Web and Vine

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For @FandomUniv3rs3. Next oc will be Vexus. Just saying, this one was a bit confusing because it is one form for 2 cats. Next time, please do 2 separate forms for the 2 cats.

Name: Web that Catches Meals (Web) & Vine that Twines Tree (Vine)

Really happy to see Tribe cats here. People don't tend to make Tribe ocs very often, so I like this.

Web That Catches Meal: A cute name, this is very creative. I'm not sure how I like "Meal" in the name though. It doesn't seem very cat-like. (Cats don't eat bugs, soo) I think Web That Catches Bug would be better, or a specific kind of bug like Web That Catches Beetle or Web That Catches Fly.

Vine That Twines Tree: This name is very cute! I like how you used Vine and Twine, because they rhyme. It makes it very fun to say and adds a sense of... adorableness. Don't change this one, it's awesome.

Gender: She-cat & Tom

So Web is the she-cat, and Vine is the tom? See, the 2 cats 1 form thing is kinda confusing me.

Oh god, I feel like I just accidentally referenced 2 girls 1 cup.

Anyway........ Now that those dark images are out of my mind, I imagine Web as more of a tom's name and Vine as a girly name (Its so cute!) But both names do work either way.

Ranks: Prey-Hunter & Cave-Guard

Okay. This fits, Web is a prey-hunter... Web That Catches Meals catches meals........ huh. Vine is good for a cave-guard, too.

Tribe: The Tribe of Dancing Reflections

This Tribe seems very... mysterious. I like it though. Tribe names should tell us something about the Tribe, and this kinda tells me that they live somewhere by water.

Web- black she-cat with a speckled white underbelly. Yellow eyes. has a tall build like the rest of her tribe. Named after her underbelly.

Awesome! I like the speckled white, that isn't seen too often. Also, bonus points for the yellow eyes. They're very underused, and I think they're gorgeous.

Vine- Black tom with a speckled white underbelly. Yellow eyes. has a tall build like the rest of his tribe, although he has a longer, thinner tail. Named after his tail.

Ah, his tail is long and thin like a vine? I get it. I like how the two look a lot alike, it seems like their only difference is the tail. I like that.

Web-Very aggressive. She is quick to jump to conclusions and is impatient and untrusting of even her own tribemates. She is only kind to her brother, and is terrified of thunderstorms.

Cool! Her personality makes it seem like she should be a cave-guard, but whatever. She has a lot of flaws, which is good, you can never have too many flaws. She seems very hotheaded and arrogant, which are normally a personality reserved for toms.

Basically, she goes against stereotypes, which is good. I'm tired of she-cats always being the shy, soft cats.

Vine- Silent. He is very calm, but unsocial and wise. He is quick to anger, but never fights back. Also terrified of thunderstorms.

I like how you made them afraid of thunderstorms. It's amazing how you make their personalities reflect their past traumas, it's very realistic but rarely done in ocs.

This also goes against stereotypes. It's like the roles are reversed. He is not the stereotypical obnoxious tom, he's silent and wise. That is normally a she-cat kinda thing, so again, great job on this.

Backstory: As kits, they had a very traumatizing past. When they were both 3 moons old and still loners, they lived in a pile of wood near the tribe's camp in an abandoned shed. They always dodged the cats' views when they rarely passed and lived very secluded. Their father was abusive, always beating them and their mother if they made the slight mistake. After about three moons, One night, during a small thunderstorm, a strike of lightning caused their mother to miss a piece of prey. The father became furious as usual and slapped her paw across her face, but finally, mother had had enough. She tackled the tom and shredded him as much as she could, but her attempts were in vain, as before she could do much damage, he had thrown her aside. Her head had hit a rock and she died from a concussion and blood loss. The two kits had watched the whole thing. Without having any cat to tell them where to hide, as their father ran away, they were easily found and taken in by the tribe. The whole tribe raised them together, though the kits refused to be with other cats. as they grew older, they became more remote and unfriendly, though still loyal to their Tribe.

This. Is. Awesome. Like I said before, they responded realistically to trauma rather than it being forgotten. I like how both kits developed different personalities. I can see them only being friends with each other. The sibling bond is GRRRRREAT!

Don't change any of this at all.

Mates: Both None

Didn't think so.

9.5/10. The only thing that I don't love about this is Web's name. I don't think "Meal" goes well with a cat name, but other than that, this is A M A Z I N G!!

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