Staying Strong

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Leaving SHIELD was hard. It may be extremely dangerous, but there's no better job then protecting the innocent and saving the world. But the best part of all is being able to work with the man that I love. It's hard to believe I would be doing that anymore. Well, maybe I might come back after the baby is born. But even then, being a stay-at-home mom sounds great.

The end of the month rolled around faster then I expected it would. Tomorrow would be the twenty-third, and that would mean the 'growing pains' would be back any day now. Steve and I hadn't forgotten, but we've been on our toes.

Tomorrow, we were going to spend the day at SHIELD. We didn't want to take any risks this time, should something go wrong. But for tonight, we were going to stay at our apartment.

It was late at night, and I was having a hard time falling asleep. I was restless, and the bed just felt as hard as a rock. Not to mention my aching back. 

I was lying on my back, staring at the ceiling. I ran my hands through my hair and took a deep breath. Maybe I'm just a little stressed out. Being a parent for the first time is overwhelming. Not to mention that we have less time until the baby will be born.

I look over at Steve. He was sleeping shirtless on his side, and he was snoring every so lightly. At least one of gets sleep. It will most likely be that way when the baby is here. But I could be wrong.

I pull the blankets up under my chin and continue to lie flat on my back. I take a long deep breath and close my eyes. But that didn't last.

I jump up under the blankets when the sudden pain hits me. I wince and clutch my stomach, trying to fight the pain. But it's stronger then I remember it being. More painful.

"Steve." I say through gritted teeth, giving him a smack on the shoulder. He groans and silently calls out in his sleep, "Hmm?"

"Steve!" I yep as it hits again. I punch Steve harder in the shoulder and he springs to life, but not in a graceful way. He rolls over on his stomach and falls off the bed, landing with a loud THUMP. But he springs up on his feet in seconds when he hears me cry out in pain.

"Alice, what's wrong?" He rushes around the bed and kneels next to me.

"It's early. The pain. Stronger." I say through gritted teeth. I grip his hand, squeezing it tightly as I fight through another wave of pain. It's so much stronger. And the waves of pain are getting closer together.  "C-Call someone. Call Bruce." I manage to say.

Steve quickly stands to his feet and dives across the bed, landing on it hard making me bounce extremely hard. I scream this time, making Steve dart right back to me. "God, Steve! Why the hell did you do that?" I say angrily.

"Quicker way to the phone. Sorry." He apologizes.

"Don't apologize to me! Call Bruce!" I snap. I roll over on my side and pull my knees up as far as they will go, curling up into a ball. I whimper as the pain continues to surge through me. 

My vision blurs from the tears that were welling up in my eyes. I could hear Steve talking to someone on the phone. And I hope to God that it's Bruce. But I can't hear anything very clearly right now. My ears are ringing and sounds are echoing. Steve is kneeling back my side. His hand brushing hair away from my face offered some comfort. I feel a tear slide down over the bridge of my nose and continue to slide all the way down to the pillow. Steve's hand cups the side of my face, his thumb swiping up and down my cheek. He suddenly ends the phone call and tosses the phone onto the other side of the bed.

"Alice... Bruce is... hold on... fight it... love you..." Is all I can understand.

I grip his hand tightly as the pain surges again. His other hand falls on my belly. Thought the blurred vision that I have, I can see his expression change. I've seen Steve cry before, but that was only once in a while. But I thought that I could see tears on the brim of his eyes.

"Alice... this is... the baby... so strong..." He kisses my forehead and takes my hand tightly in his, but then my grip loosens. And things begin to fade. My breathing slows down and the ringing finally die down. The pain, well, it's still there, but I find myself not reacting to it.

"Hey! Alice don't close... Keep your eyes open... Look at me..."

But I couldn't keep my eyes open. I was slowly drifting off. I feel Steve's hands cup my face. The tone in his voice becoming more and more frantic. But then I don't feel anything.


A/N: Sorry, I've been so busy with school lately. Teachers. They never know when to stop handing out assignments. But let's not rant about school. I've got other things. I need an opinion! I currently have three stories that I am debating on publishing. However only one will be posted in the end. So, I really need an opinion. 

1. End Of The Line - Takes place during The Winter Soldier and involves a love triangle.

2. Falling For The Flame - A Fantastic Four Fan-fiction 

3. Dripping Crimson - A totally new idea! I fell in love with the movie Crimson Peak. Haven't seen it? It's amazing! So I thought it would be fun to try my hand at a story for that one. However, I'm still trying to develop a good story line for that one.

So these are the ones that you can choose from. Comment on which one you would like to read! If results don't come in, I will not post any of them until I am almost done with Beau And Arrow or Vibranium Strong. But if I get results, I will post the new story on March 1st! 

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