Chapter Sixteen

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I looked at Lysander. And then I looked at the river. And then I looked at him again.

You're probably wondering why we're here.

So the monkeys on the other side of the line was oh, so unexpectedly Sid and Bob.

And they bring nothing but bad news (no, really).

"So..." I said, "she's gone?"

"Yeah," Lysander said, "she's gone. At least now I know that zodiac signs can't kill people..."

Only he would try to make something funny when his mom's dead.

"And... she's not gone to the cookie store?" I smile sadly at him.

He laughed. "No, not to the cookie store. To cookie heaven. I wish I left with her," the smile on his face identical to mine.

No, no. "Don't think that! Think about... you get to stay on Earth! With me! And those stupid idiots Bob and Sid! And Ch-"

"What did you think I would say? I'm just wondering how cool my wings would be, gee. And I don't really want to stay with Bob and Sid." He murmured the last part to himself.

Weirdo. He only wants to know how his wings would look like? That's why he wanted to leave with his mother?

He sighed. "People come and people go."

I think that's the best (and not silly) thing he's ever said to me. Well, he was talking to himself, but it still counts. Shh.

"Yeah, people trip and people fall. Same thing." I replied.

"I was trying to say something nicer." He said.

"I know." Yeah, but it didn't work.

"I was talking to myself." He said.

"Ya, I know." I told him, "But why? It just makes you crazier than you already are."

"Sometimes, I just need expert advice. That's why." He replied.

Him? Expert advice? Those are two COMPLETELY different things, but I'm not sure he noticed.

"You said that out loud." He said.

"I said what out loud?"

"My awesome expert advice." Ohhhh. That. I think I remember now.

"Awesome? Yeah, sure." I replied. Him talking to himself just makes him ten times crazier than he already is.

"You said that out loud too."

"I did?" I asked incredulously, "Because I don't remember my mouth moving."

"I don't remember anyone taking the last bag of Cheeze-its," he said, "but it's just gone. Did it grow legs or walking away? No. But wait! I'm not saying your mouth can grow legs or anything, because that's just weird."

Who forgot I was the definition of weird? Him, that's who. And it better not be you, or I'm coming for you!

"Maybe you could make a scrapbook, to, you know, commemorate your mom." I offered, "But only if you're up for it."

"No thanks. Don't wanna, hard pass," he said, "collecting scraps aren't really my thing. Unless you have like, ten thousand bottles of disinfectant spray, ten boxes of Clorox wipes and an infinite amount of Cheeze-its."

He really doesn't understand the concept of a scrapbook.

"I get the disinfecting items and stuff but... Cheeze-its?" I asked.

"Hey! Collecting scrap makes me hungry."

"Have you ever collected scrap before?" I ask skeptically.

"No..." he said. "But I think it's going to make me hungry, so it's going to make me hungry."

I sighed. "Everything makes you hungry."

"Fine. But you can't argue that nothing makes you hungry." He had a point, but I wasn't going to say 'whatever,' because I'm not losing on this argument. So not happening today.

"Maybe you could do something else? What was the last word you said to her?" I asked. He didn't seem uncomfortable. Well, that's what I thought.

"Cheese sandwich." He told me.


"Excuse me?" I asked.

"'Cheese sandwich' was the last word I told my mom."

I tried not to point out 'cheese sandwich' is two words.

"Oh," I cough, "really?"

"Yeah," he mimicked my cough, "really."

"What were her last words?" I asked.

"You're saying this like it's an interview! You're creeping me out." He commented.

"I don't care. Now, not-kind rude sir, please answer my question." I told him.

"Cheese sandwich." He repeated.

"I swear, if you didn't hear that correctly I will-"

"No swearing, child." He said in a high pitched voice.

He's saying it like he's never sweared before.

"Cheese sandwich were the last words my mom told me."

Finally, he understands grammar now.

"What is with your family and saying cheese sandwich?" I asked, weirded out that those were his mother's last words.

"So, I asked, 'Mom, can I have a cheese sandwich?' And she was like, 'Yes, you may have a cheese sandwich.'"

"So... you didn't say thank you?" I asked.

"Well, it's not like you do." Sure, he has a point. But he can't use this against me!

I sighed (again). What is wrong with me and sighing these da-

"What is with you and sighing these days?" He asked.

My eyes widen. "Are you psychic or something?"

"Just take the 'psy' out of psychic. I'm just a chic." He said, proud.

"So you're related to a chicken? I suspected that, thanks for backing up that fact."

"I said, I'm a chic." He said.

"Yeah, I know you're a chick." I said, rolling my eyes. "Duh."

"You know, those pretty and amazing ones." He said.

"Yeah. Those pretty fluffy ones. And yellow. Good to see we're talking about the same thing." I said sarcastically.

His face showed a face of confusion. "It's a trend to wear fluffy yellow clothing? I didn't know minions were that popular..." he trailed off. "But minions are awesome."

At least I agree with him.

"I guess we should get going," I said, dusting my hands off on my pants, "it's, like, seven o'clock."

"The time where the flies attack?"

"Yeah, the time where the flies attack. Also the time where the parents attack."

He smiled sadly. "Or parent."

I didn't mean to-

"Nah, it's fine. I knew my dad was having an affair anyways. Even if she didn't, you know, fly to chocolate heaven, the would've divorced sooner or later." He said.

"Well, I'll get going." He started walking.

"You're not staying?"

He stopped.

He grinned. "Looks like someone wants me to stay."

"You know what? Just leave already," I said playfully.

"In that case, let's go home."

And for the first time in a long time (well, ever), Lysander said, "Thank you, Julia."

Yes. That's how I ended it.

Yesterday was a very emotional day yesterday because I ended my other book, Impossible.

I hope you guys liked this chapter and comment how you liked it here ->

I love you guys so much and I hope you have a wonderful day.

Dedicated to @booksaremylifeXD



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