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Name: Willowkit

Yay!!! My first kit!!!

Phycal discretion: mostly black pelt except for light grey underbelly like her dead aunt Whitewillow. Amber eyes.

Pretty!Unusual coloration for a cat, but interesting!

Age: 3 moons (when I start the story

Gender: she-cat

Family: Mother: Doveflower (grey she cat)Father: Night or black (I can't rember Black Bloodclan tom)Sister: Hollykit (black she cat)Brother: Tinykit (black tom with one white paw)Rank: kit

Clan: Skyclan 


Personality: shy and skidish,she feels as though she is hopeless but thinks the opposite for her siblings.

Sort of common, but not as common for kits, so that's ok although her personality is kind of Vague.

 She wishes deeply that she could have met her aunt Whitewillow,in which she got her name. 

That's cool!

She will later find out that she is the reincarnation of Whitewillow and that Hollykit is Hollyleaf and Tinykit is Scourge. 

How does she find this out?

After that she will find determination to right past wrongs.

Mate/crush: none (yet)

She's definitely way too young to have a Mate XD


The personality and Backstory are really Vague.How does she find out she and her siblings are reincarnation? What wrong is she trying to correct?do her siblings know that they are reincarnations?


I like how her fur colors relate to her family members and aren't all over the place. Many people will have an orange mother with a grey father and end  up with a  Black and white kit and a Brown kit, even if other relatives didn't have any other color relation. Willowkit is a good starting character.



I feel horrible having to give anyone low scores, but the personality and Backstory really need some work. Please don't get mad at me... Some ways to develop Willowkit more would be to please explain how Willowkit knows she is a reincarnation, and how she knows her siblings are reincarnations. Its also needs more overall information too. For the personality, You can add at least 2 good traits to balance out the bad ones.

Please keep in mind that these are just suggestions for  how to improve you OC, you don't have to listen to them if you don't want to! 

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