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All the while my Lord was away I stayed in bed, the thick sheets wrapped around my shoulders and the deer skin laid over the top.  My books were sat on the nightstand, I still didn't have the energy to sit up and read. The guards stood at my door, I had three now. Just as I was drifting off cold lips softly caressed my tender skin, I turned over and saw my Lord staring back at me. "Good rest?" he asked, gently placing his strong arms under my nimble frame, he picked me up and sat down with me in his arms gently cradling me against his chest, my head resting on his shoulder. "I hate that you're cooped up like a rat, my little one." 

"I'm still too weak to move," I replied, it was still painful to talk. 

"Are you? Or is it you don't want to go anywhere without me?" he asked, he dragged his clawed fingers through my hair, he was being extra careful as he didn't want to catch any of it with his rings. 

"A mixture of both?" I said. 

"I won't let what happened happen again to you, you have my word little dove," he replied.  I didn't say anything, he wiggled his leg nervously bouncing me gently. "The nobles won't be here for much longer, then you and I can go back to how we were," he kissed my head softly. 

"There is no normal anymore, I feel safer here," I replied. 

"You can't hide in here for the rest of your days," he said. 

"I can, watch me," I replied. 

"My little dove, it would break my heart to watch you caged up, and wither away. You need to be free and live your life," he said, kissed my head and squeezed me tightly in his arms. "Want me to escort you to the library? It always makes you feel better."  I pushed his arms off me, he didn't have to ask me twice.  "Get changed then." I picked out my favourite lilac dress and Vlad helped me to put it on lacing my corset up which made me gasp. "Oh, I forget sometimes you still need to breathe," he chuckled. 

"It's okay," I replied and placed a hand on my stomach. Together we walked the halls my arm wrapped tightly around his, every vampire who passed us I shrunk into Vlads side. 

"Come on my little dove, you can't be scared of everything,"  he said and stroked a cold hand over mine reassuringly. The guards rattled behind us as they followed, my lord opened the doors for me and I wandered in, the guards stood outside guarding us. He started the hearth for my and then reclined on the chaise lounge. "What are you in the mood for this time?" I ignored his question and continued looking over the spines of the many books, my slender fingers tickling each and everyone. I hummed to myself. 

"I don't know, there's too much choice," I replied looking around at him.

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