vlad flashed his red eyes at her. 

"She is my own personal food, and I do not share. How is it everyone knows that but you Madam?" he asked pushing me behind him gently. 

"I am Countess Elena Blackcrystal," she replied. 

"Well Milady would do well to watch her words," the other count said. She huffed, said nothing more and left us. 

"Vlad, I offer you and your pet my protection," he said and shook his hand. After stern words had been exchanged the music began to play. Of course, Vlad and I had our first dance together, the hungry eyes still trained on us. I had never been a dancer, even my mother's lessons were futile I always tripped over my own feet or the bottom of the dress. After a few more notes the song came to an end, I walked to the balcony I needed some air,  and Vlad accompanied me.  

"Are you feeling me any better?" He asked, gently resting a hand on my back. I shook my head. 

"No, I've never been this uncomfortable in my life for a long time," I replied. Vlads smile dropped and the light from his face faded. "Do not take it as a negative, I do not enjoy the company of others or large events." 

"I couldn't leave you on your own," he said. 

"I know, I appreciate the gesture but I'd be happier reading in the library," I replied. 

"I know my love," he said kissing my head, "but you can't read all the time." 

"I know, but books are the only company I need," I replied. He huffed a laugh and looked out at the snowy mountains. 

"I am aware of that," he chuckled, "come, you only have to bear this for a few more hours." We walked back into the hall, Vlad picked up a glass of blood and joined the others in conversation. I stood silent at his side, my voice was lost and my confidence shrivelled. I stifled a yawn as the men discussed land and politics. 

"Are we boring you, pet?" the count we spoke to earlier said. I shook my head. 

"I fear fatigue has a grip on my soul," I replied. 

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