Chapter 3

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✨ Edited ✨

1 week later...

It had been a week. A week of jobs. A week of hearing the same thing. We were gonna get out eventually.

Eventually seemed like never. But it wasn't as hard as I make it seem. Everyone have started calling me kitty.

Mostly because of gally. But I did get in a fight with one of the track hoes. He decided to cat call me.

Didn't go well for him. I punched him a little and got me a night in the pit. Mostly because Alby understood my reasoning.

But I was currently sitting outside, waiting. The keepers and Alby were deciding my job. And couldn't help but be tense.

Alby had become more trusting of me over the week. I also got closer with newt and minho.

My first official time meeting minho, I slapped him. It wasn't intentional though he tried scaring me.


"Come on Kitty, your being slow today." Clint groaned. I was working with the med jacks today just not being very helpful.

I was good at being a med jack, I just was impatient with it. "I'm not being slow. A part of me wants to go accidentally hurt my brother."

"Just so I can fix him up." Clint scoffed lightly as I suddenly felt hands on my shoulder.

I whipped around slapping whoever behind me hard. "Ow!" Clint looked confused as I noticed the person.

"Oh... Minho right?" I mumbled awkwardly. "Yep, definitely gally's sister."

He rubbed his cheek as I looked to clint. "Got any ice?" I laughed lightly.


"Kitty?" Newt walked out of the pit looking at me. "Uh... oh... yea sorry just remembering how I met minho."

He chuckled lightly as he helped me stand up and let go of my hand. I was kinda upset about the loss of contact.

Wait, what? Stop that right now. Not happening.

As we entered the pit I noticed a few people smiling. Uh oh. What did they do now.

I stood silently beside Alby and newt waiting for one of them to speak.

"Seriously one of you talk or I swear I will smack both of you behind the head."

This caused alby's mouth to open. "Can the keeper of her please stand up."

To my surprise Gally was the one to stand. "There was no doubt we would make you a builder. But Gally demanded you be keeper with him."

I stared shocked at Alby. "Two keepers?" He just nodded.

"Might mean less people get hurt." Newt also stated. I smiled slightly.

"In that case, may I talk to Alby and Gally alone please?" The boys seemed to take the hint and all left.

"I was gonna ask you guys this anyways, but since I'm a builder I know it will get done right."

I stood up straight and sighed. "I don't like how fry has to cook our food under the rain."

"I was thinking we made a proper kitchen for him. And I also feel like we can expand the homestead."

They looked between each other. "I think we should." Gally put in and Alby seemed to agree.

"Alright. That's your guys department you decide how that's done." Gally and me exitied the pit and headed towards the other builders.

"Alright boys listen up." Gally called as they all turned out way. I wasn't paying much attention.

I turned my attention towards a table and started drawing out blueprints. "It's been decided that Taylor is a keeper alongside me."

A few boys groaned as I rolled my eyes. "Quiet!" I silenced them as they looked at me fearful.

"Come here." I grumbled. I wasn't gonna deal with idiots. They all aproached me and looked at the blueprints.

"This is our project for the next few days. And we have an even bigger one after." I showed what I thought of frypans new kitchen.

I looked around the see everyone being ok with it. "We won't start this till tomorrow though."

"Go on. You boys have the day off." I smiled lightly as the boys cheered and ran off.

I looked to Gally to see him smirking. "You'll fit right in. Actually I got a surprise for you."

He motioned for me to follow him as he led me through the field but covered my eyes.

"Gally what is it." I whined lightly. "Be patient bloody hell." Newt?

Gally uncovered my eyes to show me newt leaning against a small shack. "We thought you would like some privacy."

"So we decided to build you a little hut." Newt smiled probably happy about my reaction.

I turned around and hugged Gally tightly. "Thank you." I mumbled into his shirt.

I pulled away and turned to newt. "Well I'm gonna go get something to eat. Since you gave the builders a day off it means I get to relax."

Gally walked off as I smiled at newt. "How did you keep this from me?" I stepped closer to him.

"Well, you see love. My favorite person stopped coming to visit me all day so I was bored." I scoffed jokingly.

He opened the door and led me inside as I took In my surroundings. "I would stop the whole bloody world to see that look everyday."

This sent a light blush to my cheeks as I rolled my eyes. "Mmhm."

We decided to sit and talk with each other for a while. It was peaceful. And quiet.

But soon newt had come to ruin the fun. "Your brother is a big shank you know that right?"

I had gotten used to the weird language. "Yes newt I'm aware." I laughed lightly.

Minho came In looking between us with a smirk as a red color ran to my cheeks.

"Uh Alby said lights out." He informed us as newt frowned slightly as he gave me a hug and left the building with minho.

That boy. Is something else. And yes I'm talking about minho. My own thoughts made smile sometimes.

I laid into my back and rolled into a ball before falling fast asleep with the darkness taking over.

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