5. Betrayed

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*It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend..... who betrayed.*


We were best of friends. Always together, inseperable. Our high school friends used to call us S3, Sarah, Sabrina and Shaun.

We used to eat together, drink together, party together and even sleep together (just like friends night out).

I, Sarah, had a secret crush on Shaun, from the time we became friends but I was too self-effacing to confess. Infact the only one, who knew about my love for him was the forth S in my life, Sharon, my secret diary.

I would pen down each and every emotion of mine in the diary as I knew it would keep my secret, a secret.

Then came the most ill-fated day of my life, My mom's demise. Sabrina and Shaun became my pillar of strength. Shaun had to go back home at nights as his younger sister was living with him and he couldn't leave her alone.

But Sabrina, she was always by my side. I was crest-fallen and used to cry a lot. Shaun too used to meet me at day time but she.....she was the one who held me, hugged me, wiped my tears and made sure I stay happy. It was because of her that I was back to normal in a short duration of time. Though I used to miss my mom a lot, but she had become my new mom, cooking for me, scolding me on my mistakes and making me smile, doing everything that a bestie can do for a friend in need.

It went for almost a month and then Sabrina had to go back to her condo as her parents were coming to visit.

I was again left alone in my apartment. The next day, I got a call from Shaun, he invited me for a dinner. I was stunned at his invitation. We had never gone out alone. It was always me, Sabrina and Shaun.

I was damn excited. Loads of questions arised in my mind. Does he feel for me? Is their any chance that he likes me? Or Is it just a dinner as Sabrina is busy with her parents?

I kept all thoughts aside and decided to go. I felt as Lord has given me this chance...... A chance to confess my true emotions for her.

I dressed in a bottle green tunic and left my hair open. I wanted to look good but not over dressed. He came sharp at seven thirty and we started for the restaurant.

Throughout our ride, Shaun was very quiet, as if he is in deep thoughts. I was sure that his mind is in turmoil for something.

When we were seated, we ordered our meal. He seems quiet nervous. I too was feeling butterflies in my stomach. After  thinking for like fifteen minutes, he finally spoke.

'Sarah, you are my best friend. We know each other from like eight years. I have always considered you as the most sensible and thoughtful person out of us three. So I want to tell you something and want your suggestion ... as it is a matter of my future.'

I was feeling anxious now. I tried to sound composed and said,'Shaun, we have shared each and every trouble of ours with each other and had always by each other's side. So you know that you can count on me. Tell me,.....what is the matter?'

He smiled and said,' Sarah, Sabrina confessed her feelings for me. She told me that she loves me.... Its not that I don't like her but I have always treated her as my bestie as I treat you. I don't know what to do. Should I say yes and give our relationship a try? But if it doesn't work, it will effect our friendship. I am in a deep trouble Sarah. Please tell me what should I do?'

His words were like a dagger that stabbed my heart a multiple times. It was becoming hard for me to control my tears but.......Sabrina was my best friend. She was more like a sister to me. I couldn't repay for what she had done for me.

This thought was enough for me to be calm and respond, so I said,' Shaun, Sabrina is a good girl and you already know that. Don't you have any feelings for her?'  He looked towards me and said, ' I do have but not sure if I should say or not. I'm scared you know.'  I smiled and said,'Only that you are scared of the consequences and the ifs and buts.......doesn't mean that you should back off. You like her and thats enough reason to give it a try.'

He was thoughtful for a while and said,'Thank you so much Sarah. I too had the same thought but was confuse. You have cleared my doubt. I would wait for the right moment and meet her.'

I smiled and said,' Shaun, don't wait for the right moment to come. Just hold the moment and make it right. Just meet her right now and tell her that  you too feel for her.'

'Are you sure?', he raised his brow and asked.

'Yes. Damn sure.'

He got up, hugged me tightly, thanked me again and left.

I was in no condition to hold my tears any longer. I burst into tears. I wanted to gi back home and tell my pain to my secret friend, Sharon. I ran towards my home. Tears couldn't stop falling down. Almost after running like half an hour, i reached home.
I went in my room, lied down on my bed, burried my face on my pillow and cried till eternity.

I could feel a sharp pain in my heart and the only way to get out of it was to pen it down. I opened my side drawer to look for my diary. It wasn't there. I searched in my cupboard, my book shelves, my study table and almost everywhere.

It was nowhere. I was feeling despondent. Where could it be gone?... and then I remembered......
Two days ago... I was in my kitchen making breakfast. I woke up early that day and wanted to surprise Sabrina. I set the trey with food....and went towards my room.

When I entered .... Sabrina was sitting near her bag. She was packing her stuff. When she saw me she was a bit shocked..... I was a bit confused at her reaction but didn't pay much attention.

Now, I had realized..... Why she was shocked? Why she left in a hurry? And why she suddenly confessed her feelings to Shaun?

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I felt..............



Hey amazing buddies. Another update for you all.

This story dedicated to mahnoor2920 as it was her suggestion to write something on  cheating in friendship. Hey mehnoor, I hope I did justice to the story.

Please read, vote and support.❤

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