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"Oh my God."

the words left Seokjin's mouth.

"Hyung! I was just about to tell them!" Namjoon shouted.

"It's okay, oppa. It's called vitiligo. Its a pigment difficency in my skin. And before you ask, No, it is not contagious and no, it can't be cured." Sunhi explained.

Then she was bombarded by kind words like:

"That's so cool."

"It's beautiful!"

"I kind of want it!"

Sunhi chuckled at the responses. "Ooh! Noona, are you my stylist?"

"Noona?" "Jungkook is younger than you, she's the same age as tae and jiminie. And no Kookie, she's Hobi's stylist." Jungkook pouted.

A boy who Sunhi assumed was "Hobi" or "Hoseok" cheered.

"Start getting ready guys!" Pd-nim shouted.

Hoseok grabbed my hand and rushed me into a room filled with mirrors, chairs, and makeup.

He plopped down in front of a mirror. "Hi! I'm Hoseok, but you can called me Hobi or J-hope!"

"Oh, Well hi hobi-oppa! You can call me Sunhi or Sun!" Sunhi smiled.

"So Sunhi-ah, tell me about your life!" Hobi said.

"Ah, okay. I was born in Busan, but I moved around a lot. Eventually I moved to Gwacheon and met Jinnie-oppa. I enjoyed my time until I met this one guy. I had always been insecure because of my vitiligo, so I clinged to the first guy that said he loved me."

"He was a terrible boyfriend, but I broke it off when I found him cheating on me."

"I went to college in America for two years, which Jinnie didn't like very much." Sunhi chuckled. "I came back realizing that Korea was my home and where I felt more comfortable."

"And boom, here I am." Hobi listened to the girl intently as she told her story. He enjoyed it.

"Wow~" he said.

Sunhi chuckles at him response and continued doing his makeup. Once she was done, he looked at himself.

"Omo! You're better than my last stylist." Sunhi bowed. "Thank you hobi-oppa."

They went to the room where they were having they were having the music video shot. Leaving the stylists in the room alone.

"Hi! My name is Choi Hana! Nice to meet you!" A kind girl a little older than Sunhi walked up and introduced herself.

"Oh Hello, Hana-unnie. I'm Yoon Sunhi." Sunhi bowed smiling.

"I'm sorry if this bothers you, but your disorder seems very interesting. can you tell me more about it?" Hana asked.

"Oh sure. It's caused by the white blood cells in your skin killing the pigment, causing white blotches. It's pretty rare in White and Asian people due to us having less Melanin in our skin anyways, but it's most commonly found in people with darker skin."

Hana nodded, intrigued by what causes it.

"Actually it also causes a whole heap of trouble due to it being an auto-immune disorder. Therefore I also have Hypoglycemia which is low blood sugar." Sunhi finished explaining it.

"Wow~ it's really interesting!" Hana said.

Sunhi laughed. "Actually, that's how I got into makeup. Because I used to work so hard to cover it up with makeup." Hana nodded.

The stylists talked and laughed until the boys came back in. 

Hoseok smiled and skipped towards his seat. "Hi Sunhi-ah!" He sat down and Sunhi began to touch up his makeup.

"Hey!" Sunhi smiled. She began to touch up his makeup. That's when he started doing a V-live.

"Guys~ look at our new stylist. Sunhi-ah said hi." he showed the camera toward Sunhi, but she ducked behind the chair. "Sunhi-ah~"

"No~ Stop~" Sunhi whined. Hoseok laughed. "She's a little baby." "I'm twenty-two idiot."

"Yah, that is no way to talk to your elder." Sunhi laughed and stood up, he immediately showed her to their fans.

"Yah~" Sunhi whined. The fans went off about how she was so pretty and how they loved her screwed up pigmentation.

"They love you Sunhi-ah." Sunhi smiled. "Thank you Army's." She smiled.

She continued doing his makeup and hair. But then, she had to put in the contacts. "Hobi-oppa. Do you want me to put in the contacts or do you want to."

"You put them in." Sunhi nodded and grabbed the contacts and put them in his eyes. he blinked a few times.

"The fans are wondering if you have any siblings." Hobi said.

"Erm, yeah. I have two brothers and three sisters. My parents stayed busy." Sunhi laughed.

"How old are they?" He asked.

"Well my brothers are older than me. The oldest is Sungyeol, he's twenty-eight. Then there is Wonho who is twenty-six. I have one older sister, Areum, She's twenty-six, she and Wonho are twins. Then I have two younger sisters, Mina who is seventeen and Yula who is fourteen."

Hoseok nodded. "I only have one sister." He laughed. "Do your siblings have vitiligo too?" he asked. "No, I'm the only one."

As if on cue her phone started ringing.


"Oppa." She answered. "Yah, Sunhi why isn't Seokjin answering his phone. Hand him the phone." she put Sungyeol on speaker.

"Hyung?" the rest of the boys looked at him.

Who was Hyung?

"Yah, you idiot. Why is my sister surrounded by a bunch of guys on a v-live." Sunhi facepalmed.

"I got her a job as a stylist, Hyung."

Sungyeol sighed. "take me off speaker."

Seokjin did as his Hyung said. Sunhi was close enough that she heard what he said.

"Listen Jin. Wonho and Areum are pissed. They don't like the idea of Sunhi surrounded by a bunch of guys. So watch out for her please seokjin. Wonho is on his way to pick her up." Sunhi sighed. 

"Hand Sunhi the phone." Seokjin handed Sunhi the phone.

Sunhi walked out of the room. "What." "Yah, honorifics." "Sungyeol. I'm an adult. I can be around guys if I want to."

"you're still our little sister, we want to defend you."

"Well don't. You're overprotective not defensive."

Oml we switched classes for the semester at school so now i'm sitting in Algebra, wanting to die :)


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