[ 3 ]

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Focusing at the familiar sensation you were feeling on your back, you couldn't help but let out a low groan. Satisfied with the pressure that is currently being applied, you obediently lay on the bed and let the magic occur. Combined that with the calming scent of lavender with a hint of rosemary, you couldn't decipher whether or not if this was truly reality.

Continuing to let yourself sink into the mattress, you couldn't help but be annoyed at the stare that you were getting.

" A little harder on my shoulder blades?"

Feeling a heavier pressure applied to your tense shoulders, you could only sigh and not enjoy the entire experience because of a particular someone.

Despite you wanting to ignore it, luck was apparently not favouring you today. Well, you should have known that ignoring was never an option.

Hissing at a particular hard jab, you felt the pressure being lifted along with a line of apology. Little shuffles were then heard, until the person was standing a good distance away from you.

" I... apologize?"

Scrunching your eyebrows at his tone, you were confused why he was using it. Turning your head around to meet his gaze, you offered him a curious look.

" Do you need anything, Namjoon?"

At the mention of his name, Namjoon uncomfortably directs his gaze anywhere but you, obviously trying to avoid your questioning.

" You seem weird today," you commented, " Do you perhaps have a fever?"

Quickly scanning his body, you tried to find out where the problem lies. Reaching your arm up to position it against his forehead, you tested his body temperature.

Seems normal.

While you were busy trying to come up with a potential reason, Namjoon could feel himself flushed in surprise. Stunned at what you were doing, he couldn't help but stared at you, wide eyed.

Noticing how shocked he seemed, you removed your hand away, and chuckled.

Raising your left eyebrow, you teased, " Why are you so stunned?"

Flinching at getting caught, Namjoon's face continued to burn a crimson color.

" I-I..."

Seeing how you manage to make the overly wise Namjoon speechless, you decided that it would be better to save your teasing for another day. After all, there are more important things to talk about as of now.

" I trust that you will be more than capable of taking care of yourself," turning around, you relax against the soft material, " If you don't, I don't think that you have the ability to be by my side."

Namjoon, a person who has been with you for years, is also a master in his own rights. Unlike Taehyung, Namjoon is well versed in the realm of medicine. Having memorized countless documents from ancient manuscripts to the most recent, Namjoon could be considered as a living medical dictionary.

With how long you have known each other, you know more than anyone how powerful Namjoon can become if he would put some effort in building his public relations. However, no one could ever be that perfect, every person has at least a flaw of their own.

" ... yes, your majesty."

There it is again.

" You don't have to be so formal, Namjoon," you reminded him, " We, basically, have known each other for most of our lives."

Not only has he learned many valuable information from the countless documents he had read, it had also somewhat affected his ability to be casual with others. Normally, it would only happen when he is with friends and whatnot, but never with you nor Taehyung. However, Namjoon seemed to become much more closed off the moment you guys took up your positions within the palace.

Maybe it was the difference in rank, but knowing Namjoon, he wouldn't have cared so what's the actual reason?

" But, yo—"

You interrupted, " No, I know what you are going to say... I don't care if I am your current superior."

Pushing yourself to your knees, you drowsily sit on the bed, still feeling the impact from earlier.

Sighing, you continued, " Namjoon... before becoming the monarch, you were my friend first. You should know this better than anyone else, Namjoon... that our roots are intertwined."

Hesitantly nodding at your word, Namjoon seemed to be more conflicted than before. You, this time however, waited for him to sort those feelings out himself.

The moment he called your name, you nodded and moved on, careful to not make him too uncomfortable.

Rubbing your back, you asked, " My back is fine, right?"

" Your back is fine. The soreness you are feeling is your body's reaction to such an abrupt impact."

Nodding at the reasonable answer, you reach your right hand over to your left shoulder and massage them, attempting to relieve your shoulders from its tense state.

" Hwan is really big nowadays, she must've thought that she is still a puppy," you said, finding how cute she is.

However, thinking back to earlier, your body couldn't help but shudder at the feeling.

Groaning at the heavy weight on top of yourself, you tried to push them off but to no avail. Somewhat having an idea who this could be, you definitely have to handle it with care. If not, someone was going to be extremely mad at you.

Suddenly, you felt a chilling sensation on your left cheek, feeling a shiver wrack your body. Instinctively you brought your hand up to your cheek and wiped the substance off your skin. Wrinkling your face at the substance, you helplessly ruffled the big ball of fluff that was currently nibbling at your neck.

Purring at the feeling, it digs its head to the crevice of your neck and cuddles into you.

Normally, you would have also cuddled into the pile of fur if you were in a more private setting. However, with Taehyung screaming at someone, that scenario seemed far too out of reach, especially with you being stuck under a portable comforter.

Unable to contain your exhaustion, you let out a sigh, wondering why no one was helping you.

Am I really that cuddly? Why does everyone have to hug me today?

You flapped your arms around, silently gesturing for help which was thankfully answered by General Kim's assistance. Lifting up the large body off you, he also assisted you on your way back to your feet.

Feeling painful pricks continuously nib at your feet, you waited for some moments to get blood to travel back to your asleep lower body.

Patting your attire to get rid of any dirty particles, you looked over to the pile of fur that was now hiding behind a certain person. You would have deceived yourself for its pitiful form if you didn't see its excited eyes, piercing at you.

Looking up, you met the new arrival's eyes who was awkwardly rubbing his neck, silently apologizing for his dog's actions.

" You should have put her on a leash!"

Taehyung, who had seemed to fully restore all his energy, was full on ranting at the person situated opposite of you, who was now pouting because of the lecture. He then looked over to you, silently sending another apology in the stead of his dog.

" You don't have to go that far, Tae," you reassured him, " Besides, Hwan didn't hurt me. I was just taken by surprise by the abrupt greeting."

Clapping your hands, you looked over to Hwan and signaled her to come over. While waiting for her to enter your arms, you shot Tae a soothing look, hoping to ease him up. As expected, Taehyung could only helplessly sigh and stop his ranting.

Watching your interaction with Hwan, Taehyung couldn't help but pout. However, that was dismissed by all of you.

After having your share of exercising with Hwan, you look up and smile at the male who was proudly admiring you and Hwan the entirety of your little playtime.

Picking yourself up from your kneeled position, you walked over to the group with Hwan happily following your steps.

" How have you been, Hoseok?" You greeted.

Smiling in return, Hoseok replied, " I have been doing well, you're majesty."

Happy that he was doing alright, you threw a stick in the opposite direction, waiting for Hwan to go and retrieve it.

" That's good to hear. After all the mishaps within the palace, at least someone is doing well."

" I'm hoping that I'm not the only one," Hoseok chuckled at your response, " How have you been doing, your majesty?"

" I—"

" You definitely aren't the only one doing well." Taehyung interrupted, "Besides, I am sure that Y/N is doing quite well."

Not knowing what to do, you could only shut your mouth, and tried your best to give a natural smile.

Immediately after, the atmosphere became a little too awkward for your liking.

Shooting Taehyung a glare, you silently warned him of his actions. However, not only did Taehyung not look apologetic, he even did a little 'hmph' to prove his point.

Lucky for you, with Hwan rushing back to the group, placing the stick in front of you, dispersing the tense atmosphere was much more achievable.

" I'm doing fine, Hoseok," directing your gaze to meet Hwan's, " Hwan is getting so big."

As if waiting for the particular comment, Hoseok happily nodded, reaching his hand over to pet Hwan.

" She indeed is," Hoseok smiled, " Though, she seemed to be a little puppy yesterday to me."

Noticing how fond Hoseok is towards Hwan, you silently coo at how closed they were. However, that was cut short once again by the one and only Royal Consort.

" That dog's too big, it might even endanger your majesty's life with its weight," Taehyung interjected, " Yeontan is much better."

Normally, you would have dismissed the comparison if it was between the two of you. However, with Hoseok being here, you cannot just let him act whatever way he wants to. You knew that Taehyung did not fully intend to insult Hwan, but it was enough to offend Hoseok.

Even after your initial warning, he still decided to disobey your words.

Looks like I spoiled him too much.

Instead of repeating your previous reaction, you decided to ignore the male next to you and instead focus on who's opposite of you.

Seeing how awkward things have been, General Kim decided to intervene in an attempt to lift the tension.

" May this servant ask the Noble Consort the reason for you being here?"

Previously nervously glancing at the bush nearby, Hoseok perked up at his title and smiled in return.

" Originally, I did not plan to go out today," Hoseok explained, " However, this little rascal hasn't quiet down since last night. As a result, I figured to get some exercise while at it."

Nodding at his response, an idea suddenly came, whooshing into General Kim's mind.

" If you do not mind my suggestion, your majesty," General Kim looked over to you, " Since the Royal Consort is training his physical body, if we were to have another person join, he would have a partner to practice with."

Curious at what he was hinting, you urged him to elaborate.

" To be more specific, I think that the Noble Consort would be the perfect candidate."

Looking between the two, you contemplated at the suggestion.

Hoseok was quite agile by just how he carried himself. His moves also seemed quite sharp but with him wearing a hanbok, you can't really figure out if it was true or not.

While you were busy thinking about the possibility, the mentioned couple were glancing at each other, too shocked to say anything. However, before Taehyung could even think about denying it, you beat him to his own game by fiercely glaring at him. Making direct eye contact with you, Taehyung couldn't help but cowered slightly, unable to utter a witty comment. Looks like your little tiger has lost once again.

Smiling in triumph, you couldn't help but puff your shoulders slightly, proud of winning your guys' little game.

" Hoseok, what do you think?," you asked, " Would you mind being Taehyung's partner?"

Looking at Hoseok, you can immediately sense his nervousness and hesitation at your offer.

If you were being truthful, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have Hoseok accompany Taehyung. However, you weren't a pushover, you wouldn't force Hoseok to so something he doesn't want to. Though, you still hope he accepts your offer.

"... I would be more than happy to do so," Hoseok said, " However, would the Royal Consort not mind my presence?"

" Of co—"

Before Taehyung could reject the idea, you interrupted, " No, Taehyung definitely would not mine. Am I correct, Taehyung?"

Shivering at your tone, Taehyung immediately nodded.

Satisfied with his response, you happily entrust Taehyung's training to General Kim and Hoseok.

" Then I'll entrust Taehyung to the both of you," you said.

" Of course, your majesty."

" ... Yes, your majesty."

At the tone of Hoseok's tone, you were reminded of a certain etiquette used specifically within the palace.

Pretending to be oblivious to his tone, you looked at him, confused.

" Do... you perhaps need anything, Hoseok?"

Hoseok, realizing that he got caught red-headed, could only sheepishly nod his head.

As expected, you had to fulfill a request of his for the time he would spend with Taehyung.

Although the palace could sometimes be considered to be quite mysterious, whenever it comes to favour, there is no grey space, only black and white. If you have asked a person for a favour, expect that person to do exactly the same to you when they need it. That's the basic rules that all need to understand when entering the palace.

If not, it's easier to die than to live within the palace walls.

Knowing this, you had to grant Hoseok one of his requests. Though, until now, you could tell that he is not a malicious person, but it's better to be extra cautious now that you are always the center of attention.

" Tell me."

Not meeting your gaze, your mind immediately branches out to various possibilities.

Maybe he wants me to get him something? Or maybe to grant Minister Jung an audience with me... Maybe he ... wants a divorce.

Somehow, your heart unexpectedly tightens at the thought of Hoseok leaving. With just a few months of knowing him, you have grown quite fond of his bright personality. However, your expression still remains composed as you wait for Hoseok's reply.

" I would like to go outside."

" Hmm?"

Surprised, no shocked at his utterly humble request, you couldn't help but let out a confused expression. You understand that this man is not like others but how is he so innocent to ask for such a thing?

Seeing your unresponsive state, Hoseok couldn't help but be uncertain at his request, thinking that it might be too much. As a consort who serves the monarch, he technically can't have any public relations outside of the palace so he understood that his request was quite absurd. However, he had seen the Royal Consort leave the palace a few times so he figured that it would be alright, but does have to ask for your permission first.

" You want to go outside?"

Directing his gaze to the voice's direction, he nodded, confirming Taehyung's question.

" Hoseok... you do know that you could go out whenever you want right?" You asked, " Or was there any misunderstanding that I have yet to catch on to?"

Immediately shaking his head in response to your question, " No, you did say that but I figured that it was only ... out of politeness... I'm sorry."

You gently waved your hand, dismissing his apologies, " No it's fine. If you want to go outside, then go ahead. I don't restrict people from those types of things."

Hoseok happily yet hesitantly nodded and thanked you. Somehow, the way you had phrased that particular sentence sounded quite off to him. However, Hoseok ignored it and thanked you for your kindness.

Nodding at his response, it seemed like the perfect time to end the conversation. And with that you went back to caressing Hwan's soft fur.

Unfortunately, that memory was cut shorter and more abruptly than you would have liked to admit.

" Y/N? Are you listening to me?"

Flinching at the mention of your name, you were snapped back to reality with Namjoon yelling your name.

" I apologized. What were you saying?"

Knowing how your mind tends to drift away whenever you just experienced a dramatic scene, all Namjoon could do was helplessly sigh and restart.

" It's alright," he said, turning back to what he was doing, " This is a combination of lavender and chamomile which would help relax your nervous and digestive system."

After he had finished combining the two scents, Namjoon makes his way to the chair nearby, settling down on it. Picking up the book on the little table nearby, he gently flipped through the pages to where he previously was.

On the other hand, you have once again lie down on the mattress, your muscles silently aching at every movement you do. Ignoring the pained feeling, you take a moment to inhale the air within the room, noticing how the fragrance was indeed different from the previous one and slowly relaxes your body.

" You know what Hoseok asked me today in return for being Taehyung's partner?"

" The Noble Consort?" Namjoon questioned.

" Mhm... he asked me to allow him to go outside."

In response to your comment, Namjoon hummed in interest while still focused on the content of the book.

" Hoseok, that child, sometimes reminds me of Taehyung," you said, " Although they have similar personalities, each of them still shine in their own way. While Taehyung is bubbly and cheeky, Hoseok is ... quite innocent when you get close to him."

" Innocent and a child? The Noble Consort is only a year younger than you," Namjoon replied, " More than that, he is turning twenty-three this year."

Rolling your eyes at his sarcastic response, you continued to breathe in the calming scent, continuing to feel your body relaxing.

Now that he mentioned that, most of the people that are within your inner circle are quite similar to you in age, with the exception of a few. Maybe it's because all of you are so young that you guys have bonded through your high ambitions. However, even if they were to be in your age group, they still have to have similar roots as you.

So how did these people manage to befriend me when it has only been 3 months?

Deciding to dismiss the question and postpone to another day, you answered, " I understand that Hoseok is the same age as you and is an adult. However, the way he carries himself just reminds me of a curious child, especially whenever we talk in depth about a particular subject."

No, more like a curious child who has been deprived of the most basic education about the way of life.

Somehow, Namjoon found himself nodding in agreement with your observation.

" Also, with how often he smiles, and so brightly even, just proves the point of how much innocence he has," you added.

Sometimes, you envy how positive Hoseok is in any situation. Just having a genuine smile in a tense situation can brighten the entire room up. However, not many can be as positive as that.

" He might seem innocent to you but why would a noble, who has spent his entire existence bathing in riches would suddenly go out to the dirty streets?"

Thinking about what Namjoon just said, it really truly doesn't make sense. Hoseok, who can have all the things he wants in the world yet still remains to be so innocent and humble. How unbelievable it sounds.

Is this really the real him?

" I'll send someone to investigate him further," you said, sitting up, " They found almost nothing suspicious about him during the first round of inspection. Maybe, he is hiding something much deeper..."

"... or is working as a spy for Minister Jung within the harem."

You nodded, expression sharpened at the possible thought. It was a possibility that you have already thought of but ultimately dismissed it after the initial investigation. However, it seems like you should be diving deeper, much deeper. In any case, preventing the worst possible outcome should always be the top priority.

Though, I hope that my intuition is right about you, Hoseok.

" Be careful, Y/n." Namjoon warned, " You never know what or who is involved."

Silently thanking him, you make your way out of the comfort of your bed and begin walking towards Namjoon.

" Jungkook."

At the mention of his name, Jungkook quickly opened the door and entered.

" Yes, your majesty."

" Go and invite Taehyung to come over," you ordered, " Quickly."

Immediately after, Jungkook then greeted you and ran out the door, feeling the need to hurry and bring the Royal Consort back with how urgent you seem.

Knowing this was not the time to question your words, Jungkook focused fully on bringing back the Royal Consort as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, you settled on the seat positioned around the center table, waiting for Taehyung.

After what seemed like quarter of an hour, your chamber doors finally opened.

Normally, you would have waited for Taehyung to even out his breath, but with the possibility of a rat within the harem, there was no time for that.

People might say that you are being too abrupt but with personal experience, how could you repeat the same mistake?

Waving your hand to dismiss Jungkook, " You can leave, Jungkook. We'll be fine."

Nodding at your words, Jungkook then exited the room, knowing to leave your courtyard fully.

You gestured for Taehyung to settle on your right side while Namjoon took the seat left of you.

" Taehyung, I apologized for suddenly calling y—"

Feeling a light gust of wind entering the closed space, you stopped yourself from saying anything further, " Looks like we have another guest."

Quickly standing up from your spot, you quietly make your way towards the shelve on the left side of the room, and grab your sword, that was proudly displayed on the main compartment.

Blazefury, a bonguk geom made especially for you by one of the most skilled blacksmith in the nation, maybe even wider than that.

The single-edge sword was quite long, making it much easier to injure the enemy at a greater distance. Like any other sword, the blade itself is quite sharp. With how much time you put into taking care of your sword, the blade still reflects whatever is put in front of it. The handle of the sword is a deep red, while a scarlet tassel is attached at the hilt, contrasting with the silver metal of the blade.

To say the absolute least, you couldn't be any more honoured to have this sword within your possession. After all, the sword is a masterpiece on its own, even without having to say who brought this sword to life.

Unsheathing the sword from its leather scabbard, you pointed it towards the window opposite of you.

Smilingly, you slowly close the space between you and whoever was behind the thin windows.

Though, you do find it weird that the person is not moving even after finding out that they have been caught.

How could they be so careless to hide behind a window composed of mostly paper? To spy on me? No, there are other ways. Maybe they just want to finish me?

When you are finally in front of the window, placing your left hand against the window, feeling the rough paper on your fingertips. Gently tracing the outline of the frames, you wickedly lengthen the moment much to other's displeasure.

To you, however, it truly doesn't matter if you were to open the window now or later. After all, even if they want to escape, it would be too late to even move a meter.

The only thing that would make you hesitate is if the person would call for backup. You would be able to handle them all, but with Taehyung and Namjoon here, both yet to master any type of martial arts except for the most basic defence exercises. Looks like you have to prepare for the absolute worst.

Finally gathering force to your left hand, you forcefully open the window, purposely creating a large bang.

However, before you could even register what was about to come, the person in front of you dropped their weapon, silently surrendering.

While you on the other hand felt your smile getting wider, eyes sparkling in interest.

" What are you doing here, Panther?"


Bonguk geom - a type of sword or sword skill. It is said that the phrase 'bonguk geom' originated from the Hwarang of the Silla dynasty. As a result, it could even be called as Silla Sword or Singeom. Bonguk geom literally means 'national sword.' The appearance of it is quite similar to a katana ( I believe it is the sword used in August D's track, Daechwita but please correct me if I am wrong).

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