Chapter 5

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✨ Edited ✨

I've been here for 3 months and it felt like forever. The rules we put in place were sealed.

Every time a new greenie came up, it was the first thing they learned. Clint was on his feet not long after his accident.

He never stopped thanking me though. As did Alby. Alby had a run in with a beetle blade.

We were able to get him back in time and save him. But we did lose a boy not far back.

Jace, he was a runner but didn't make it out of the maze. He got stuck in there overnight and never came back.

Since then the 2 newest greenie's have become a track hoe and a slicer.

I helped in almost every job. But I rarely helped the slicers. Alby relied on me a lot more now. Looked to me for more answers.

Besides that it hasn't been any troubles. But we were getting a new greenie today.

We decided we would call every new kid a greenie until the next one comes. No other girls have showed up yet.

But I'm not complaining. The boys are family. Well, except one.

My eyes wondered to newt over in the fields. Over the months I've been here I noticed his limp.

I wanted to ask but the way nobody talked about it kept stopping me. My gaze shifted to Gally setting up for the new greenie.

We finished the updated homestead. A builder dropped a piece of wood on me in the process but got a earful back.

I looked back to newt and smiled lightly. We had gotten closer despite me being a bit distant with his leg.

I already promised myself I try and ask him to tonight at the fire. But I couldn't help but just watch him work.

"You stare any longer I would think you liked him." I turned to see minho next to me causing me to blush violently.

"Shut up." I groaned. This caused his face to light up. "Wait. Do you mean to the tell me."

I glared at him causing him to snicker. "That miss tough Kitty has a crush on the glades very own newt?"

I punched his shoulder causing him to groan. "Shank." I growled. I sometimes said the glader slange but not often.

"This is great. You haft to tell him." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "It's not a crush."

I mumbled but I knew for a fact it was. Something about him just... It pulled me.

Suddenly the greenie alarm went off as we all ran over. As I stood over the cage ready for it to open i noticed a blonde boy.

Before anyone could I jumped down and tilted my head at the boy. He seemed intimidated.

"Rise and shine greenie." I smirked. I liked to scare the new greenie. Teach them to not be afraid.

"Who are you?!" He asked a bit panicked taking a step back.

"Taylor, but most people call me kitty." I said with confidence. I stuck my hand out. "Let's get you outta here."

The boys helped him up as I climbed out. "What's your name greenie?" He shook his head confused.

"I dont remember. I don't remember anything." As the panic was obvious on his face he suddenly ran for it.

Everyone looked to me. While Alby was away I was usually in charge. Or newt. I crossed my arms tilting my head.

"Minho, go get him." I simply said. Minho went running after him catching up to him before he got to far.

"What do you think Jeff, think he could be a runner?" I asked the boy next to me.

He shrugged. "His first instinct is to run." He pointed out. Minho started bringing the boy back.

"If the tour doesn't scare him off, I'll talk to Alby about it." I decided. When minho got back the boy looked nervous around the others.

I whistled catching the others attention. "Scram boys. Back to work." I grumbled.

Everyone headed off but the boy and minho. "Minho, go get Alby. I'm not doing the bloody tour again."

Minho then came me a weird look. "What?"

"Your starting to talk like him kitty." Minho pointed out. Newt. For shuck sake.

I glared at him sending him on his way. As some of the boys started grabbing the supplies I led the boy to a area not far.

"Why do they call you kitty?" He asked. "my brother started it. Now everyone calls me it."

"Why do they listen to you? Are you in charge?" I frowned a little.

"Listen kid. Some things you gotta learn here is, we respect each other." I started.

"They respect me because I've put sweat and blood and loyalty into this place."

"And she has our respect for it. She's not in charge but she's a close second." Alby said from behind me.

"You scaring our new greenie kitty?" I rolled my eyes. "No."

"Come on greenie. Let me take you on the tour. Before kitty scares you off." I scoffed lightly as they walked away.

"What did you do this time taylor." I turned to see Gally and smiled. "Nothing."

"Greenie was asking why you guys call me kitty, and if I was in charge and stuff."

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. He always did that. It's his way of saying he is there.

"I love you sis. You can tell me anything." I looked at him nervously.

"Actually, there is something I wanted to talk to you about." He gave me a look that told me he was listening.

I started messing with my hands after he let go. "I may or may not have a crush on newt."

His eyes widened as he looked at me shocked. "Newt? The kid who's as harmless as a rabbit?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "You do that anymore they will roll out of your head."

He sarcastically spoke. "But, when it comes to newt. I'm fine with it. I trust him. And I trust him to keep you happy."

"Besides, I knew you would end up with one of the boys. I was just hoping it wasn't minho."

"Yea same." I smirked lightly causing him to smile. He kissed my cheek and we walked off towards the fire pit. Tonight was gonna be a long night.

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