Chapter 4

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✨ Edited ✨

Couple days later...
Sorry for the time skips.

I groaned lightly as I sat up from my bed ready for the day. We were finishing Fry's kitchen today.

Let's just say when he figured out we were making him a kitchen, he became a kid in a candy store.

I couldn't wait to get it finished and start on the homestead. But I had to eat first.

I stepped out of my shack and yawned while stretching before making my way over to fry.

"You got me some food fry?" I asked which made him smile when seeing me.

"I will feed you forever kitty, you build me a kitchen, I don't call you greenie."

I scoffed lightly. "Nobody calls me greenie." I rolled my eyes as I sat at a table not far away.

"Maybe that's because kitty looks better on you." A voice said from behind me as I smiled at newt.

"Oh hush." He sat next to me and just stared at me with a smile. Something was going on with his head.

"What..." I asked softly. He grunted and shook his head as I looked forward.

I suddenly felt a hand in my shoulder as I looked back to see Alby. "Can I talk to you?"

I looked at newt then back to Alby and nodded while standing up and following him out.

He led me towards the opening of the maze as we stared down it. "Listen taylor..."

"You haven't been here long, but the second you got here you were ready to help." He was about to continue when I head a sudden yell.

My head snapped in the direction as I ran towards the med jacks. It was chaos when I entered.

Jeff was pacing back and forth while newt was trying to calm him down. Gally was yelling at a kid while Clint laid on the table.

While minho was trying to keep Gally from killing the kid he was currently yelling at.

"Hey!" I shouted catching everyone's attention. Jeff started talking quickly. "I don't know what to do Taylor."

"He's my friend and I dont-" I held my hand up and walked over to Clint. "While I'm helping him someone tell me what the hell happened."

I growled as I kneeled by Clint and pulled his shirt up to see his blooding side.

"Some gladers were practicing throwing spears." Newt began as I asked Jeff to put a rag on Clint's forehead.

"Clint was there as a precaution. But this kid accidentally threw it at Clint and here we are." He simply explained.

Clint started screaming in pain as I growled. "Gally and newt put the kid in the pit for now till we have a meeting."

I instructed. "Minho, take Jeff's place. Jeff, grab me some disinfectant, a needle, and thread."

Everyone quickly set off as I checked the depth of Clint's wound. I gave him a rag to bite on so he wouldn't scream.

Jeff came back with the supplies as I quickly disinfected my hands, the thread, and needle.

I carefully tried keeping my hands steady as I put the thread into the needle and started stitching up his wound.

I was halfway through when Clint start shaking. "He's going into shock. Hold him down!" I growled as Alby ran over to help.

I hurry and finished sewing it as Clint finally passed out. I sat down and rested my hands on my knees.

Sweat dripped from my forehead as I labored my breathing. I looked to see the others looking at me shocked.

I got the energy to stand up and I left the med jack hut and took a deep breath.

Alby came and stood beside me. "You know, without you we would have one less med jack."

I sighed. "I did what I had it do. And no. I won't become a med jack." I knew he was gonna ask.

"But I will make you a deal. Whenever I have free time away from the builders I will help on the other jobs."

"Taylor, I'm asking you because I trust you more than ever now. What do we do about the kid?" He turned to me.

"We will have to have a meeting about it. A week in The pit. We almost lost a life today." I grumbled.

"But it was also a accident. We can't banish someone on accidents." I finalized.

While Alby just nodded and went to set up the meeting, I took my time getting there.

Trying to understand how I knew what to do. But nothing made sense at all.

I finally reached the pit and walked in. All eyes were on me as I stood in the far side of the room.

I leaned against the wall waiting for the meeting to start. "We have to decide what to do about Austin."

Alby began. So that was the kid's name. "We need to take a vote in what to do."

Jeff was the first to speak up. "I was supposed to help Clint. It's my job. But he was my friend and I panicked."

"Taylor came in and saved his life. So whatever she decides is what I agree with." He concluded.

This shocked me. The other boys gave agreeing nods. Everyone's heads turned towards me.

But alby's voice brought them back. "I already spoke to her first. She recommended a week in The pit."

Almost everyone agreed but some still unsure. Zart the keeper of the track hoes spoke.

"Why only a week?" Everyone looked to me again. I sighed and took a walk down the steps so I could stand in the center next it newt and Alby.

"Put yourselves in his shoes. It was a accident. If he banished everyone who made an accident, how many of you would still be here?"

I questioned looking around. "But that also means he needs to be punished. We could have lost one of our two med jacks we have."

"A week in the pit is punishment. But it also will teach him to be more careful." I crossed my arms.

"We don't kill each other. Which also gives us a problem. Right here right now. We set rules." A few people complained but were silenced.

"We don't hurt another glader. We can't go around killing each other without punishment." I delcared.

"Everyone puts work in. We can't have people slacking while others are sweating in the sun." I grumbled.

"And I know you won't like this one but it needs to be put in place for safety."

"Nobody enters the maze except for the runners." This caused and uproar until shouted.

"Answer me this! How many names have you had to cross of that wall because of the maze?!" I asked accusingly.

Everyone quieted down and looked anywhere but in my eyes. "These rules will keep us safe."

"Let's take it to a vote." Alby said after a moment of silence. "Raise your hand if you agree with everything she has said in this room."

To my surprise everyone put of their hand. Including my brother. "Alright then."

"Keepers, let your groups know the new rules. Dismissed." As everyone left I let out a deep sigh.

"Breathe kitty." I looked to see newt beside me. He had a hand on my shoulder.

I smiled lightly as I put my hand on his. "Thank you." I mumbled.

He nodded and was about to leave when Gally walked back in. Newt took the signal to leave as Gally looked proud.

"I'm proud of you. Barely been here two weeks and changing everything." I shook my head.

"We will change things for the better." I smiled. "We will makes things better."

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